messages resurrected

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member was shut down months ago, and I purchased the domain but haven't done anything with it yet. However, I've just posted an archive of the blackjack message boards that previously were at that site.

    You can browse the archive here: message archive
  2. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member


    Thanks Ken-this is excellent. I was just thinking how what could use is some more content.

    No offense to the ramblings, and, uh, fine art house films that are very present right now on here but it's nice to see all that interesting info...
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    Hmmm. Sabre....

    Can't get what you need at BJT. Not in the tournament teaser discussions. Not in upcoming tournaments(with rules), not on sister site The explosiveness of EBJ and discussions of such.

    Hey, Arnold Snyder's sight has had a slow moving lengthy discussion for almost two years on the comparisons of Hi Opt 1 and 2.

    You can always go to Wongy's site and pay $25, $50 or $100 dollars every six months for statistical analysis and comparisons.

    There are three new excellent books out with years of discerning.

    While THE GAME may or not be evolving, there is always a lull at every plateau and sometimes taking a break from beating on a dead horse reinvigorates one's soul.

    Plus you just never know where you might learn something.
  4. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    No need... defend this site Noman--I love this place and spend much time here! The info is all over the place, it's true.

    I also actually visit/belong to all the other sites you mention (and a few others as well) as I am an BJ info junkie. There is a "Fight Club" section on another site (Arnold's I think) and sometimes I think Ken should set up one of those "rings" here as well to house the battles herein and keep them off all the other sections.

    Anyway, no matter--just wanting to compliment Ken's addition of that archive.
  5. noman

    noman Top Member

    Sabre: Oh yes.

    Fight Club. Fight Club. And Movie Competition in one place.

    The administrator always seems to find a way to distill the important stuff here. That with the banter and most frequent postings make it the site to have if your only having one. But good info from Lowes, Menards, Home Depot or Builders Square is always a welcome addition to your TOOLBOX. Wherever you find that perfect tool.
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Can one patent "TOOLBOX"

    Let's not make light of the TOOLBOX or the prefect TOOL. I might get a patent on this so watch out. :D

    PS to noman: Most on this site never heard of "Menards". Their loss. :)
  7. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    My body is my tool

    You may have mentioned before T-Man but maybe you can refresh. Why are you toolman and what superpowers do you have?


  8. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    No, never mentioned this before. After all, I am under cover. But since you asked!

    I have powers well beyond those of mortal men:
    I'm able to throw a screwdriver to the top of a tall building with a single bound!
    Stop a locomotive with a well placed monkey wrench! (no offense Monkeysystem)
    Change the course of mighty rivers with the right back hoe!
    And of course, I can change spark plugs faster than a speedy bullet!

    Now, the one thing I'm still working on is winning BJ tournaments with consistency. That still eludes me. In that respect, I'm just another mortal man. :eek:

    PS: Forgot about steel. I can't bend steel but can bend aluminum foil with my bare hands! :D
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2006
  9. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    I bet your workshop is the envy of your neighbourhood! So before you retired what were you? A mechanic, engineer, ironmonger, florist? Was your previous career related to tools or the use of them? Do you lend them out? Have you got a rack where you hang them that has the outline of the specific tool on the backing or wall? How do I change my bath tap (fawcet?) There is not enough room to fit a conventional spanner or wrench as the tap fitting is very close to the wall. Help?


  10. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Can't help

    Sorry Reachy, can't answer your questions or lend a hand. I am undercover as you know and divulging too much would only aid those with counterfeit TOOLBOXES. I hate those things. You'll just have to muddle along like all mortals. I really am sorry. :(

    PS: OK, I'll help with your "bath tap". Get a really big sledge hammer - available in any self respecting hardware store. Aim at the wall blocking access to get a wrench into. Hit that wall as hard as you can and keep dong this until the blasted thing falls. That should do the trick. No charge for the advice but let's keep this confidential. Don't want to divulge too many secrets.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2006
  11. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Help, toolman, HELP!!!!!

    Right, I followed your advice and this is the situation. I got the sledgehammer from my garage and repeatedly smashed the wall until it disintergrated. I also destroyed the plumbing into the bath. The resulting flood caused the ceiling of my kitchen to collapse killing my cat (don't mind that though as I didn't like it anyway), the electrical wiring to be ripped out resulting in the loss of power and 2 chest freezers full of beef, chicken, venison and chips. As I went to investigate what had happened downstairs I slipped on the wet floor, fell and broke my leg. Problem is I still can't find the right spanner. What now?


  12. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    OHHHH NOOOOOO!!!! Reachy, what mess have you gotten yourself into this time?! Call a Doctor for you leg, a Vet for the cat, and the fire dept. to diffuse any possible electical fires. And let us know how everything turns out, you silly lad.
    Last edited: Nov 9, 2006
  13. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Wrong Tool

    Reachy, Reachy, Reachy,

    You didn't follow my instructions so I'm not blame. I told you to buy a new, very large sledge hammer for the job. And what did you do? You used some rusty old thing, probable full of cob webs, you found in your garage. So what do you expect? Miracles? You couldn't possibly expect an old tool to function as well as a new on, or did you? This is why I don't let anyone mess with my TOOLBOX. If you don't know the right tool for a job or how to use a tool the right way, then you shouldn't use it at all. Anyway, and listen carefully now, go out and buy a new spanner wrench and fix the plumbing. Then everything will be back to normal - except maybe your cat - again not responsible.
  14. noman

    noman Top Member

    What a coincidence;

    The supply line to my secondary leu(sp) developed a leak. Not in the connections, not in any accessible spot, but in the crawl space(that's two and one half feet high, kind of k-41 and a half,) But rather than the sledge hammer( and hey, what's a spanner?) I took an ordinary hammer and busted through the wall right at the supply valve. Whoops. Not there either.

    So I just burned the whole house down, cat and dog included. I'll let the insurance company sort out the details. There for the lack of the proper tool.......
  15. noman

    noman Top Member

    Wait a minute:

    What's all that got to do with CARDCOUNTING.

    And apologies to tool.

    But reach, here's my thoughts on mister secret agent man.

    Because he has a way with numbers, is logical and approaches problem solving in a methodical way.....He was either 007 for SNAP-ON and if in that industry, he should have been with the elite. OR......he was chief cook and bottle washer at his own TOOL & DIE Shop. Cause you gotta know numbers for that, but you also have to know what works, manage lackeys and the such.

    OR, he was subassistant to the assistant, sub assistant manager at Builder's Square and went to Menard's to buy low and sell high at BS. And then he continued selling under the BS name until it finally dawned on everyone that they had been out of biddness for 15 years.

    What ever. He owes you some Tennent's Girls Brew for the misinformation.
    And you better ask for ID, when someone comes to fix the antenna, or satellite on the top of your "place" As you know, he gets around.
  16. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member


    I can only imagine the look of dismay any normal Website administrator might display when viewing this thread, which travels in a linear and perfectly logical route from archive to fight clubs, tools, toolboxes, dogs, cats and, finally, assorted sordid plumbing tales.

    BUT THEY DON'T KNOW Ken Smith, that "roiling cauldron of gambling gumbo,"
    (my personal favorite quote from All In, by the way...), whose site is surely ALL THAT and MORE!
  17. noman

    noman Top Member


    You made me laugh so hard, I cried. Now, I'll melt.
  18. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    It as a heck of a site gotta tell you how much I enjoyed watching your handiwork Reachy!. My advice on fixing it – do what we do here in America – reach in your toolbox and bring out the fix all for every situation – Duck Tape!
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  19. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Course the best part was seeing how little Reachy dealt with the problem!
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  20. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Problem solved

    Followed noman's advice



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