card counting

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by toddm, Apr 2, 2009.

  1. toddm

    toddm New Member

    Do card counters also count during tournaments?
    I assume they would still have some advantage.
  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Some do------some don't. Most seem to feel the advantage is very minimal in tourneys and that higher priorities would be concentrating on oppositions BR size, last bet position, etc.

    Billy C
    Last edited: Apr 2, 2009
  3. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member


    If you count during tournament play, please raise your left hand.
  4. Jonny21

    Jonny21 Active Member

    why not?

    If you can keep the count without too much effort (been doing it for 30 years), it can really come in handy for insurance bets and bet sizing. Ken has pointed out in his great booklet on tournaments that you can also identify other counters and maybe use that knowledge to your advantage.
  5. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    counting takes a small edge for the casino and turns it into a small edge for the player - but this is long run - very long run actually - but - accumulating small edges is really a large part of the difference between a good player and an average player - which is why you see posts and discussions on this forum trying to figure out which play gives you an extra 0.37% edge and such -

    For table elimination formats, I think counting is just one more distraction, for many players, and gives a very small advantage - if you can do it - fine - but things like maintaining an accurate chip count and calculating a proper bet are much more advantageous - so if it gets in the way - forget it.

    For accumulation tournaments, I think it is crucial - as you will often be making one or two big bets - or a short series - to reach a set goal - and want to do so when the count favors you - not when it is negative - this will add a little edge in your favor - and you will not be worrying about chip counts or playing against another player head to head -
  6. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Depends On The Player

    Counting likely gives you an additional small advantage in a tournament. But you shouldn't raise your bet so much that it jeopardizes your bankroll when you get a high count.

    In the last five or so hands of the round you should drop the count and size your bets according to tournament considerations, such as defending a lead or making catch up bets.

    If your strategy is to jump out to a big lead sometime in the second half of the round, you may get some small benefit from timing it with a high count.

    In my own experience, I've found that keeping a count distracts me from more important tasks, such as tracking bankrolls and sizing up opponents. I seldom do it any more. But if you're like many experienced blackjack players and counting comes automatically and effortlessly to you, by all means use the additional small advantage counting gives.

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