event coming up

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by KenSmith, Jul 11, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Well, after checking it out a bit, I'm taking the plunge at

    For their upcoming Grand Opening Special event, there's been some discussion about whether it should have been called free or not. Whether you call it free or not, it is clearly a good deal. I'll be starting my qualifying process there tonight, in preparation for the $1000 freeroll on Thursday. Come on over and let's get some SnG's going.

    Sign up and play 5 real-money events at, and you'll get an entry into the $1000 freeroll.

    In a related event, you'll notice that online tournaments now are being listed in the Event Calendar. For now, there are only two venues listed:
    Events at Global Player
    Events at Blackjack21

    I think we can reasonably expect a lot more listings in coming months, and that's great news!
    Last edited: Oct 26, 2013
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Good enough for me!!

    Getting the debit card out as we speak. I was waiting for one of the big guns to take the plunge and who bigger (in the Blackjack rather than literal sense of course)?


  3. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Thursday Tournament Start Time

    I couldn't find a starting time for the "$1000 free tournament" on Thursday so I called the 1-800 number to get the facts. They said the start time and other information is posted on the website though I couldn't find it. I was told on the phone the start time would be 6 pm pacific time and registration would start at 5 pm pacific time.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Amazing I just noticed a advertisement on a page! No wonder they got the thumbs up!


  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Actually, you got that backwards. They got the ad here at BJT because they got the thumbs up. I turn down FAR more potential advertisers than I accept on my several sites.
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    What's that in GMT?

    Pacific time is 8 hours behind GMT isn't it? Going to be a late night for me assuming I can get my money in to their cashier. Need to set up Neteller as it won't accept my credit card unless I get a Secure Code which I can't seem to get. Could be because my card is registered in the UK.


  7. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Question for Kenneth

    Just so I understand... You are recommending a site that removes 10 % from their regular tournament prize pool over Global-Player that does not (3-5 every day, Wednesdays and other days)? In your opinion, players will be able to overcome the 10 % negative vig over the long haul? :joker: :joker: :joker:
    Last edited: Jul 12, 2006
  8. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    They do have a comp system that helps offset the house take. For example, off free games I have earned 330 VP points which has earned me the chance to play 11 free games wit prizes starting at 100$ for a table of 8, 200$ for two tables of 16 and so on. So, without even spending a dime there yet I have earned credit. But, I do believe it would be far better for the players to drop the take to 5%. It should still offer them a good cash flow to boot. That is if they can still offer a comp VP point system at 5%!

    And Ken Smith, in no way was I insinuating you are shilling for or anything like that. I am all for you getting advertisers and furthering your web site business. Also, I am excited to have a chance to compete against you there and at Global.

    Im out of here to play some minis in Laughlin. Good luck to y'all in the tournament.

  9. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'm not recommending Blackjack21 over Global, or the other way around. I think they both offer value to tournament players. As for the 10% question, I think it's useful to consider the actual dollar amounts we're talking about. If we're talking about a fee of $1 to play heads-up or $2 to play an SnG, I don't think that's a big deal.

    Now, if Blackjack21 launches events with entry fees of a couple hundred dollars, I'd definitely expect the vig to be a lower percentage.

    I guess my point is that noone is going to make a living playing $10 or $20 events anyway, so the question of whether a 10% vig can be overcome is not really an issue in my opinion. I think Global and Blackjack21 both offer a fantastic opportunity for players to get in practice time and improve their games.

    Now, whether the current market can support competing venues is an open question, and it's a question whose answer actually depends on how the market evolves as even more competitors launch in coming weeks.
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Can't play tourney

    Can't get my money in!!! Opened a Neteller account - won't accept Mastercard! Tried to pay with credit card, need SecureID can't set it up (is it a US thing?). To late for bank transfer! You all had a close shave!! :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


  11. Don98199

    Don98199 New Member

    BJ21 and Global

    Logged into both, registered, etc. and made deposits. Neither seems to work. BJ21 keeps saying "lost connection with server" when I try to find a game to play. Global games never seem to go--at least not the SNG's. I sign for one, wait, wait, wait-----
  12. noman

    noman Top Member


    I too am having trouble getting past the opening screen at the site,but that's my problem.

    The 10 per cent, to me isn't or shouldn't be an issue. All the poker sites take that. If the prize pool, because of entrants is large enough. it's no worse than some land sites hidden costs.
  13. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Server Connections at

    I have AOL dailup and have no problem with server connections with My sister has AOL dialup and is having the same problem you are with "lost connection" messages. Have you tried calling their 1-800 number for techinical help. My sister is going to call and see if they can help. If I find something out I'll post it.

    As far as Global is concerned it is very slow in the evenings right now with summer here. I'm always able to get a game during the $5 happy hour that runs daily from 12pm- 2pm pacific time. No vig either during happy hour which is great. I fully understand some people work for a living and can't join in for happy hour's.
  14. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I just received this from Blackjack21:

    [FONT=&quot]3 important notices![/FONT]

    [FONT=&quot]A. Tonight is the big night for our free $1,000 tournament for which you have qualified.[/FONT]
    [FONT=&quot]Please read and follow the instructions below.[/FONT]
    1. Login to
    2. Click Multi-Table Game Link and Join the table.
    3. You will see a countdown clock for the registration time period remaining. Once the registration period is over a new clock will appear depicting time remaining before the tournament begins.
    4. Prior to the start of the game you will see the word “you” in the game box. Click on “You” Link and this will automatically sit you at the table.
    5. Between the first or second hand of each round you will see a message telling you how many people advance to the next round.
    6. The next round will start five minutes after the end of the last table in the previous round.
    7. If you advance to the next round simply return to the lobby, click on the “You” Link and you will advance to the next round.
    B. We have added bonus money to all players who have qualified players.

