Blackjack21 anybody?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Reachy, Apr 15, 2007.

  1. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    A suggestion:

    Since blackjack21 still accept US custom why don't we all try playing over there? I always enjoyed the games, the software is pretty good, I had no complaints. Except one; there weren't enough players!!!! But if we can get a big enough player pool over there we could get some good games going. And since the forum has attracted a lot of new players in the past year that may be more viable now. Any thoughts?


  2. mikey754

    mikey754 New Member


    How do you suggest we get our money in and out?
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    How do you (US Citizens) get your money in and out of Bet21?


  4. bear

    bear New Member


    You've always provided great insight, and you've proved it yet again by making a fantastic suggestion! Thank you! (Of course I'm enthusiastic about your suggestion.... I work for BlackJack 21.) :p

    But seriously, BlackJack 21 remains and would love to have you all visit our site. We've worked hard to improve our game, which is more traditional than most, and we're hosting Sit n Go's round the clock along with Multi-Level Tournaments twice a day everyday.

    Reachy is right.... our player pool is less than large but is increasing by the day. We gave away $1,000's during our March Madness tournaments, and there will be more opportunities like this to earn some cold hard duckets.

    But more pertinent, The gang here in this forum can find a comfortable venue to play at BlackJack 21, to compete against your friends, to share ideas with one another, to create a community with one another, all while attracting and teaching others about this great game in Blackjack Tournaments.

    The Online BlackJack Tournament Market is still being defined, and we are all part of defining its existence.

    For those challenged by deposit options, we are currently processing through Navaho Networks, using eWallet Express and 900 Pay. We will soon have additional deposit methods for you, but for now these are very reputable and easy to use.

    And, I can assure you that our customer service department is always there for you. We've got 'Live Chat' and Live Phone and basically Live People willing to Help should you ever have any problems. You can email us and feel comfortable knowing you will not get a canned response. We do pride ourselves in customer service.

    Well, That's all for now! Thanks again for your suggestion, Reachy! We look forward to seeing you and others at the BlackJack 21 tables.


  5. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I love you too Bear!!!

    Seriously guys, it looks like you may be able to deposit and withdraw funds from blackjack21. I'm not familiar with the payment methods that Bear mentions; does anybody else know about them?

    Why not give it a go? Let's set up a MTT or something, deposit a small amount if you're not sure. If you are prepared to patronize Bet21 why not Blackjack21? This guy Bear actually works for them. And he's here, speaking to us!!! I've never had recourse to use CS at BJ21 but from what I have heard they are good, or at least non-automated human (or possibly mammalian).

    Any further thoughts??



    PS. The game used to be browser-based. You can now download it or continue to play in your browser.

    PPS. They have free games if you want to try before you buy.
  6. Kaminari

    Kaminari New Member


    I will have a look.....:D
  7. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Did he say he loved you??? :confused: :eek: :confused:
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Attached Files:

    Last edited: Apr 16, 2007
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    If you haven’t tried the site lately you might want to give it a try. In the past I posted several reasons (personal tastes/likes/dislikes) about the site. However with my boycott of I decided to give it another shot.

    Seems like they have an online BJT every night @ 9:30 pm EST. You get plenty of play for your money. Last night they had 8 people registered. 2 rounds with 4 playing in each round. 3 of 4 advances to the final table. At the final table the top 3 got paid.

    So why do I play at & NOT the other site? Trust. A perfect example was a recent hand that I had playing heads up. It’s the final hand and both of us have a max bet. They have 5-5, I have BJ and the dealer showing a 6. They DD for a 20. If I stand I will lose by 150, so I know I have to DD to win. On the “other site” I would be leery to DD because I’ve seen the dealer pull to 20-21 so many times that I would not have done the right play and would have stayed. At I DD on the BJ. Luckily I pulled a 10. Dealer busted so it didn’t really matter.

    My point is that once a person begins to believe that something is “fixed” or set against them it affects their judgment. Now is this rational? No. Is it a reality? Yes (at least for me).

    So if you’re leery about playing at that nameless, poor customer service, lying, non-random, promise breaking EBJ site I invite you to play at If you’re worried about having to deposit funds there I would encourage you to use their live customer support. It’s easy. Cya at the tables!

