blackjack21 dot com

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Barney Stone, Dec 26, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    VP game tomorrow. required is 30 VP points. Check the time Im not sure if its 5 or 6pm PST.
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Did I read it right a guy named derf wins the VP game at blackjack21 dot com? Isnt that guy a ploppy? :)
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well, I played at BJ21 last night in the VP multi-table tourney. Now I realized why I haven’t played there often – SLOW! With only 24 players there were 3 tables – winner takes all. I made it to the final table after 90 minutes!

    Several other notables:
    1. An absent player, made it to the final table! The absent player beat out’s resident cheerleader in the first round! That just shouldn’t happen. If you don’t play after 5 hands – boot them off the system and speed things up!
    2. Using chips instead of a slide bar really slows down the process. They should at least enable you to manually type in a bet amount
    3. 100 min and 1000 max bet really limits your options when doing progressions. My betting strategy from EBJ didn’t apply with these restrictions.
    4. Separating the bets from your totals makes calculating totals, for me at least, a lot harder.
    5. You still can’t double down for less! That sucks when you’ve got a max bet have 500 left and can’t DD on your 11!
    6. Doing something “for the first time in a long time” require some getting used to and overcoming the comfort zone fear.

    Most of my “complaints” are merely my personal preferences. However, allowing absent players to play entire games and advance? Come on now!

    Thanks for the VP match guys.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Same probs tonight FG my buddy Perg was beat by an absent player and then the absent player took 2nd place in final. Lucky Tilt got a good hand on last hand or the absent guy would have taken first. Usually the absent offliners flat bet with no clock. That was painful. Harve even left for a half hour and came back for a 1000 bet try on last hand LOL.
  5. pergo56

    pergo56 Member


    what a ?

  6. pergo56

    pergo56 Member

    It’s bad enough being in what seems to be a very long losing streaks. My confidence was crushed when a absentee player beats me in a tournament.

    That’s what happened to me in Blackjack21dot.coms 1st Thursday night tournament. Where 3 players are at the table, 2 advance to the next round. I was knocked out of the tourney by a absentee player in the 15th round. The same thing almost happened for the 2nd Thursday night tourney where I faced another absentee player.
    FGK42 is right, Something has to be done about the absentee player. Boot them out of the game.. The slow play is not fair to the other players and it’s embarrassing when you lose. :eek:

  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well, I guess it goes to the luck versus skill argument right?

    In TBJT min betting until the last hand is just what happens to the absent players. So why NOT do the same thing? In fact just log on, go walk the dog, wash the car, do the laundry, cook dinner then come back for hand 14 and then bet.

    If you're LUCKY you get the cards and beat the absent player. Or maybe it's a skill thing - I mean being able to time it down to the last minutes :laugh:

    But seriously after missing 5 hands - BOOT THEM. It's easy to do but with only 15 players on I guess they don't want to offend anyone. Problem is until they change it I won'd be coming back so I guess they're down to 14 :sad:

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