    C. Prior to game time tonight, you will see $1 added to you account. This will be deducted as you entry fee.

    Thanks and good luck!


    That message did not mention the times, but their website did...


    Registration Thursday July 13th 5pm PDT until 5:45pm PDT
    Tournament starts at 6:00​

    PDT is Pacific Daylight Time, UTC -7.

    5 PM PDT is 8 PM Eastern, 7 PM Central, 6 PM Mountain.

    Don, did you ever get your problems resolved?
  15. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    After the fact.

    Since the freeroll tourny is over, how did it go. Thoughts?? Worth while??
  16. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I think it went well. I had no connection problems of any kind, and the play seemed smooth throughout.

    I thought I saw some problems in an earlier sit and go I played, but I just went and looked at the games, and there was no problem. (You can look at the exact history of every game you've played, which is a nice feature.)

    I advanced out of round one, thanks to a very lucky last hand where I won three bets. I bombed out in round two though.

    Congrats to 'ivan' who picked up the first place win!
  17. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    My two penneth worth!


    I thought the freeroll went very well last night (this morning if you are UK based!). Unfortunately I busted out in round one ( Was BR1 until Hand 12 with min bets but when I tried to make a bit of a gap with a ½ max bet dealer had a BJ. I won back the bet next hand but a DD on a 12 to catch up on hand 14 saw me draw, yes you’ve guessed it, a 10! Curtains!) but I still really enjoyed it. Well done!!!!

    I have a few suggestions that may improve the game and I wondered what you thought?

    • I thought there could have been more information about the tourney in advance. We didn’t know what time of day it was going to be until a few days before, nor did we know the structure, payouts, number of hands, etc. (Also can you put the time in GMT just to make it easier for me to figure out?)
    • Registration to the event should have been allowed well in advance, days or even weeks, rather than just an hour. I just managed to get some money into my account at the last minute and played the requisite 6 games but wasn’t sure if I had qualified. If I hadn’t qualified I wouldn’t have known until registration opened and then it would probably been too late.
    • A rebuy would have been nice. Makes sense and more money for (OK it was a freeroll but in the future)
    • The time of the tourney. This depends on where you live of course but I can’t see myself playing many MTTs at if they are always on at 6pm PDT. I can manage Global’s Wednesday and Sunday tourneys no problem but staying up till 2am… just lucky my wife was away for the night!!! As they get more and more players they may be able to offer MTT at different times?

    Suggestions for improving play

    • Advanced betting is great but it would be nice to be able to cancel it if you change your mind as you can on most poker sites. Same is true if you use the Max bet or Last bet buttons. Once you click you can’t go back.
    • More information about how things stand with Insurance bets. When insurance is offered I’m never really sure whose turn it is or what stage we are at unless it’s my turn or the dealer flips a natural. They should have their usual turn indicator (pulsating blue circle) to indicate whose turn it is and show a countdown like they do when it’s your go.
    • DD and Insurance for Less. It is only possible if your remaining BR after your bet is less than your initial bet. It should be offered as an option on every hand like at Global.
    • Clearer information on remaining BR and DD/Insurance bets after a DD or insurance bet has been made. When a DD bet is made it is not clearly reflected in the betting and BR information by your seat. If you bet 200 and DD your bet figure remains at 200 but your BR decreases by 200. No indication of whether a DD has been carried out. Could lead to confusion.

    Nice but not essential

    • One of the great things about Global is the universal chat room that anybody can enter; it really makes for a friendly atmosphere and enjoyable experience. We humans are sociable beings; we like to be with others. At you can only chat with players at the same table.
    • What about information on who is online as well as the information about who is waiting at a particular table. You could also have an “invite” button where you can invite different people to play at your table.
    • A ranking system as outlined on previous posts. Actually I suppose the VP points already do that but it would be nice to see what everybody else is doing laid out in a league table format. You could also detail win % etc so that people can figure out how they compare to each other.
    • Avatars. Definitely not required but would be fun!

    OK that’s enough for now. What do you think? Definitely not a criticism of because I think they are doing good things. Long may it continue!


    A very tired Reachy
  18. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Wow what a list - I hope the good people at BJ21 are reading ;)

    Reachy I agree with you on 95% of the things except the times. As someone here on the East Coast it is difficult for me to play at Global's time due to work schedules. It seems like Global likes to and will cater to a "global" community while BJ21 seems more focused on the "US market"

    I especially agree with you on the double down and insurance issues. It makes it really hard to calculate totals.

    Overall I was really happy with the touni last night. I hope they offer a weekly variety like Global.

    In fact I can see BJ21 doing weekly events where the winners qualify for the monthly UBT spot tournament. :cool:

    It's just good to have alternatives and IMHO BJ21 is a good choice.
  19. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I was surfing over at BJ21 and found in the personal section that it has a list of all the games I've played and a breakdown hand by hand.

    What I find especially helpful in this feature is that it allowed me to go back and understand bets better. I think its a great feature.

    Only problem is it incorrectly posted the payout on the one hand. The totals were right but the computer number posted was incorrect.

    They also don't have a feature to contact the BJ21 people. Strange - I would have thought they would want feedback. Unless I missed it.
  20. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Last Night's Tourney

    I know I've been critical of in some of my previous posts but I thought last night's tournament went really well. It was fun though the outcome didn't come out the way that I wanted. The top three places paid and I came in fourth. I guess I was the first loser. LOL

    Again, nicely done

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