Bob Nersesian

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Lil Sissy, Jul 9, 2008.

  1. Lil Sissy

    Lil Sissy Banned User

    With permission from Joe Pane I pass this along.

    Well known Las Vegas lawyer Bob Nersesian who has been very successful in defending numerous advantage players in their legal actions against casinos will be my guest on my weekly radio show on on Thursday evenings at 7PM Eastern.

    Bob has also written a book that is named "Beat the Player" which details some of the many illegal actions that casinos take against advantage players.

    An in-depth look into what your rights are as player in a casino can also be found in this July's issue of BJ where I sat down with Bob Nersesian and asked him numerous questions about what a casino can and can not ask and do to you while you are a player in their casino.

    Some interesting answers came from that interview. In my opinion an article that if you consider yourself an advantage player is one that is a MUST read.
  2. Lil Sissy

    Lil Sissy Banned User

    Nice Lineup

    I just found out that Hollywood Dave will also be stopping by to be a guest on Joe Pane's weekly radio show in addition to Bob Nersesian.This should be interesting as Joe and Dave have always been entertaining when matched up against eachother.

    A live streaming video of the show can be found on Yahoo messenger under Holdemradio_Studio
  3. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Bob Nersesian The Lost Tape

    I still have Ken Einiger’s and Joe Pane’s interview with Bob Nersesian on my computer from the “Be In Action” radio show from KLAV circa 2005.

    Apparently this tape was never archived because of a fire or something at the radio station.

    Due to my limited computer skills I have never been able to send the show to this site.

    Please let me know if you can help put it on because it is very interesting especially for advantage players.

  4. Lil Sissy

    Lil Sissy Banned User

    Andy I'm not sure how you could download that previous show for all of us to hear,but here is a link to listen to the recent interview that Joe Pane had with Bob Nersesian on his weekly radio show on Thursday nights at 7PM Eastern Time on

    Hollywood Dave also stops by the studio during the show

    The shows link
  5. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    A Great Show

    Hi Lil Sissy.

    London Colin wrote to me also, saying that he did not think it was possible to send on the show to Blackjack Tournaments .com (only after I had shamed him into making a private reply to help out his computer illiterate fellow Brit…lol). Colin did however take the time to post me some possible solutions on other ways to send the show on and I will thank him for that. Just wondering now if it would be easier to learn Chinese as an option rather than to trying to send on the tape? :laugh:

    As a guy from England I really did like listening to the “Be In Action” radio show as it gave me a sense of the Las Vegas scene and I was hearing players on the show who I was playing against on tournaments from the Global Player Casino.

    The shows were broadcasted at 2am GMT our time so going to bed at 3am and then having to go to work was difficult. For several weeks Ken Smith put the recorded Thursday night shows on his site. I would look forward to finishing work on a Friday, open a can of beer and listen to the show.

    I am not sure if Ken got fed up of downloading “Be In Action” but he shut it off and put on his site a way to record radio shows. Well it worked for a few months before it went down and that his how some of the shows got stored in my computer.

  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Once LVA started archiving the shows, I stopped downloading them because it was kind of a pain. Unfortunately, it appears that the LVA archive has gone missing as well.

    As for sharing the missing show, I found this site with a quick search for free file uploading sites:

    If you upload it there, you can post a link here for interested members to download.
  7. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Andy has posted the Bob Nersesian episode of Einiger's radio show at MediaFire.
    You can download the file here:

    Once downloaded, you can play the file with Windows Media Player.

    Thanks Andy!

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