Chia Pet Time

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by toolman1, Dec 13, 2006.

  1. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I'm getting ready to post a serious response on another thread after dinner but while I was gathering my thoughts I saw an annual commercial on TV about - yes you guessed it - CHIA PET. This set my mind wondering and I'd like to ask the forum if they have any answers to my never ending quest for knowledge.

    1) Do they sell these things world wide or is this something that we in the USA have to tolerate - endure if you will?

    2) Is this a one man operation? I think 1 man spends 11 months making these things (probably in Texas) and then 1 month selling them at Christmas time.

    3) Do people really buy these things or is it like fruitcake? You know, you get one for a present but don't use it. Just store it away and "re-gift" it next year.

    4) Is this not a perfect gift for a relative you dislike but have to buy a present for anyway?

    There may be other questions but that's all I can think of right now. If I get enough responses maybe I can set up a poll - fgk42 has nothing on me. :D

    Anyway, a Merry CHA , CHA, ,CHA, CHIA to you all, and to you all a good night.
  2. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Hey Chia Pets are wonderful:

    You don't have to take them for walks
    No mess to clean up
    Eat water only

    Come in all shapes and varieties.

    The guy who came up with them - well I think he invented the Clapper too!

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