Bowling friend in the news

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by LeftNut, Mar 22, 2009.

  1. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Question for LeftNut,

    You've spoke many time about bowling on this site so your love of the game is fairly well documented. I'm sure you continue to play for enjoyment but on a less competitive level. So if you don't mind answering: Why did you stop playing at the higher levels of the game?

    Inquiring minds want to know. :)
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Toolman -
    The only reason for that post was to share our happiness at an outrageously wonderful opportunity for a friend of ours who is "challenged" somewhat significantly. He has worked very hard to get where he is and I wanted to share the news with our friends here because it is a rather unusual story. A Special Olympics athlete may get to compete directly with a sitting President at his own game!

    I don't bowl any more. At all. Quit cold turkey about 5 years ago because it simply got boring after some 25 years of chasing tournaments hither and yon. But all those years at that level of the game taught me some lessons about competitive situations that have served me rather well in BJT's, such as tunnel-vision concentration that allows easy blocking out of such distractions as TV cameras or blabbermouth table mates. If my references to this past life bothers folks here, I'll be glad to just STFU about it. :D
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I re-read my last post here and for the life of me I can't understand why you interpreted it in such a negative way.

    I like to know a little about the people I meet/correspond. I was merely inquiring into your life before BJTs because you chose to make that public with numerous posts and I was just trying to fill in the blanks. Nothing negative intended I assure you. As a matter of fact, you injecting the bowling "card" occasionally adds the human touch that is often missing on the forum.

    Just so you know, I do not have broadband so I don't download videos or other items that take too long to download. As a result, I did not see the URL you referenced nor did I reference it in my post. As a matter of fact, in this particular case, the download kept locking up my computer so I stopped trying.
    Last edited: Mar 22, 2009
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    No harm, no foul, my friend. My apologies if my reply sounded defensive, wasn't meant that way but now I see how it could have been taken as such. Oops............ :p

    The links weren't to video clips but were to news stories on the Detroit Free Press site, although those do contain video links within them. Try again!
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    No problem. Good to know we are on the same page. :)

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