blackjack21 dot com tonight

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Jan 8, 2007.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Im hopeful the many new players at the site will boost the first place pay to above 200$ this evening at 5 and 7pm PST. This is a great time to come over because I am on a floppy run where not only I cant make a double and all my blackjacks are for minimum bets but for some reason I have been clicking the wrong button at an alarming rate. Tonight , especially if Im at FGKs table, Im placing a piece of tape over the chat field. Focus Barn FOCUS.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Only 200?


    If you were interested in good value come on over to where the real players play -

    Let compare shall we?

    Both start at 8 pm EST
    Both cost 20 with 2 rake
    Both pay out top prizes of - wait here's a difference MAY make winning 200.00? For 1st place?
    I almost win that for 3rd place at

    Hmmmmm Guarantees first place $350.

    In fact here's the breakdown at

    1st place $350
    2nd place $240
    3rd place $160
    4th place $120
    5th place $80
    6th place $50

    Just think Barney how hard will it be to beat all those "ploppy" dumb pros anyway? :laugh:

    Play at tonight at 5 pm PST to see how it's done - THEN go back to the sandbox and play at at 7 pm and see if you can put into practice what you learned?

    After all the freerolls are a piece of cake and they're 5 rounds. This is only advancing 2 rounds until you make the final table right?
    Last edited: Jan 8, 2007
  3. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    blackjack21 dot com

    is a straight BJT game and is void of luck cards elimination hands and secret bets. At bet21 you will have to advance and avoid elimination thru 2 rounds to final while blackjack21 at a 200 for 1st place will require 1 round and then final. Your analysis doesnt add up as blackjack21 dot com has a better EV. On Monday and Thursday night you should avoid bet21 and play at blackjack21 dot com. JMO
  4. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    What about those killer absent players? I seem to recall you getting beat last week by someone who wasn't there right? Talk about luck cards.

    So is that 200 for 1st place guarenteed? How many people will I have to play against?

    Barney you made a mistake. I think you meant to write "Your analysis does add up. On Monday and Thursday night you should avoid blackjack21 dot com and play at"

    Simple error on your part - but we're getting used to it! :joker:
  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    No, Im right

    The value of a the games is about the same. In the bet21 game you will have about 50 players at bj21 its about 15 for 20 dollars value per player. But the similarity ends there. At bet21 you will have to advance thru 2 rounds to final table, at bj21 you need to advance thru 1 table to final. That is a big difference. At bet21 you are likely to have to place 1st or second in the semi final which could easily be 2/6 or even the bad news 2/7 which is less that 29%. So, indisputably, your chances of winning money are better at blackjack21. Here, you are obviously a visual learner


    prelim table 3/6 to semi

    semi 2/7 to final

    you need to beat 8 players

    blackjack21 dot com for field of 15

    2/5 to final

    you need to beat 5 players.

    Hmmmm. :joker:

    Eagerly awaiting your voo doo economics answer
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Barney, fgk42...

    ...get a room!



  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Reach I was hoping to share a room with FG at Barona but he has caught a case of Floridian cold feet. Now Ill have to see if Eleeseez will let me sleep on her couch or maybe Joe will let me sleep on his suit couch! If not I can be found in the stall #3 near the buffet selling my EBJ for Dummies hand book 24hrs a day Jan 18 - 20. If Im sleeping knock loudly!
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Barney - I think you might need a bodyguard or bodyarmour or something at Barona. I hear that the bet21 team have got several contracts out on you and fgk is going freelance. Incidentally fgk have you received the polonium yet?

    I'm imaging that scene from Scorcese's "Casino" with the vice and Joe Pesci... Ouch! That smarts!




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