Blackjack Pole

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by pergo56, Nov 14, 2006.


There are many types of blackjack games offered on the internet. what games are prefe

  1. Blackjack (multi player tournament)

  2. Elimination Blackjack

  3. Sit and go (1 on 1)

  4. Accumulation tournaments

  5. Player v. Dealer(single)

  6. None of the above

    0 vote(s)
Multiple votes are allowed.
  1. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    There are many types of blackjack games offered on the internet. I though it would be interesting to find out what games are preferred by the readers of this forum. Feel free to write a coment on any of the games listed.

    Last edited: Nov 14, 2006
  2. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    I like the old style blackjack tourny the best, the type at Global. EBJ style is fun also, seems to be the way things are going. I hate one on one style of tournaments. Progressive I would guess that is where you keep your winnings to the next round. I would not be a fan of that. Player vs dealer. Not a fan of.
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I really had a good time during the Global mano mano tournament. Single deck and all. Thumbs up.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Regular multi player blackjack pounds elimination blackjack by more than
    2:1 in Doc Pergos poll. Thats even more of a trouncing than invite only tournaments took! Looks like the old game is still king! Wonder if Joe will mention this on his radio show tomorrow? :sleep:
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Statistical anomoly


    As "scientific" as this is 30 responses is hardly something that could even remotely construed as a trend. There are several factors that could be responsible for the results including:

    1. Unfamiliar with the term - elimination BJ (ex. The Assassin, by his own admission on the radio show last week hasn't played UBT format)

    2. Unfamiliar with the terms in the poll - progressive vs. accumulation. Pergo by his own admission, a seasoned member here was unfamilar with the different formats

    3. Satistically insignificant number of responses (24/6000+ members) = 0.04% response rate and scientifically that is not statistically significant.

    Comparing EBJ to Conventional BJ tourneys is unfair because of the limited availability to play EBJ. It is like looking at the movie releases. Hollywood releases an "artsy" movie in 100 select theaters across the country and it brings in 1.0 million verses the mega-theater releases in 3,000 plus movie houses that grosses 15.0 million. Which is better? Which is more profitable?

    The problem with EBJ is that it is a copyright/protected playing format. I guarentee you that EBJ will not be coming to an Indian Reservation near you anytime in the near future - probably never (personal thoughts here).

    With regard to conventional BJ tourneys even those are not all the same. Some are live money, others aren't. Then you have different rules per different casino's - there is no standardization which in turn increases player dissatisfaction with the product.

    Currently for US players I believe there are only two (3) places left for us to play online TBJ - AOLfungames, and Bet21/UB/PlayUbt. Please correct me if I am misinformed about this.
  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    I would venture to say that one could look upon this pole as just a MICROCOSM :p I have heard that word before but I don't remember where I did.

    If you look close 7 players voted for different types of tournaments, and 2 voted for 3 different types

    Then there were only 24 votes registered nowhere near a true result of what ALL the players really want

    I didn't vote but if i did I'm sure everyone would know where my vote would be.

    If anyone wants to talk about this on the show call in with your voice and opinion on this subject . Kenny and I are always open to any ideas or thoughts about how to make BJ Tournaments more appealing to all.

    But it is nice to see that Barney STONED does allow his opinion to change as to what a true MICROCOSM is or isn't according to his position on the subject

    Last edited: Nov 16, 2006
  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    "The problem with EBJ is that it is a copyright/protected playing format. I guarentee you that EBJ will not be coming to an Indian Reservation near you anytime in the near future - probably never (personal thoughts here).

    Barona is an Indian Casino! LOL

    You guys should just admit it, EBJ took a 2:1 thumpin. This board has 6000 registered but lets face it only about 30 are here now after the board lost 25% post political ranting. The thing about BJT is it has a very small pool of players as it is. This is actually why it is important for UBT blackjack to make it. Lets just hope their TV show improves and they open the game to more players.
  8. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Joe Im surprised you have done so well in BJT with your analytical skills. It doesnt matter that some used multiple games, the ratio of BJT vs EBJ is
    2:1 When I come to your house, soon for a friendly visit as you and I have become very good cyber letter pals, I can try to teach you how things work. I suggest keeping a note pad and writhing down questions you might have for me.

    Cya soon,


    PS, You said you would never respond to my postings again. hmmmm.
    Last edited: Nov 16, 2006
  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Reading Glasses Needed

    Barney you are really STONED

    Here is what I said on Nov 13 @ 8:38 PM in regards to answering any of you post, read it nice and slow and digest it all.

    "Say what ever you want I will no longer respond to any of your post in regards to my tournament success or sexuality,because these questions are not sincere and are just a poor attempt by you to goad me into a CRUD WAR, and on that level I can not compete with you.If you want to compete with me on the tables "DEAD MONEY" is always welcome in"

    As you should see my post in this thread does not fall into your "CRUD" that you just love to post.


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