"casino Jim" Wins Grand Casino Biloxi Tourney...

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Poppa Goose, Feb 27, 2005.

  1. Poppa Goose

    Poppa Goose New Member

    Jim H. (casino Jim) Took 1st Place This Weekend @ The Grand Biloxi In A Dramatic Finish...having The "high" And "low" On The Last Hand, He Graces His $1900.00 Wager With A "blackjack"...he Elects To Take Even Money Against A Dealer Ace...(he Does So Correctly Because Br-4, Playing Behind Jim Also Has A Blackjack W/ A $2500.00 Wager, If Jim Waves Off His Bj, Br-4 Will Take Even Money Thus Winning W/ A Dealer Bj & A Jim Push) Anyway That's When It Gets Interesting...after Asking The Table For "insurance" The Dealer Turns Over His Down Card ( A Three)..."without Going Around The Table"...so Now All Of The Players Are Allowed To Play The Hand W/ The Dealers Hand Exposed...no One Is Able To Recapture The High & Jim Beats The Br-4 Bj By 120.00...by The Way The Dealer Hit His A,3 With A 6..."poetic Justice"...jim Played "great" Throughout This 4 Round Tourney & Deserved Every Bit Of The $24,680.00 First Place Prize----well Done Jim
  2. catch 27

    catch 27 New Member

    Congrat's Casino Jim

    :celebrate Great Playing!
  3. Hot Dog! :eek: Way to go Jim. Congratulations on a very nice win. I wonder if the Biloxi property will emulate their cousin down in Gulfport and have these tournaments regularly?
  4. casino_jim

    casino_jim Member


    Thanks for the nice comments. It helps to be fortunate enough to get the cards to be in position to win.

    I was in shock when that dealer turned over his hole card with 4 people left to act on the last hand. I just knew they would cancel the hand, but they let 4 people take a shot at the dealer and me, and the hands actually finished the way they would have with no blunder by the dealer.

    Again, I was fortunate all day long.


    I understand the Grand in Gulfport will be repeating the very successful tournament they had earlier this year in August. I think they have a problem with a lack of rooms until late in the summer (they had over 400 in that tourney). The Biloxi people will have their tournament 3 or 4 times each year. The Biloxi tournament really turns into a nice value if you live here, since they charged $100 less if you didn't stay at the hotel.
  5. Congrats again Jim. I read that about the reduced entry fee late last week and almost convinced myself I could get away from my obligations and come down since it was a bargain at $150. I always have a couple of free room mailouts laying around. In fact, that is what I am doing for the Beau Rivage tournament later this month. I am staying at another property but coming down mostly to play the BR tournament. Finally, I let that idea go :( and took care of some work related things I needed to do last weekend.

    Hope to see you at the Blackjack Squadron tourny.
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member


    Wow! Nice going Jim, and a very nice payday!
    I'm glad the dealer goof didn't ruin your day.
  7. Jim P.

    Jim P. Member


    You don't step on Superman's Cape.....
    You don't spit into the wind...............
    You don't fool around with the ole' Lone Ranger.....AND

    You Don't Mess Around With JIM :cool:

    P.S.: Three hours of sitting next to Ken-San on the way to Vegas has had a profound effect on Jim-San's game :laugh: Come to think of it.....Ken-San has had a profound effect on all of our games !!......
  8. casino_jim

    casino_jim Member

    Your 10% of the gross is in the mail, Ken...:)

    After adding up all the '10%' people and my wife who would not believe me when I told her it was $2,460.00, not $24,600.00, I now owe money...:)
  9. justlsuteddy

    justlsuteddy Member

    Does anyone have the dates of the August tournament yet? I would like to go ahead and reserve a spot and room since I missed out this last weekend due to a lack of rooms (yeah i could have went anyway and save $100, but i was mad about being jerked around on the rooms).

  10. casino_jim

    casino_jim Member

    August Tourney

    As soon as I know for certain, I'll be posting it.
  11. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Grand Casino Biloxi Rules, Unusual

    There Was No Limitation On The Time Allowed On Betting Or Decision Making. Absolutely Nothing In The Rules.
    And Most Amazing Is The Allowing Of Discussing Anything With Other Players At The Table. This Is Without Limitation. I Question The Tournament Manager At Length Concerning This. He Stated That There Is Nothing In The Rules To Prohibit Talking To Other Players About Anything. The Only Thing That Is Prohibited Is Conversation With Spectators.
    This Was Very Important To Me Because I Was The Unfortunate Loser Because Another Player Was Coaching A Third Player On Her Bet Sizing, Hit, Stand, Etc. I Called For The Director & He Stated It Was Allowed. Never Have I Ever Seen This Before.
  12. justlsuteddy

    justlsuteddy Member

    Has anyone been to the weekly $2,000 tournament at Grand Casino? Are the rules on time and talking the same? That wouldn't be so bad; I have several friends I would like to bring who are novices. I would like to at least help them on basic strategy problems if we happen to be at the same table.

