Caesars AC 3/29----100k line min

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by hitmeonemoretime, Feb 25, 2008.

  1. hitmeonemoretime

    hitmeonemoretime New Member

    Best Details posibly----send me a priviate email if you are intertested and qualfied. This is for huge players only but what offer if there are any here.

    The first round will consist of a maximum of 63 players. There will be 9 tables with 7 players. Each table will advance 2 players with the highest chip total. From a players perspective 2 out of 7 - approx 3 to 1.

    The second round will have 18 players. There will be 3 tables with 6 players. Each table will advance 2 players with the highest chip total. The remaining 12 players who did not advance will have an opportunity in a drawing. We will draw 1name to advance to the final. Again in looking at this more closely the 18 players who are in the second round have better than 3 to 1 odds of making the final. On the surface to the players it is a 63 player tournament but the uniqueness of this format is that the PD group can use the concept of the tournament that is to say that the odds are about 3 to 1 that you will make the final table in conjunction with the 250K. We have incorporated a really high prize package and are giving the players a great shoot at making it to the finals.

    250k Winner Take All

    1k Match-Play for every participant (63)

    5k Match-Play for everyone at Final Table (7)

    There will be no buy in. The non-value promotion chips will be issued to each patron at the start of play -

    10,000 points First Round /20,000 points Semi-Final Round and Final Round.

    Wagers/Minimums/Maximums - Patrons must have a bet on each hand in increments of 100 points. Betting limits will be as follows:

    Round One Minimum/Maximum - 100/5,000 pts.

    Secret Bet Hand (Final Hand) – 100/10,000

    Semi-Final Round and Final Round Minimum/Maximum - 500/10,000 pts.

    Secret Bet Hand (Final Hand) – 500/20,000
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Math is backward and final table odds are way off

    A table with 2 out of 7 advancing gives raw odds of advancing of 1 out of 3.5 not "approx 3 to 1". The "approx 3 to 1" is your probability of not advancing.

    With 7 out of 18 advancing to the final table the raw odds are 1 out of about 2.5 not "better than 3 to 1". Again, the "better than 3 to 1" is you probability of not advancing.

    With a final table of 7 players out of a beginning field of 63 the raw odds of making the final table are 1 out of 9 not "about 3 to 1".

    The bottom line is that probabilities cannot be fudged. The overall raw chance of winning first place is 1 out of 63.

    My general comment is: TALK ABOUT TOP HEAVY!!!:eek:

    So my question is what are the enormous financial qualifications and "live" play requirements to get into this tournament?
    Last edited: Feb 25, 2008
  3. hitmeonemoretime

    hitmeonemoretime New Member

    Guess you forgot to say thanks for the information because that is all i was tryinig to provide. As you saw from the title you need a 100k line to even think about testiing your skills.
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Thanks for what? You initiated this thread and since you are connected with the Harrah's group we expect facts -as in "full disclosure" -not hype. The information you provided was incomplete and the analysis was misleading. Now please to "fill in the blanks" and gain credibility by making the information more complete.

    So, are you saying all that is needed to play (and get a guaranteed $1,000 in Match Play) is to have a $100,000 line of credit set up? There has to be some type of "live" play requirements. So what is it? Or do you expect people to travel to AC to find out? Harrah's is not in the habit of just giving away sizable sums of money just because one has a large credit line. If that credit line is not used, it does Harrah's no good.
  5. hitmeonemoretime

    hitmeonemoretime New Member

    There is an amount of active play needed but I want to weed out any players that will never meet that so i decided to start with the base of 100k liine. It is a starting point for people to use. Just trhew it out there for people and if they are intertested I could follow up with more detailed information. the people that qualify for this event know who there are.......they usually just need to know the dates and format which I have included both.

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