Call back, finally...

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Aug 30, 2009.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Unbelievable, remember back months ago when I posted about the casino interested in hosting multiple tournaments and using my Airline format for the main event?

    Well I was told they would call me back the following week or so, now about four months later I get a call. Seems they are interested in the events after all (I had all but given up on them).

    I'm suppose to get a call back this Monday (that may mean another month or What we are in discussion about is hosting 4 tournaments as follows:

    All 4 events will use the TBJPA rules. These will not be TBJPA tournaments, but sanctioned by the TBJPA (similar to what the Tulsa Cherokee offered).

    The casino will have about 80 of their regulars in the main event (Sat./Sun.) by either winning their way or invited guest, but the $250 level entry will be paid for everyone of them playing in the tournament.

    1. Wednesday night for $50 entry and reentry for 108. ($5,400 possible)

    *Note I said 108 entry/reentries and not players, because you can play two spots until the semifinals. Should you advance both seats to the semi's, one seat will be forfeited, but it will be at your table so you only will play a table of 5. This will be the same in all four tournaments.

    2. Thursday night for $75 entry and reentry for 108. ($8,100 possible)

    3. Friday night for $100 entry and reentry for 108. ($10,800 possible)

    *First three tournaments will only pay the finalist.

    4. Saturday/Sunday main event using the Airline format with multiple buy-in levels. Multiple re-buys will offered for the main event as well. (up to 171 entries for $65,000 possible).

    All non-advancing semifinalist will cash in this event.

    There will be points awarded for advancement in all 4 tournaments with prizes awarded to the top three players, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd, so it is important to come play in all 4 tournaments.

    Now mine you this is just the proposal on the table, no commitment from the casino yet, only interest.

    I would also like to try and explain my Airline format again to a few that didn't understand it. Basically it is a series of satellite events all within the main tournament. You can pay a $250 entry at the beginning round 1 and advance to round 2 or simple enter straight into round 2 for $400. Still you'll have the option of buying straight into the 3rd round for $1,000 or win your way through one of the small entry fee rounds.

    Each of these rounds will be limited so the earlier you enter the better chance of getting the starting round you want. And on another note other than the round 3 $1,000 entry, each player may enter twice for this event (only one $1,000 Business Class entry per player may be purchased).

    As you should have figured by this time that with the offer of two entries for these events only half the player turnout will be required to offer a full prize payout.

    When and if the casino agrees I will post the full details. And a point of interest for many: there is a major airport within 15/20 minutes of the casino.
    Last edited: Aug 30, 2009
  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Proposal on the table

    The casino manager contacted me the other day and asked for a written proposal for the multiple tournaments format I was suggesting to them.

    Basically I turned in what I posted above. I did suggest they try it once just to see what it is all about and then if successful host the tournaments as a $40,000 - 50,000 qualifying events every seven weeks with around $300,000 - $400,000 championship end of the year tournament.

    Hopefully this casino will at least give us a shot to prove players will come if the events are worth the travel expense.
  3. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Great News....

    Good Luck on bringing this to fruition Rick! I'm pulling for you my friend....

    Having a great attitude, combined with a pinch of passion and a whole lot of persistence usually does it every time! Looking forward to some great news from you SOON.

    Skipper :cheers:
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Thanks Dreamer...

    The proposal has been presented to the upper management of the casino for them to look it over so I've done all I can do. Hopefully they well give the format a try and if so it should be a profitable event for them and possible enough to host them on a regular basis.

    Just think multiple tournaments, re-entries or re-buys for everyone, Minimum/Maximum betting limits, surrender, 3/2 blackjack payoffs, minimum of 2 players advancing from each table throughout each of the four tournaments, and no early elimination hands or power cards or any other gimmicks. Wow it's like an actual good old fashion blackjack

    Except with the double play option. The format I've designed allows each player the chance to no only re-buy should they get beat, but before the tournaments start you may actually enter each tournament twice, so it's like playing in 8 tournaments instead of 4.

    The purpose of the extra entries:

    1) Allow the out of town players the safety net of knowing they will at least get to play more then one time. Actually they could have two entries and should they lose one or even both they still will have the re-buy option. Lets face it no one wants to travel and get beat out with only one attempt. With this option you can have at least four shots to advance to the 2nd round.

    2) Builds the prize money! Every entry, reentry, and re-buy will go back into the prize pool so even with a smaller turnout the money will be doubled.

    Now I just need to hear back from the casino and hope they approve at least a trail event so we can show them if given guaranteed prize money, good format, and good rules that players will come play their tournaments.
    ANDREW BELL likes this.
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    On to step three...

    Well I've cleared another hurdle today for trying to get these tournaments started. I'm past the marketing dept. and the casino manager, now it will be discussed and I was told they will get back with me next week on if they decide to host them or not.

    Keep your fingers crossed, this will be multiple tournaments with the main event around $60 - $75K, Open to all and offering GREAT rules for the players.
  6. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    In final discussion

    I have to admit I am impressed with the management at this casino (I won't jinx it by say which one yet), I just talked to the General manager, table games manager and staff and they were discussing my Airline format and told me they are very interested in possible hosting them. The GM just wants to try and understand how the tournaments will work and if my format will be profitable for the casino.

    I'll give the GM credit for at least listening to my proposal and excepting outside help, the table games manager familiar with tournaments and loves my idea is really helping push the Airline format and multiple tournaments. The table games manager and his staff are showing the GM the benefits of hosting my format at there casino and how it can help build there local players pool with the help of these bigger tournaments.

    I'm sure that if given the chance to host these tournaments the first one would need to be successful if we wish to continue them. To assure success is why I ask so many questions and put up polls about what the players like and dis-like so I may offer the most popular format and rules.

    The GM told me that because of some new games they are bring in that it could be 10 days to 2 weeks before they get back with me, but they are still interested.

    You gotta to love good management that actually listens to all suggestions and not just from their own staff. Thumbs up to them just for listening.

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