Blackjack tournament history

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by ptaylorcpa, Feb 7, 2007.

  1. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Here is a link to an interesting article in casino city's newsletter about the history behind blackjack tournaments. Interesting article about how it has evolved and includes a quote from Anthony Curtis about UBT format.

    Here is Anthony's quote:

    Anthony Curtis has said that "Blackjack tournaments are second easiest to slots. The Ultimate Blackjack Tour's format is more complicated than a regular Blackjack tourney, but still easier than most tournament games and definitely easier than a Poker tournament."

    Now that quote might bring out some discussion on this board.


  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

  3. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Sorry for duplication

    I guess I missed the post earlier, I just got the email newsletter.

    I would think that comparison of blackjack tournaments being only slightly more difficult to play than slot tournaments would have gotten someone's ire.


  4. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    me too.


  5. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Reachy's Avatar

    Hey Reachy,

    Cool avatar! :D Keep that one for awhile...

    It makes me think of the teacher Pink Floyd keeps referring to in "The Wall." :laugh:
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I'm involved with an off-road running race held every summer in Exmoor called The Black Death Run. It's a tough, hilly event, 9.5 miles long which goes through the ruins of a medieval hamlet that was apparently wiped out by the plague. Previously I had been involved in the design of the T shirts for the event and wanted to use the image of Dr Schnabel von Rom (my avatar) as part of last years design, but was over-ruled by "the committee". Instead they opted for a "Heavy Metal"-Lite look (Skeleton in running shoes leaning against a grave stone :( ) with luminous pink detailing on the collar and cuffs! I also thought that as well as making a stylish design for a T-shirt Dr Schnabel would also make a good "brand" image that we could use on an ongoing basis. But no, this year they have decided to maintain the Iron Maiden look, without the pink, with a slightly more artistic gravestone. Nobody wears last years T-shirt but I continue to see the T-shirt I designed around race starts all over the district! I'm not bitter...

    Why am I using it as my avatar? Well, I like the picture, it's vaguely disturbing, and, as I have mentioned before, I am recovering from "Man Flu"!



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    Last edited: Feb 9, 2007
  7. toonces

    toonces Member

    Actually, Anthony doesn't say that. He said that BJ tournaments are the 2nd easiest, with slots being the easiest. I agree with that. Well, ok, I might put the less common video poker tournaments and keno tournaments as easier than a BJ tournament.

    But his point is that BJ tournaments are much easier for novices to win than poker tournaments, and that's correct. Take a typical 100-person tournament. I think the best player in the field is probably 10-1 to 20-1 to win the tournament. In BJ, the top player in the field is probably 30-1 to 50-1 to win. So why do the same people tend to win BJ tournaments over and over again? Becuse the fields are smaller and stay more consistent (especially since most televided BJ tournaments have been invitational).
  8. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member


    This is typical of the sophomoric trivia that continualy clutters up this forum.
    Why do we have to wade thru this kind of posting to get to real information?
  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    So Fredguy, how would you classify your own posts here?
    So far, everything you've posted has been negative, from criticizing other users, to complaining about the accuracy of the event calendar.
    You do seem to like the Hilton, but other than that, you look like a pretty unhappy individual.

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