Book a TBT event and get a free entry...

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Mar 2, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    That's right, I'll pay your entry into a TBT event if you help get me the host casino!

    I can't make it any more fair for you then that. First the casino will probally be close to where you live if you know them that well and secondly, I'll pay for your entry into the tournament if that casino host one of my TBT events. There is no cost to the casino's to host one of these events.

    You'll be helping yourself and other members here by get the TBJPA extra TBT events for all to enjoy.

    If you know the tournament directors, marketing managers, table game managers, or whoever is in charge of the casino tournaments, either get me their information or have them get hold of me.

    If I get them to host a TBT event, you'll get your entry for free.

    I'm getting more and more interest in the events, but I'm only one person. I need everyones help so we can try and make the TBT a big success.

    Just think, real live tournaments and open for everybody and at affordable prices. With your help I believe we can make it happen.

    Thanks everybody.

    Rick (TXtourplayer)
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Very nice players....

    The responce to this post has been wonderful, thank you players. I have had a few players who I knew either gave me the leads or I was told by the casino managers who had them contact me and then I had some big surprizes this week with some big name casinos contacting me (and no one has take credit for them).

    It is with your help that we'll get more locations around the country and actually a few possible casinos out of the country for the TBT events.

    Thanks again.

    Rick (TXtourplayer)
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Other TBT event coming soon...

    Thanks again to all of you who have been helping me try to get the TBJPA/TBT events into the casinos.

    I just got off the phone with a MAJOR casino who told me they want the add the TBT to their tournament schedule.

    As soon as we set the date or dates I'll post which casino it is.

    In just this past week I had 6 casinos (all major ones) and 1 MAJOR casino corporation contact me with interest in hosting the TBJPA/TBT events.

    Remember our first TBJPA/TBT events will be held on May 10th - 13th, 2007 in Laughlin, NV at the River Palms casino.

    Hope to see everybody there.

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