Christmas gifts for event contributors

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by KenSmith, Dec 5, 2005.

  1. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I've been wanting to reward the BJT members who have been contributing information to our Blackjack Tournament Event Calendar, so here's what I came up with.

    So far this year, 79 members have taken the time to add a new event or update an existing event on the calendar. Thanks to all of you! It is your efforts that have made this a great resource.

    If you haven't checked out the calendar lately, you may be surprised at how many events are listed. Including all the small weekly events, there are usually close to 1000 tournaments listed every month!

    As a way to reward those members who have been regular contributors, I'm giving away some Christmas gifts at

    Each time you add a new tournament to the calendar, that's worth 3 points. Each time you update an existing tournament, that's worth 1 point.

    So far in 2005, our top three contributors are:

    [FONT=Fixedsys]Member      Points       Prize
    [/FONT][FONT=Fixedsys]chipsmccoy    94         $75 Amazon gift certificate
    toolman1      73         $50 Amazon gift certificate
    bozo101       25         $25 Amazon gift certificate
    In addition, I wanted to do something for all the rest. I randomly chose one member of the 76 other members who participated in the calendar posting...

    Congrats to richgarcia, who won with just 1 point for updating an existing event in September. richgarcia gets a $25 Amazon gift certificate.

    I'll be sending emails to confirm the email address before sending out the prizes. Winners, watch your inbox.

    I'll plan on doing something like this next year as well, so get out there and start posting events. We all benefit when the community shares information.
    Last edited: Oct 5, 2013
  2. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    An unexpected pleasure!

    Well, what a unexpected and pleasant surprise, and while not necessary, it is most greatly appreciated! I just try to contribute where I can. The commradery of this site is hard to explain to those who have not experienced it - the attitudes of those on the cruise is a case in point. Just happy to be able to return a bit to the good folks like yourself Ken, who put in countless un-compensated hours, directly and indirectly, both visible and behind the scenes to ingorm and educate others.

    It is a personal and professional pleasure to associated with this group. Without this site, my life would not be as enriched with both the information and friends that it has been over the last two years

  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Okl. Slang

    Ingorm is that some sort of Okl. slang.? In New York we just call it " Hey Tony I told you about that didn't I "
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Ken you're the man, rewarding others who keep us all informed about the upcoming tournament. Keep up the good work.
    Last edited: Dec 5, 2005
  5. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Nice touch

    I agree with all the other posts, Ken it is a nice touch to reward those who have gotten us the information on tournaments and keeping all of us informed of opportunities to play. I thought you had written a bot to go search all the websites to find these tournaments and was always puzzled when I went to the casino website and could not find any mention of their tournaments there. If it were not for this website and the contributions of everyone with information to share this would not work.

    While we are at it, we need to applaud the senior members on here to contribute their wisdom freely to help all of the rest of us learn how to play better. I won't list names because I would leave to many out, but it is appreciated.

    And last of all, but not least, Rick (TXtourplayer), you don't get a prize for the most posts other than your "executive member status" LOL
  6. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I'll list 'em. Here are the current Senior Members (100+ posts):

    S. Yama

    There are several others who are approaching the 100 post mark.
    Thanks to all of you for building a community here.
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Rick's Senior Member status should have some sort of disclaimer on it.Most of his post are just responing to some of his own post, or if it rained last night in Texas or that he got a flat tire on his rental car on the way to a tournament .Now dont get me wrong we all " LOVE " Rick but it does take us sometimes up to 5 extra minutes to get to the post with the real info it. :laugh: Its my opinion that he should be 86th out of this group.

    Just think of how many extra post he will get responding to this post ;)

    Rick how about a poll we know you love creating them,a poll on what people think of your numerous post :laugh:
  8. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    Executive member


    Correct me if I am wrong, but isn't Rick the only executive member (More than 1000 posts)? I think Joe is right, Rick does set the bar high for the rest of us in posts. LOL

    BTW, I didn't mean to take any credit for "Senior Member" status, I meant to credit those more "learned members" who share freely their wisdom on playing strategy. They may not have achieved "Senior Member" status, but their posts are always informative and thought provoking.

  9. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    I just did the math Ptaylorcpa in one of Rick threads that he started there have been 55 replies to it of the 55 Rick has 40.That works out to be a little shy of 73 % . The math always tells the truth :laugh:
  10. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    You are correct Pat. Rick is the only Executive Member so far besides me (and I show up as Administrator instead.)

    However, Joep is not far from Executive status, which is 500+ posts.
  11. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Unexpected and appreciated

    Ken, just got your email notifying me of my prize. Thank you very much but it certainly was not necessary. Just shows the kind of guy you are!:cheers:

    I didn't realize how many calendar posts I made. I only can post the events I become aware of, I don't go seeking them out too often. It's only with the help of all contributors to this site that it is so successful. I'm glad to play a small roll.:violin:

    Do they have any good BJ books at Amazon? Maybe I can then improve my game and be a contender at the WSOB.:laugh:

    Thanks again Ken. You're a GREAT GUY!
  12. oneeyedjacks

    oneeyedjacks New Member

    Born on Date

    Aw shucks! It looks like my contributions went stale, just like Budweiser.

    All my efforts were in Sept 2004. When was the tourney listing created, Aug 2004?

    Yes, the listings have grown! Good job fellow members. And congrats to the prize winners.


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