Caesars Indiana 10/15/06

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toolman1, Oct 8, 2006.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Anyone besides me going to Caesars Indiana for their BJ tournament on 10/15/06. Ya, I know, sometimes the format is not known until after the tournament starts but other than that, it's run OK - for the most part. The money is decent although dependent on the number of players and the players, well, let's just say they need a little course in tournament strategy. So head on down (or up, or right, or left) to Indiana on 10/15/06 and let the fun begin. :)
  2. Moses

    Moses Active Member

    I'll Be There

    I have registerd for the tournament. I think it is a four round elimination tournament. I am scheduled to play in the first session.
  3. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Time is short

    Looks like just Moses and I. Too bad. A lot of members that could go are missing out. EV, when calculated the normal way, is not very good. But when you consider the overall caliber of play, I think it's a good tournament for a seasoned player. At the least it gives a night (rooms not included) away from home in a good casino. So how many more will be there?
  4. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    I am from Indiana, but won't be attending this tourney. I know we don't have much going on in this state, and I should take what I can get, blah blah...but I hate elimination tournaments. Not to mention, I REALLY don't like knowing what format they are going to use before getting there. Call me a picky whiner, but I'd rather play no live tourney's than one I don't like.
  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    Ceasar's IN

    I'm just trollin and spittin on everything.

    It's a kick ass five hour drive for me, maybe the same or half hour more for you Tool. To take that time for a way less than EV, unexpected, unkown adventure,(I find that hard to believe it came from you.) Just to spend two relaxing days across from a nuclear and coal fired energy plant on The Ohio River, with maybe an unfogged view of Louseyville. Don't you have some home projects to finish. Unstated. Unknown. But come and we'll make it worth your while. Hell, I chased the drive-way sealers away yesterday.

    Cherub: Didn't you mean accumulation. I doth believe we all prefer elimination.
  6. cherub44

    cherub44 New Member

    LOL Yes I meant accumulation. Thanks for catching that Noman. I LOVE elimination BJ.
  7. noman

    noman Top Member


    I knew that you did.
  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Geez, have some fun

    This tournament is most likely elimination since it is 4 rounds including the final table. When they have only 3 rounds, then the first round is normally accumulation. Now, come on down.

    I play BJ tournaments for recreation. Generally, some prize money here and there added to some net winnings at live BJ plus the comps lets me enjoy trips throughout the year without costing me a cent - meals included. In addition, I have met some of the finest people in the world while playing the tournaments. If EV was my main concern I'd be spending a lot more time at home than on the road. My main criteria is reasonable games with decent prize money. Secondary is that the tournament be at a casino where I can enjoy some good live BJ. Not interested in playing on-line so that's not an option for me to pass time. Sorry you have to have fantastic EV at a casino around the corner before you play. This translates to staying home a lot and watching the computer screen for the next posting on this site or playing on-line in your PJs (but this will not be an option for long). But to each his own.

    PS: Their tournaments are more winnable, than most, for the player that takes the time to analyze all the rules and requirements. That's one of the reasons I like it. I'll leave the analysis to those who come.
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2006
  9. noman

    noman Top Member


    Well said. For my pj's are soiled and I now, no longer have on line options. And nothing else to entertain me whilst I guzzle my beer and other libations at home.
    And since I'm on most posters ignore list, I'm mainly p***in the wind. It's just that many of your previous posts pointed to EV and I found it somewhat contradictory that you'd take a lengthy Sunday drive in the park just to get out of the house.

    The people I have met at tourneys are entertaining, smart and cordial. But you could go to church, the park, a city council meeting, or your neighborhood bar and fall in with like minded individuals. So, if you don't need the money. If money is not a concern. If you don't want to win money, then there are plenty of other skill activities you can engage in to asauge your ego.

    The point of Ceasar's was, as posted, NO ONE knew how it was going to operate, whether it be accumulation, or elimination, or combination, how many advanced, if they gave YOU anything or what the F***payout was.
    You said, know the rules. Did you. Do you. I don't need a 100 per cent advantage game, but before I tread into Deliverence Land, i'd like to know whether I have a floating canoe.
  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Likes and dislikes


    Just from playing their tournaments a few times in the past, I know I, and most everyone else on this site, can handle anything they throw our way. Yes, it would be better to know things in advance but we don't live in a perfect world - we are talking about casinos don't forget.

    Yes, I've talked about EV in the past but I've discovered that in order to play more often, I can't be as picky. Now I just say as long as the EV is not too bad and other factors allow me to have an advantage, then I'll consider playing. I'm not a "pro" trying to squeeze every cent out of every dollar, just a retired old fart trying to enjoy whatever time I have left.

    As for engaging in other activities, to each his own. This is my choice and I enjoy it. Others like something else and that's fine. I always say it would be a pretty dull world if we all liked the same thing. Imagine if everyone liked the WHITE SOX and hated the CUBS. How dull. Understandable but dull. :D
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2006
  11. noman

    noman Top Member

    toolman1's likes and dislikes:

    Well said.
  12. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member

    "WOW" Toolman

    Anytime you hold or restrict my good friend and wanna be "goat monger" Noman to 2 written or spoken words I am in Awe. I have seen him tongue tied to 3 words when the dancer in Vegas exposed her 44 D's and he slured "Oy Mi Gaud".
  13. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I should have listened

    I should have listened to cherub44 and noman. :eek: This was one of my least interesting and most depressing tournaments I have ever been to. Did several re-buys only to get constantly beaten by the "wildcat" betters. Add to this some poor rules like only 1 advance per table in the first round and other irritations and you have a tournament that was well worth missing.

    The one thing new they did have was surrender. Not only that but they had a "surrender chip" about 2" in diameter that you simply slid by your bet to surrender. Nothing verbal, no hand signal, no misunderstanding. I wonder if they talked to TXtourplayer. :p

    So, will I go back? Ya, I guess I will. These wildcats can't always stay lucky - or can they? :rolleyes:

    Besides, how else can I keep noman down to 2 words? :confused:

    PS: In all fairness, I did lose one session because I lost 13 hands, won 2, and surrendered 1 before I busted out. This was not the fault of the "wildcatters" but I did bust out because of trying to catch them.
    Last edited: Oct 16, 2006

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