Club UBT Freerolls

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by fgk42, Jun 24, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Well for those of you living in a cave and haven't realized that Club UBT is open for business here's the latest on their FREE events.

    The Club has been hosting freerolls for both the paying and non-paying members recently. As we remember the freerolls consisted of slogging through 5 or 6 rounds to reach the final table these freerolls are "different"

    1. The first "level" of freerolls is limited to 200 players only
    2. The final table of the freerolls then goes on to play in ANOTHER freeroll 5 hours later.
    3. The freerolls are held every 15 minutes (5-6) at a time. For example 0900, 0915, 0930, 0945, 1000, 1015 & 1030.
    4. The 2nd freerolls will have 36 or 42 players
    5. The final freeroll for the 1,000,000 seat will be in OCTOBER

    So the format is definately different than before, the play is, in my opinion, like the TEC games in the first round and gets progressively better.

    So is this mini-satellite to a moderate-satellite to qualify for the main event a good idea or not?

    Give it a try, it's FREE and the good thing is there won't be 999 players at a time.
  2. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    I also think that the qualification process is a good idea and is better than before.

    But I think it's wrong that the final event has only 1 winner announced... especially if the qualifying tournaments occurs 3 times every day for the next 4 months.

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