Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Bradley Peterson, Jan 11, 2009.

  1. In addition to the question I posted earlier today of .....
    Today, 04:44 AM
    Bradley Peterson Bradley Peterson is online now
    Elite Member

    Join Date: Mar 2004
    Posts: 153
    What does anyone know about this site? I have been solicited and enticed to play there.

    ...I have some information to share about the company. Apparently they have props that play from their office. These are salaried people. They do not share in the wins or the losses that their accounts occur. Other than the one post I saw where someone stated that they got paid from there in an equitable fashion, does anyone have any information about this site or experience in dealing with them?
  2. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Frequent Flyer

    I think I'm the only one here who plays there with any great regularity. I've commented on it quite extensively. Search for blackjack21 (or bj21) and you will find all I and others have had to say on the subject.

    I haven't discussed it in a while, because no one really seemed very interested, but I continue to play there often.

    P.S. What are props? (This may be a US/UK language barrier problem. :))
  3. The person with whom I spoke who works for that company mentioned you specifically as a very good player! Seriously! As I mentioned to him that I may know several of the players on the site.

    A prop is short for proposition player. It is an occupation that is more common in poker ring/cash games. Whether live or online. In this particular instance, this refers to a player who is paid by the house to play in the game but, unlike most poker games, the player is not playing with or risking his or her own money. The props at this house are playing with the houses money.
  4. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Fortunately for me, these things are all relative. :)

    I see; thanks for the explanation. I'm not sure what I think about that. I suppose, with appropriate safeguards, it can be to everyone's benefit, but it's the kind of thing I'd prefer to see advertised prominently by the house, rather than discover by chance.

    The same thing is essentially going on at GameAccount, except the 'bots are presumably neither salaried, nor risking their own money. :D

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