Casino Busters - Your opinion

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by bwconsulting, Sep 25, 2004.

  1. bwconsulting

    bwconsulting New Member

    Just wondering your thoughts on

    It seems expensive to me, as well as not believable.

    It is just seems too good to be true, and of course, as we all know, if it seems too good to be true, it probably is.

    Just to be clear, I am not posting this for you to join the site.

    As a matter of fact, I am considering joining, then posting the userid/pw for everyone to check it out.

  2. sockman522

    sockman522 New Member

    casino busters... YEAH RIGHT!!

    I am a casino blackjack dealer. (i am also an excellent player)

    Myself and the basic principals of the game both agree that other than card counting (at an advanced level combined with brilliant money managment and precise strategy based on the current count) You cannot Beat this Game consistantly!

    *if the rules of the game change the house edge can drop down to zero, or even drop into the advantage for a basic strategy player. but this almost never happens on land casino's!

    *theoretically: The Martingale system is unbeatable under the following circumstances (you have an unlimited bankroll, and the casino has unlimited table limits)


    p.s. dont abuse your dealers. It's not their fault most of you play like idiot's!
    and for gods sake, if you have a good dealer and your having a good time and feel entertained "TIP HIM!!!!"

    "the casino pays me to deal the cards, You pay me for entertainment, and advice" ;)

    and another thing, DO NOT YELL AT BAD PLAYERS, YOU HAVE THE RIGHT TO GET UP OFF YOUR CHAIR AND GO SOMEWHERE ELSE TO PLAY. Bad players have the right to play anyway they want!! I dont yell at you when you screw up and it makes the table lose, what gives you the right to yell at anybody else?? :mad:

    don't slam the table, dont swear at me under your breath, dont knock over your chair, dont go to the atm if you really cant afford to, and dont come back if your not gonna have fun playing!!!

  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Sockman wake up & smell the coffee

    If Blackjack is for entertainment only why do your fellow workers throw us out? Is it because we have had to much entertainment.They dont cut any body off who has had to much to drink when playing blackjack.But be afraid be very afraid to have to much entertainment.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Another opinion

    Any system out there is just someones elses opinion on how to play the game of blackjack. They all are derived from Edward Thorpes basic counting system.

    My "Ricks Picks" is something I do for fun and don't expect any payment. These systems are like most tout (Sports) services charging for their information (opinion). If they win great, but if not they still have your money. They are the only real winners on those deals.

    I agree with several things both sockman522 and joep said in their posts. However sockman this is not the place to vent your anger about your job, nor is it the place to beg for tips. I have been dealing for over twenty years and it is a dealers job to deal the cards, bottom line! If we entertain the players that is great, but winning is the only way most players are entertained so unless their winning it is hard to get tips.

    I for one tip $5 after every round in which I advance in tournament play and on the regular tables I tip one dollar at the start of the sitting. I tell the dealer that this is in case it is a bad run atleast they have a chance to make a few bucks and if it is a good run they get more before I leave.

    I also play for the dealer on my bet, not in front of it. Why? Because I can pull that bet back and allow the dealer to play the winnings. If it is bet in front it goes down after the hand win or lose. This give the dealer more of a chance to win some money with a smaller amount of my money at risk. I have also found that the dealer REALLY wants you to win when their money is on the line with yours. I have had (on bigger bets) the dealer help me on hands due to the fact they had a bigger bet out as well. Several times the dealer had more bet then me on a hand and this works in the players favor, 1st ) makes avg. play go up and 2nd) Believe me the dealer will give you every chance to win they can...LOL.

    Now sockman522 after saying all that if I was to be playing at your table an you asked for or made a comment about a tip I wouldn't leave you a cent. Stop bitching about your job, just do it or find something else to do. I can tell you this listening to you complan is NOT entertaining.
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2004
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Let's take it easy on sockman. We're a nice friendly forum for the exchange of ideas. Everybody take a deep breath. Now, that's better, huh?
  6. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    to Sockman

    My ideas on tipping: Do you tip the police officer for writing you a ticket (you should , this might save your life by slowing you down), the fireman when he puts out your house fire, the mail person for bringing your mail of course not they are just doing their job. When a dealer is dealing he is just doing his
    job, a job the casino pays him or her to do. Casinos make their dealers
    rely on you for tips because they're too damn cheap to pay their own employees a livable wage. They wouldn't make their employees pool tips if they were concerned about customer service as keeping less than 1% of the tip money you solicit is no incentive to be serviceminded. So, tipping in a casino certainly isn't to get good service. It may be to thank someone for good service to a slight degree, but mostly that's just a false notion the casinos promote. You're there at the tables not only to provide the house with revenue but also to pay their employees as well. Remember the word TIP
    itself means: To Improve Performance, so what can a dealer do to improve
    his service, NOTHING legally but maybe deeper pen but with the rule of
    6, cut marks on discard trays etc. very few will do this. Also remember
    the dealer who was rude, shuffled up every time you raise your bet, yell
    checks play when you increase your bet, when you tip the "friendly"
    dealer, the "bad" dealer gets a part of the tip too since the share tips unless you are playing at Fizgeralds where the dealers get to keep their own tips. Early in my playing days, I used to believe that tipping would improve playing conditions -- deeper pen, faster dealing, etc.
    In retrospect, rarely did playing conditions improve from tipping.
    When I played at very low stakes, tipping would eat up much of my profit.
    It was truly money thrown in the trash.
    And to the dealer who hustles tips when I am winning where were you when you dealt me losing hands, I have never heard a dealer say sorry I am beating you, here's $10 to make up for it.

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