    Also, if you've been to the weekly tournament give me a heads up on format and number of players that enter.

    Thanks! -T
  13. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    Grand Biloxi Weekly Tourney

    I have played it several times in the last few weeks. You must pre-register or you may not get in. Call the host office to register. If you do not call ahead you can sign up on the wait list that is located on a BJ table just across from the registration desk. If pre-registered just go directly to the registration desk & pay your entry fee.
    The weekly is run exactly like the one last weekend. Same dealers, same directors, same rules, & always a big crowd since it is the biggest weekly in the area.
  14. justlsuteddy

    justlsuteddy Member

    Catch-22 Card?

    I played in this tournament Thursday and they have something I haven't seen before. For each round you get one "catch-22 card". If you land a 22 on a hand you can give the dealer the card and push that hand. Once per round.

    Has anyone else seen this before? Has anyone figured out the best uses for this card? I figure it will give you more options to double.

    And did they use this card in the Frozen Assets tournament?

    Overall, I found the Grand Casino to be a very professional run tournament but I didn't like that some of the tournament tables had automatic shuffling machines and others didn't. I like to use the time spent shuffling to count everyones chips and make some decisions.

    Also, they were very big on no talking at the table about strategy. Maybe they are reading our forums?

  15. Springbac

    Springbac Member

    GRAND-Biloxi tourney

    I played the tourneys there every Thursday during & found the Catch 22 Card unique & very useful. Often it lets you hit a 12 against a breaking card if you have a big bet out. It was used by many. They also do this in their big tournaments.
    I agree with everything else you said except the no strategy talking at the table. I assume you saw my previous post concerning my conversation with the tournament director this exact thing. He stated that it is perfectly permissible. I do know that one dealer told her table that it is not permissable.
  16. justlsuteddy

    justlsuteddy Member

    Well this past Thursday both the dealer at my table and the guy on the microphone made announcements saying not to talk to anyone about strategy. So if you hear someone discussing strategy I would ask the director to shut it down.
  17. Big Daddy C

    Big Daddy C New Member

    Big Daddy C

    Congrats Jim, I'm new to playing the tournaments and of course I only made it to the second round in Biloxi. I lost with a 2500 bet on the last hand on table 1, although I did hit a blackjack on the last hand (my deatails not important). I learned a valuable lessons from you guys. I look forward to meeting you at a final table one day..
    Big Daddy C.
  18. casino_jim

    casino_jim Member


    I am usually at the Wed. 3-card Tourney in Gulfport, and the the Thurs. Biloxi Tourney (alternating 3-card and BJ). Hope to see ya at one of um.
  19. I would give one word of advice on using the catch-22 card. Have it in your hand ready to use. If you bust with a 22 and can't communicate your wishes to the dealer before she drags your chips into the tray, you are out of luck. A couple of years back during a non-weekly tournament at the Gulfport Grand, the dealer raked my chips into the rack despite my telling her "Whoa, Whoa" as I was retrieving my catch 22 card from under my chip stack. I realize I should have been more specific in my communication but "Whoa, Whoa" was all I could get out at the time. I thought that was a universal command down here in the South to stop everything you are doing. :laugh:
    Anyway, it cost me a $1,000 bet which I could have used to double down on the next hand had I been able to push by using my catch 22 card.
  20. casino_jim

    casino_jim Member

    Usually, the Biloxi dealers understand there is a 22 card and give you a chance to communicate. The problem you had in Gulfport was probably the inexperience of the dealer not looking out for the 22 count, and just sweeping away everything, and not paying attention to your concerns. I have been told that some of the dealers in Biloxi had to get used to the 22 card.

    In this past tourney, I doubled a 12 with my 22 card and caught a 9 late in my semi-final round that gave me the lead with a few hands left. I was able to use that lead to get the high and most of the lows on the last hand to win. One thing is certain, don't use that card until near the end if you can. I don't know the improvement for the player, but it has to be enough to make your 'high' play at the end a no-brainer, when a push is important, too. Think about it, You get a 12 and double and catch a 10, and the dealer has a 5 up and draws to 20. How sweet it is to push! Also, I saw many players leave the table with 22 after an all-in bet, not using their 22 card.

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