Cherokee Bounty event #2

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Oct 25, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    The final table of the Bounty event:
    50 entries and 24 re-buys


    Players from left to right:

    1) Hollis Ship (2) William Umbel (3) Karen Dueck (4) Mark Russell (5) Troy Stafford (6) Lou Congemi (2nd straight final table for Lou).

    Staff from left to right: 1) Rhonda (2) dealer Ronnie (3) Robin

    Total prize money: $5,945.00

    1st = Hollis = $2,675.00
    2nd = William = $1,189.00
    3rd = Troy = $ 713.00
    4th = Lou = $ 595.00
    5th = Mark = $ 476.00
    6th = Karen = $ 297.00

    Bounties ($25.00 each) = $875.00 throughtout the rounds.

    This event has such ups and downs in it. In my first round I was the dealer and hit a blackjack and actually lost money (no kidding).

    In my re-buy round I was down to $10.00 twice and $5.00 once and ended up winning my table and was leading chip winner going into round 2, with $4,785.00.

    In the semifinals, I was sitting in 2nd place (5 players at the table and 3 advancing to the finals. I had a little over $13,000 and was the dealer with $1,700 minimum betting limit. Three of the 4 players DD and (only one made a hand), but they all won 3 of them on stiffs as I busted my 6/7 with a ten, and was eliminated from play.

    The luck factor in this game is HUGE!
    Last edited: Oct 25, 2007
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Tex tell Lou if we see his sitting in that final table chair much longer we will have to check his booty for roots ! Way to go back to back Lou LOL. I remember last OK tourney week Lou took down a big prize and I mean a good one :)

    SOOZZIEC New Member

    Tulsa tourneys #2

    Congrats again to all the winners!
    Looks like Lou is on a Hot Streak!

    What a great time! :)
  4. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Yea, Lou

    Terrific wins, Lou. Wish we were there to support you and all our buddies at the final tables. See you soon at another final table, maybe :D ! Hi to Sue and rest of St. Louis Mafia......feiii and le
  5. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    Yea, Ark-La-Tex BJ Tourney Bunch

    Way to go, Ark-La-Tex Tournament Toughies!! Kudos to Hollis Shipp, Harry Fox and John Leland....Your buddies from Tuesday Night BJ Tournament are PROUD of you. Bring home the big bucks!

    St. Louis out! :cool:

    feiii and le
  6. the farmer

    the farmer New Member

    Thanks Ark-La-Tex

    Thanks guys - It was really fun , wish all of you could have been there.

    The Farmer:)

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