Cherokee Jack & Jill finals

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, May 20, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Here's the final table from left to right for the Jack & Jill tournament sanctioned by the TBJPA.


    John & Linda Zimmerman, Larry B. (Dr. Bass), Tammy E. (Themom82), Bonnie & Dewy Douglass, Richard & Marie Krueger, Julie Clyman, Skip (Dreamer), Sondra Baker, John Carr.

    Final results: 30 entries, 15 re-buys = $3,750 + 10% added = $4,125 total prize pool.

    1st = $1,856 = 45% - Richard & Marie
    2nd = $825 = 20% - Dewy & Bonnie
    3rd = $495 = 12% - John & Sondra
    4th = $413 = 10% - Larry & Tammy
    5th = $330 = 8% - John & Linda
    6th = $206 = 5% - Skip & Julie

    This event was really enjoyable. Players drew for their tables and seats at the start of each round.

    After 9 hands the players would switch and then again after 18th and 27th hands, 36 hands total were played in each round of this event.
    Last edited: May 20, 2007
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    3 of 4 last final tables! Way to go Dr B and Tammy! Tammy had 2 of 3 at River Palms and bam! ANOTHER! Way to go Y'all.

    Skip, you have a mission, you know what it is....;) Take down Jose :joker: You have the lead now talk your way thru!:laugh:
  3. thrasht

    thrasht New Member


    Way to go Larry, Tammy and Skip. Nicely done all. Glad to see three members from the community at the final table. Storm and I can't wait to see you all on Thursday.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Point leaders

    I forgot to post the points for the Jack & Jill event.

    The points will be awarded as follows:

    1st = 20 pts. "split for this first event, half for each player".

    2nd = 15 " "

    3rd = 12 " "

    4th = 10 " "

    5th = 8 " "

    6th = 6 " "

    Semi's = 4 " "

    Sign-up = 2 " "

    Several members made the semifinals today,
    LHenryC, Swog, even myself, but fail to make it to the final table. Oh well at least we picked up half of the points (2 for each of us). Of course now I'm starting behind 12 players, anywhere from 1 to 8 points behind them.
    Last edited: May 21, 2007
  5. themom82

    themom82 New Member

    Thanks, Barney and Thrasht! I can't believe I made another final table!!!! But could not of done it with out DrBass, he was a great partner.

    I hope to keep going strong this week. I have to miss a couple days, but will be back the end of the week, if not sooner. I am trying to work out the details.

    Good Luck to everyone in Tulsa! I hope to see a long list of winners posted everyday.

    Tammy aka themom82
  6. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Thanks all

    Thanks for the congrats all - and especially to Tammy. She was a great partner too - made a strategic surrender on the last hand of the semis to send us to the final table.

    Having a great time here in Tulsa - hope to see ya'all at the final tables all week long.

  7. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    No date..

    penalty at Jack n Jill? I read a guy on another board complaining about getting a couple points just for paying into the Tulsa games. I say why not? You pay you get a couple points. Its called INCENTIVE. I think this guy couldnt get a date and is upset. Kind of like going to the prom by yourself! I propose give this guy a point what the heck! Kind of like getting a dance with the Algebra teacher at the prom, you didnt have a date but you did get a dance!:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:
  8. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Extra Jills

    There were several Jacks without Jills in Tulsa. Players including Skip and Swog just to mention a few were grabbing Jills from the casino floor just to get into the event.

    Anyone wanting to play had the chance to get a Jill by signing up on a list or either by finding their own in the casino.

    They had 30 teams and everyone seemed to enjoy the format. For a first time event I thought it went over very well.

    I do agree with you that the 2 points for playing is just an incentive, as is the entire weekly bonus. It is designed to bring more players in for the entire week to play in more tournaments, I think it is a great marketing tool. As of now the points are earned as follows:

    2 points for playing.
    4 points for making the semifinals.
    6 - 20 for making the final table.

    I would like to get an additional point for any rounds from which you advance between round 1 and the semifinals as well, but...
  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Only issue

    The Tulsa events have been pretty carefree. The only issue to come up so far is the insurance bet. The rules state insurance must be put up. However in the event of a players blackjack and dealers ace up, they are allowing even money to be taken.

    It really wasn't that big of an issue, but it drove Swog crazy...LOL

    If this is the only issue we have this week, then we'll be in great shape.
  10. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    That Swog

    Is such a stickler for detail :laugh: I bet he is still writing in his notebook this morning.

    BTW, Skips approach to finding a partner must have been brains and beauty :gaga:
  11. bjtjdt

    bjtjdt New Member


    John (aka Thrasht) gave me (aka BarbT) the good news from OK when we spoke earlier today. Way to go Tammy, Doc Bass and Skip!!!!!!!!!!!

    Regards, BarbT
  12. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Congratulations to members who won the event.

    As an aside I heard other members were upset because they didn't find a Jill. Personally I think they make a nice couple! :laugh:

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