Chipsmccoy's B-Day

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by elyssez, Jun 14, 2006.

  1. elyssez

    elyssez Member

    Hey, Happy Belated Birthday, Chips!!!! Thanks for all your words of wisdom. I owe you a drink the next time I see you.

  2. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Same here!

    Happy Belated Birthday Chips, wish you were going on the cruise, but I wish you the best at the Millionaire Maker BJ tournament.
  3. eastexaspro

    eastexaspro Member

    there is only one chips

    happy birthday chips and many more.eastexaspro
  4. thrasht

    thrasht New Member

    Happy B-Day

    Happy Birthday Chips. I'll buy you a drink next time I see you as long as it doesn't cost more than a $2.50 chip.
  5. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Thanks to all

    Thanks to all - both public and private - for the well wishes. Yes indeed, the alternative to not having another birthday is not pleasant!

    On a remotely related note - the wedding that Joyce and I had almost 32 years ago was video taped by my uncle who had just got a new toy - a Betamax VCR!

  6. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Happy Birthday, King Of all the Players Clubs in Las Vgeas

    Having had the pleasure of breaking bread with you on many occasions and in different venues here in Las Vegas . I just want to let you know that attending your birthday party this past weekend in Reno was an honor. I know that you attended mine in Las Vegas and I would have been there except some one :joker: forgot to tell me where it was being held

  7. Opus21

    Opus21 New Member

    A Most Happy Birthday-Anniversary


    Best wishes for many more. I think you've had
    sufficient offers of celebratory libation.

    How about a bucket of soup?
  8. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Looking forward to it

    Looking forward to the next time that we share soup my friend - am heading to the airport to fly your way in less than 90 min. Scheduled arrival is about midnight tonight. Will I see you at the LVH?

  9. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Happy Birthday

    Chips it was a pleasure seeing you again - I hope we'll do it again soon. Best wishes from Karen and me. :D
  10. noman

    noman Top Member

    Chips B Day

    Happy belated best wishes, Captain Kirk:

    elyeesz your offer could be expensive!

    Now you and Obie-Wan-K-Norm-ie are in a race for the oldest poster on the site. Welcome to the bannana over 60 club.

    And I know it wasnt lost on anyone else, but Sir Paul turned 64. Ironic that he wrote a hit about that age, isn't it Obie Wan?
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    It looks like only a visit from Luca Brasi will stop this never ending attempt by you to exaggerate my age. Now I know at your age misery loves company but there are so many more targets on this board that you should set your sights on. If this conduct continues Luca will be looking for your tent on the beach .All he will need is a cat to smell where the open tuna fish cans are and then you will be sleeping with the "Fishes"

  12. noman

    noman Top Member


    Luca is welcome to break bread with me anytime. Or I guess from your perspective break a leg, (or two or arm.) Oh sleeping with the fishes! I guess he doesn't want to eat.

    In most ancient societies and modern non-American ones, age is equated with wisdom. The wisdom you impart as Obie-Wan far exceeds your 14 years of earth age, thus the attempt to keep bumping you older.

    As long as you outlast the affects of aging on the mind, you'll have to be twenty years older than you are.

    And I must admit I post all of the above out of fear of a visit from Luca, or Anthony or the crew, but most especially from Vito. Oh, that's right. He's dead.
  13. Joep

    Joep Active Member


    Your explanation has been taken under consideration and Luca has been called off .Keep in mine Vito may be dead but he has many sons who have learned their fathers trade .So one should not feel totally safe .

    You tent will be well protected now by Team UMT

    Ultimate Mafia Tour

  14. eastexaspro

    eastexaspro Member

    congrats to frank elder

    frank came in 3rd at tunica grand millionmaker bj tournament with $36700
  15. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Birthday Boy

    Hey Mac, happy birthday. No matter how old you are, you don't look it!!!

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