Club UBT - suggestions

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by fgk42, Aug 18, 2007.

  1. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I was thinking that a new thread dealing with The Club would be a means whereby the people over at The Club, could read and get some ideas to make their product better.

    First problem that I've seen - firsthand

    I want to play in the cruise tourney but I only have 700 points.

    Now there are some free point tourneys (not enough for EBJ side BTW)

    Plus you can win some in other events, which I'm trying

    But how about this? What do other people think of this idea?

    Buying extra points?

    Lets say you can purchase 100 points for $5, 500 points for $20 and 1000 points for $35

    This way you could play in all the "big events" without having to putz around for 10 points here and 10 points there.
  2. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    I'm Guessing that would be illegal in most States In U.S, I think sit n Go's with different value buy in's would be a good start
  3. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Illegal? Why?

    I mean if I wanted to purchase points and points only why not?
  4. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    as that would bring the site into breach of UIGEA as buying points would thus make it gambling, If you remember it was same reason when i suggested clububt Gold a Pro's version with $500 monthly fee, most states have a limit i think
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Mace is probably right. The Club doesn't violate that law because there are no entry fees for the events.
    Offering extra points for $$$ would be a very thin smokescreen for charging entry fees.

    Good idea, Fred, and as you said in another thread, that's what this forum is all about. Free exchange of ideas.
    In this case, though, that dog just won't hunt.
  6. noman

    noman Top Member


    Don't muddle the waters here. Remember the gaming law applies to financial institutions, not individual players. Go to "Gambling Laws," search and you can pull up individual state's laws. Those are what apply to definitions of what's allowed per "gambling," lotteries, sweepstakes, contests, drawings.
  7. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    That was my point - so if it's ok to pay a monthly membership fee for points why can't you "upgrade" for more points? :confused:

    Any word from an "official" ClubUBT rep?
  8. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Good idea, but they also need to have better prizes for higher levels, after all who wants to play for $10,$20,$50 or even $10,000 when playing against 1000 entries as it makes that tourney value $10.00.
  9. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    I understand but I gotta defend The Club that point as they limit most of their events to 200 players. For example the cruise package last night only had 40-some players. GREAT EV.

    I would suspect once they get more members prizes will get better. Just an assumption - but they need methods for getting more points. :flame:
  10. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Because then 'points' would just be a form of currency. You might just as well argue that gambling does not take place in a casino because chips are used, rather than dollars. (OK, there's a slight difference because you can't convert points directly back into dollars, but that's really a minor point.)

    A fixed monthly fee is key factor that distinguishes ClubUBT's model from the norm. Possibly, they might be able to get away with a tiered membership system, where you can pay more per month and get more points and other benefits as a result. But as soon as you are able to simply buy points, any pretence that this is different in a meaningful way from Bet21 etc. would be laughable.
  11. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Ok, point well taken.

    How about this one - allowing members to swap points back and forth like you can on

    Any problems with that one? :confused:
  12. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    87-some ;)
  13. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    The club already promises that they give 100,000 dollars per month prizes ...Now you want more???;-)

    I actually have not seen the prize list yet to check if they are honoring this claim...I wont join the club until Russ Hamiltons other enterprize pays what they owe me....

    Still waiting.
  14. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    87 players in last Bj cruise tourney, 200 in last poker cruise tourney, winner take all makes for very poor odds to win. Even Joep has always downgraded winner-take-all formats.
  15. pokernut

    pokernut New Member

    Their prizes are over valued example:
    Ice Tek QUINTEMPO I Watch - A unique case with striking style, combining four distinct shapes in a boldly oversized watch. Five time zones - New York, Los Angeles, Tokyo, Paris, and your town - are surrounded by 4.00 carats of full-cut white diamonds. $4,990.00
    Can be bought for $2,499.

    Gevril Watch Set - The lady's watch features a white textured dial, rose gold numerals, .25 carats genuine diamonds, date display, and a stainless steel band. The men's watch is a GV2 Classic San Bernandino with a white dial and black strap. Both watches come in a wooden jewelry box. $4,890.00
    Can be bought for $1,100

    Sharp 26" HDTV Aquos LCD Flat Panel Television $999.99
    Can be bought for about $500.
    The rest of the gifts are also over valued.
    Remember you will be taxed on their factory suggested retail price.
  16. Freeloader

    Freeloader New Member

    So, if I win a TV, I could sell it for like $400 (because I don't have the clout of a big box chain or whatever) and have to pay $1000 worth of taxes? Do I even come out ahead on that?
  17. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    It seems like this topic was discussed recently, either here or in a conversation I had. One idea presented was that you can document the real value of the prize to the IRS and reduce your tax liability. I don't know if that's true, but it sounds reasonable.
  18. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Ken's right. Relying now on my swiss-cheesed memory, caused by the never-ending supply of beer this weekend at that charity event where Deb and I were dealing BJ...... :D

    I remember a conversation, probably on vpFREE, on the subject of someone winning a car from a casino. Although the car was "new", it was really about two years old. I think the casino 1099'ed the winner for the full retail value of the car's sticker price, and the winner was successfully able to get the prize value reduced for tax purposes.

    Jean Scott sent me a copy of her book on taxes and the gambler, when I am home I'll find that & see if she addresses the issue in there. Obviously, I can't post copyrighted material, but I can let you know if the book would be a good investment for this particular matter.

    Pokernut's logic is also correct. The prize values claimed by the Club are higher vs. what you can buy the items for elsewhere. I had researched that LCD TV myself, and found it easily available for a little over half of the stated value. If you won that TV, you might be able to sell it for $400 or maybe $500. Since the Club will likely send you a 1099 for the stated value of $1,000, all I could say would be congratulations on your marginally profitable victory.
  19. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    They are of course quoting RRP this is obviously going to be more then what you can buy on ebay or cut price online for, But is the correct price to be quoting, Strangely the one thing they don't do this with is the cruise, If they quoted Brochure price values like a lot of sites do actually bring is upto near $4000 package!

  20. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Who knows? I would have thought that the legal status of ClubUBT's current model is really only a matter of opinion. Doubtless they have taken expert advice, but there can't be any guarantees about such things.

    In the context of that uncertainty, I'd be very wary about making any changes whatsoever.

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