Bugs/Suggestions for PlayUBT and Bet21 software

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by toonces, Nov 29, 2006.

  1. toonces

    toonces Member

    I don't know if PlayUBT or Bet21 looks for suggestions for improving their software, but I thought we could track bugs or improvements you've found, and hopefully, they will get to the programmers.

    1) Add an advance action button for insurance. There's no reason to need to wait until your turn. And for those times you want partial insurance, it would be nice to be able to set the scroll bar before your 10 seconds begins.

    2) Observing tables: On my software, if I am in the tournamentand click on a table, it doesn't do anything. I can't see the table or observe it. I need to close the tournament window, reopen it, then click on the table I want to observe to get it to work.

    3) Options such as no dealer chat don't seen to be saved once you leave the table.

    4) A possible tool would be a button that you could click on a tiny "W", "L", or "S" button next to each opponent and it would show your opponents total in that scenario. I'm torn on this, since the good players already do this on paper, but I think running these scenarios quickly would help make better bets.

    Any other bugs or improvements?

    P.S. I like the improvement of showing your secret bet in parentheses for this software version.
  2. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Card please

    When you have a secret bet out, a face down card should be given for surrenders. Right now it's sometimes pretty obvious a surrender took place on a secret bet.

    I'd also like to see the 0 bet option. If it's offered live, it should be offered online as well in my opinion.
    Last edited: Nov 29, 2006
  3. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Zero bet!

    How often do people use the zero bet? When has it been used most often?


  4. Prospect

    Prospect Member

    Click on the button "Save Settings As Defaults".
  5. ProfGlitch

    ProfGlitch New Member

    What's this W/L/S stuff?
  6. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Ace (or anyone with knowledge): I take this to mean that in live UBT tourneys, one can place a 0 secret bet? And, is a 0 bet also possible for "standard" (non-secret) bets in live games?
  7. AceDonovan

    AceDonovan Member

    Secret only

    A bet of zero can be made with a secret bet (at least it could in St Kitts). As far as I'm aware, that's the only time that can be done.
  8. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Thanks--have to think about how that could be used--interesting... also odd that this would not be included in online game as I thought the idea was to have a mirror image of the live game to the extent possible.

    On a separate but related note, I think also that the recent addition on B21 of a reminder of secret bet amount should be added to the UBT site. That revision is not yet up on there. It's good for those with short term memory loss problems.

    Uh, what was I saying?
  9. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member


    I'd like to see the chat capability improved. I miss being able to chat during a game. I was starting to make online friends.

    It's fun being part of - or having - a cheering section. :D They could silence the chat during elimination and final hands to avoid coaching.

    Even better would be a separate chat room like they had in Global.
  10. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    food & drink

    How about a waitress service? My wife gets a bit uppity when I shout her to make me a drink...

    I'd be worried about the W/L/S buttons toonces is proposing. If I understand right they would calculate the outcomes for your opponents if they won, lost or surrendered. It would make life easier but probably too easy? I want to be prepared for when I eventually play in a B&M tourney and if there are too many "tools" available online I'll be lost when I enter "meatspace". I don't even use paper or a calculator at home because I see that as "cheating"! And by cheating I don't mean the strong variation, I mean that because you can't do it in a B&M casino I don't want to do it online. Bad habits and all that...


  11. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I have sent dozens of suggestions to CS for review...never gotten much if any feedback....

    Yes there are some nice little things that could be done...but they havent fixed serious errors yet....here is an example that happened to me just last night.

    I played to the final table of a 500 guarentee game. 6 place busted out in the X hand...no matter..that leaves 5 of us....me and another guy bust out next...on the same hand...he has 0 chips left...I have 500 (but min bet is now 1,000)...the game does not award 4 and 5th place nor does it go into a playoff ....it simply takes the average and pays both the same....this would not happen in a real game and there is no reason for it to happen here.

    The worst flaw, biggest fix needed is to smarten the game up mathmatically.
    Why why why ignore some parts of my chip stack? Am I the only one who thinks this is crazy? Why? Why cant this program deal with 250 chip amounts?
    Do computers do math problems ? I always though math was the easiest thing for a computer to do well...why make this program so dumb math wise ????

    Here are some others...make my name appear different color to me so that I can find it quickly.

    Make the hit button green ...make the stand button a red stop sign.

    Add clickable chips to the slider, arrows for betting.

    Stop feeding the dealer aces at a two to my one ratio......lol... I swear they do it to increase rake rates...think about it?? Anybody ever notice the high rate of dealer Ace, ten up? Makes me say hummmmmmm. How many game you ever see go past 16 hands? Stats please.

    Oh ya....I vote for wait service too..;-)
    Last edited: Nov 30, 2006

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