Blackjack Whore!

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Aug 27, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Yes, I am now a blackjack whore....LOL.

    Just kidding, but I have started selling percentages of myself out in tournaments. Why? No overhead and chances to play in more events.

    Anytime I can get backed or sponsored and take away "ALL Expenses" for a blackjack trip I'll do it. I get one or two people that can't make the trip or just want the action. Each backer puts up half of all my expenses and takes 1/3 of any win.

    It really isn't that bad of a deal for either of us. Like next week I am playing in 4 tournaments in Vegas, 2 of them are comp events so they have no fee's to pay unless I need to re-buy and if I lose they can write it off as a bad investment...LOL.

    For next week in Vegas I have two backers, each paying half so I am getting a free shot at 1/3 of anything I win, but I have no out of pocket money unless I lose gambling on the tables.

    I even got Swog hooked up with the same deal. Just think no entry fee's, re-buys, airfare, hotel, food, and rent car expense. I can only come out ahead, all the pressure of overhead is gone.

    I also hired a sports agent to find sponsorship for up coming events such as the UBT tournaments. Why pay $8,000 to $10,000 for these out of country tournaments when companies are willing to pick up the tab for sponsoring their business?

    I am posting not to brag, but to let players know that gambling is a hugh business now and that it is possible to get backing or sponsorship for these events.

    Hell I hope all of you get a backers or sponsorship and then blackjack events will just get bigger for all of us.

    And remember if you can't make an event call me and I'll sell you 1/3 of me...LOL.

    I know this sounds crazy, but it really works.

    Actually I not only played in the Grand Tunica, me and another player backed someone else as well. We had a $300 investment each (including re-buy) for a shot at $25,000. We actully came withing in one hand of cashing out winners for that investment.]]=]`c-
    Last edited: Aug 27, 2006
  2. noman

    noman Top Member

    Congrats TX

    Good deal. But those without should realize "you" have to be marketable.

    I think I'm ready to rent myself out as a "cooler."
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Noman, there are pro golfers and Nascar divers that I never heard of before but they get sponsorship just to have the business name and logo in the publics eye. That is why I am suggesting that you and others contact a sports agent, if you don't know how to find one call me and I'll give you a number.

    From what I am hearing about the UBT in Aruba they will have about 4 to 1 poker players to blackjack players. If that is the case everyone on this site should have a big advantage having blackjack tournament experience over the poker players.

    It won't cost you a cent unless they get you a sponsor and even then only 10% of your winnings. If your not going anyway at least this way you could walk with 90% of something instead of 100% of nothing.
  4. noman

    noman Top Member

    Agents:Sponsorships, etc, et al

    Again, TX. Great and good for you. Honestly. Hard work pays off.

    Homever, given all the paramaters involved in the TV productions, I can think of 15 beautiful girls, I've loved vicariously, getting a shot, already having locked up a spot with a sponsor or agent, and if I were on the other side, I'd choose anyone of them over me, in a heartbeat.

    You just happen to be that big thorn amongst the roses. Cause you're from Texas, where of course everything is BIG.

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