Canada and Online gambling

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by pokernut, Oct 20, 2006.

  1. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Now I know why Bodog and others exclude Canadians from their sites. And yet this where several online casinso are out of.

    Internet Casinos and Gambling

    Most jurisdictions have strict regulations with regards to legal casinos and gambling. Any form of gambling that is not regulated by the province is illegal. Since the province has not licensed any online casinos, all forms of online gambling are illegal and the owners and operators of a casino may be charged under section 201(1) of the Criminal Code of Canada "keeping a common betting house". The patrons may be liable to Criminal Code charges under section 201(2)(a) of the Criminal Code of Canada, "being found in a common betting house". There is a number of other risks associated with gambling on the Internet or at any unregulated casino:

    Who ensures that the games are fair and that the house is not cheating? Regulated casinos have to answer to the regulator.

    Who protects your financial and credit card information once you have given the casino this information? How do they secure this information to ensure that third parties do not access this information and use your personal or credit card information to commit fraud?

    The house refuses to pay: there is a risk that the house will refuse to pay you your winnings leaving you no recourse as the casino is probably unregulated and located in another country.

    If the house is regulated and doesn't cheat, what is to keep other online players from colluding and cheating you and the house by chatting and telling one another their hands as you play?

    Do not gamble online. It is illegal and carries serious financial risks with no chance of recourse. Internet casinos, when located in Canada, are of provincial jurisdiction.
  2. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    Canada Gambling

    Anyone fancy betting against me that BJFAN will not reply to the above post.

    Andy :)
  3. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Here is my answer

    I am not aware of any person having ever been charged with online gambling in Canada. Indeed in Ontario, which is my Province, the government offers and profits from online gaming such as ProLine which is sport betting gambling controlled by the government. The government is also directly involved in the ownership and management of Casinos.
    The provincial government of Ontario is currently trying to legislate against online ads that support the most popular poker sites. The hypocrisy of this move is that the government simply wants to protect it's own very lucrative gambling revenues.
    Online gambling (other than advertising) would fall under our Federal government and it has indicated that the whole issue is a very low priority item with them.
    The article you quote is in my opinion uninformed bs.
    In the longer term, I think that Canada (and probably the U.S.) will probably move to regulate and tax the online gaming business similar to the U.K. and other jurisdictions.
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Right to bear arms

    This is what its all about :D

    Indeed in Ontario, which is my Province, the government offers and profits from online gaming such as ProLine which is sport betting gambling controlled by the government. The government is also directly involved in the ownership and management of Casinos.
  5. Archie

    Archie New Member

    Looks the same in Quebec where I am from.They have so much more urgent problems to look after, like overpasses dropping on people's heads. Still going to Montreal on Monday BJfan?
  6. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    I guess you had better tell the Royal Canadian Mounted Police that their web site is uninformed bs.
  7. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member


    See you Monday.:)
  8. BJFAN4

    BJFAN4 New Member

    Here we go again, continued

    Real scary ! Again, I repeat: I am not aware of anyone ever being prosecuted for gambling online in Canada. I am sure that our RCMP are too busy chasing terrorists and online predator freaks.
    I believe that there are similar legislation in many US states that prohibit online gambling.
    Legislation is one thing. The agreement by judges that the law is enforceable
    is another matter.
  9. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    RCMP investigating online gambling offices in Vancouver
    A number of top sources have advised that the RCMP has been questioning employees of at least one online gambling office out of Vancouver, British Columbia. A few online gambling companies operate their marketing base in that city. It is not known if this investigation pertains strictly to online gambling.

    De je vu?

    In 1999, The RCMP raided the offices of Starnet Communications, a software provider that would later be named World Gaming. After over a year long investigation following the raid, All assets were unfroze.

    Starnet/World Gaming later moved to Antigua and began trading on the London AIM. That company also had early roots in pornography.

    Both present and former employees have been called in by the Crime Unit of the RCMP in recent days.

    --- News Wire

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