    Well what do you know? I just got an e-mail from them inviting me to the VP tourney tonight! I never got an e-mail from that "other site".
    Tournament Name

    Lunchbox Lotto
    Blue Mondays
    3:00 EST / $22
    9:30 EST / $22

    Afternoon Delight
    Tuesday with Morrie's Multi-Tourney
    4:30 EST / $22
    9:30 EST / $22

    Lunchbox Lotto
    Oscar Wild Wednesdays
    3:00 EST / $22
    11:00 EST / $22

    Afternoon Delight
    Thirty Dirty Birds Thursday
    4:30 EST / $22
    9:30 EST / $33

    Lunchbox Lotto
    Five Dime Fridays
    3:00 EST / $22
    9:30 EST / $55

    Saturday Afternoon Delight
    Saturday Night Fever Dealer
    4:30 EST / $22
    9:30 EST / $44

    Easy Like Sunday Multi-Tourney
    4:30 EST / $22

    Last edited: Apr 25, 2007
  10. bear

    bear New Member

    Hey gang,

    Bear here.... hoping everyone has their java sweetened with a lit'l luck this morning!

    Why? Because we are hosting our monthly FREE VP TOURNAMENT tonite! We encourage you all to come and check us out tonite for several reasons.

    1. It's FREE! so don't think to hard about this one....!

    2. We are giving away $600 in cash prizes to the top places

    3. Those same top places will get FREE ENTRY into the multi-tournament (Oscar Wilde Wednesdays) immediately following the VP TOURNAMENT for a shot at winning more cash!!!

    4. It's FREE! so, get your butts over to, and register!
    5. It's just darn FUN!!! so, tell your friends, colleagues, cohorts, comrades, amigos, and fine folks alike to come and join us. :celebrate

    The VP TOURNAMENT does require 30 Victory Points (VP). However, if you do not have 30 Victory Points, then call or contact our 'LIVE Customer Service' at 800-964-1508 and give them the password: DARN FUN @ Blackjack 21

    And we will grant you the points needed to register for tonite's VP TOURNAMENT. It's that simple!

    FGK42, thanks for posting the schedule.... and encouraging other players to enjoy the games at . You can find STT's all day and all night long as well as daily and nightly MTT's. I mentioned before we have a couple new merchants, including eWallet Express and 900 PAY. If you have any problems, then please don't hesitate to contact us and we'll walk through the process with you.

    And FGK42, great photo from a week ago... having been rarely photographed, you captured a truly and uncanny likeness of Bear.... you dugg deep into the archives for that one. nice work!

    Well, that's all for now. We look forward to seeing you all tonite! Until then....

    Buena Suerte,

  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Thanks for pointing that out Bear.

    Yes, tonight is a FREE BJ MTT.

    No gimicks, no tricks, free BJT! What MORE can you ask for?

    When was the last time an online company gave you MORE than they promised? Nope you thought I was gonna mention ______ (gotcha :p )

    But seriously folks stop on by and give it a try - what do you have to lose?

    The one thing that I learned this weekend in Tunica, (one lesson among many I might add) is that diversity is very beneficial. Playing one format too much creates a "bias" in my play. I had developed techniques that were applicable to that "brand" of TBJ. Like anything in life, the more your practice at something the better/familiar you get with it.

    So it may not be the flashiest. It definately isn't the fastest. It may be one of the friendliest and it's certainly funner than having to worry about getting "screwed" by other sites. :cool:

    If nothing else playing there and beating up on BarneyStone - how much better does it get? :joker:
  12. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Watch out

    <<If nothing else playing there and beating up on BarneyStone - how much better does it get? >>

    I have won 2 of the last 3 VP games. One of them I was so good I slept the entire game, literally! LOLOLOL:laugh:
  13. eliburk

    eliburk New Member


    Hey, I am a newbie but I will try - did anyone ever respond about getting the money in and out - have not heard of the two methods mentioned. Please let me know. I don't usually take money out but might soon! :laugh:
  14. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    In case you were worried...

    with 5 hours to register that are already 23 people registered for the VP tourney.

    Come on people - play in the REAL Wednesday night TBJ game where you don't have to pay AND you can win real prizes.

    Hey Joep are you up for the challenge? :cool:

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