Blue Chip tournaments?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by neemo6, Apr 30, 2006.

  1. neemo6

    neemo6 New Member

    Does anyone know if the Blue Chip in michigan city, In has their $100 buy-in tournaments still?
  2. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member


    They quit running those 6 or 8 months ago. I assume due to poor attendance.
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Bad attendance is an understatement!

    Carrying this one step further, I believe the poor attendance is due to bad rules. Their attendance was great the first and second month of 2005 - they were full or near full. Then it started to decline. How bad? Well let's just say that if it were drawn on a graph and if the Dow Jones mirrored it, we would all be in soup lines resembling the 1930's. But they'll blame it on "lack of interest". Don't want to blame them-self now do they?

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