Chumash Casino weekly

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by Barney Stone, Jun 7, 2006.

  1. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I think they are tired of me calling the pit. Opening a new weekly Wednesday game not sure if it will be $7500 or $5000 guarantee pool as the floor person told me yesterday. She also said they are not ready yet for tonight, Im going to check later, the web page says every Wednesday in June.

  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Just spoke with Joey at Chumash pit

    He says the game is on tonight. He was a little embarrassed because he didnt know the exact prize pool, but he thought it is going to be $1500 minimum plus buy ins at $25 each, no rebuys. Prelims, semis, and final all timed off one six deck shoe for each table. Signups at 6pm. Play at 7pm


    Chumash Casino 1-800-728-9997
  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Good Luck tonight

    Let us know how you do tonight Barney, Good Luck!
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Chumash 6-7

    I busted out on last hand of prelim. The format was to play thru one 6 deck shoe one advancing. $25 minimum and unlimited maximum $2500 funny money. Splitting up to 4 and DAS allowed. Blackjack paid 2-1. The cut card was placed at 2 decks from end and when it was delt the next hand was the last. This equated to 13 hands max, we had 12. They called the rounds "heats" Winner of heat one advanced and took $100 reward as did second place $100 with 3rd taking entry fee $25. You could mix your chips but the colors made it very easy to count. The prize pool was $1500 plus buy-ins. I signed up 1 1/2 hours before play and there were already 80 players! I didnt ask the final total but it was a-lot. Chumash is an 18+ casino and there were quite a few kids. I went out sat in my truck and planned a betting strategy and decided to go Martingale


    I won my first 4 bets and decided to increase my bets as a couple had collected doubles and BJ on $500 bets. I decided to pick it up to Martingale $300 to start, lost 4 in a row. I new we had only about 4 left and went all in and won. This took me back to near even. The leaders were still hot or churning at least and still betting big. I placed 50% of my chips on the next two hands and ended up still about even for last hand. I had no chance of advancing at this point but could take second and $100 if I got a BJ, I was delt 14 and busted.

    It was a lot of fun and will be back next Wednesday. It helped when I spanked a blue+red automatic shuffling machine with regression betting before left! Suited BJ paid 2-1, nice of them!

  5. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Back to Chumash tomorrow.

    Interesting is this 12-14 hand "heat" rounds (prelim, semi, final, no rebuy) compares to WSOB first KO card. Betting small will only last so long, maybe 4 hands. I am breaking the rounds down to 3 segments to keep my mind in order. Re-evaluate after every 4 hands and for sure make a strong move during segment 3 if leader is pulling far away. Over 100 people to beat so it wont be easy. At least I can get my feet in the water and get some experience.


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