Club Ubt

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by maxwell, May 25, 2007.

  1. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    Does Anybody Know What The Club Ubt Is All About And How This Works As Far As Blackjack Tournys Since I Do Not Care About Poker Tournys?:d :d
  2. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Big secret

    This seems to be another Big UBT Secret, they have announced nothing on the UBT site other than it starts in June.
    I'm mighty curious myself, but just don't understand why they're not telling anyone anything. :confused:

  3. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Here Ya Go

    Let me try to provide as much accurate information as possible at this time in regards to Club UBT.

    The launch date will be in mid June. They are shooting for a June 17th launch date that is being targeted for. It could be a few days sooner.

    Same user friendly software as on PlayUBT will be used.

    There will be Poker tournaments as well as Elimination Blackjack Tournaments
    $100,000 is cash and prizes will be awarded every month

    This will be totally legal in the US

    No Buy ins EVER

    Play as many tournaments as your heart desires or until your mouse screams or your wife does from the kitchen. Your mouse will only scream from being clicked on over and over again.:laugh: . The wife screaming is a totally seperate issue. Ask FGK 42 ;)

    All In Magazine subscriptions and lots of other membership benefits are included with your monthly membership.

    This will all be for one monthly membership fee of 19.99 There will also be special monthly membership fees if you sign up for more than 1 month at a time.

    I believe the first discount kicks in with a 3 month membership

    Next kicks in with a 6 month sign up

    There is a huge discount if you sign up for 12 months.

    For more information you can go to


  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Thank you, Joep

    Thanks for the explanation, Joep. I'm sure that UBT has you muzzled somewhat (or in the dark) as far as specifics, but I, for one, appreciate what you could tell us - and your taking the time to write it up.


    Now I've seen the results of the first $100 freeroll, and the start of the second one. You couldn't stick a gun to my head to play those. Nearly 2 1/2 hours for the first one, with five rounds. The second one is going off with 6 rounds, so that'll run over 3 hours. For a C-note? Of course they don't have the big bucks to pump up a worthwhile prize, I surely understand that. But if that's a truly representative "sneak peek" at club UBT, I'll regretfully have to pass. :(
  5. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Big Difference

    I fully understand your frustration over playing for just $100 and it taking many hours to complete because of the popularity of the event.But keep in mind that on Club UBT the prizes will be in excess of thousands of dollars per event. There are going to be giving away 100,000 for the month which works out to over 3,333 dollars per day. There are some tournaments during each month with 10,000 and 5,000 prize pools. There are also merchandise worth 5,000 as the first place prize.

    Remember you can pick and chose which tournaments to play in or play in all of them . This will be totally up to each individual and their monthly schedule and goals.

    One side note I'm not muzzled or have ever been muzzled by UBT or for that fact anyone. If you were to read many of my post here and at other BJ web sites i never have a problem speaking my mind.

    Sometimes things can not be spoken about until it becomes official and contracts are signed. If that is the case then I abide by these requirement's.

    Last edited: Jun 1, 2007
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    OK, Judgment withheld

    OK, Joep, I won't slam the door shut on clubUBT yet.
    Won't be diving in with a full year subscription right outta the gate, though.

    BTW, whattaya mean "if I were to read many of your posts"?
    You know better than that, I've even stuck up for you on occasion. :D

    Your willingness to speak your mind is one of the big things Deb and I like about you, and I get a kick out of many of your postings here-n-there because you won't pull any punches. The contractual obligations you mentioned, as far as not being able to delve into specifics, is exactly what I (badly) tried to say.

  7. Archie

    Archie New Member

    No question about it...the price is right!!!

    Count me in.

    At most, without a discount (and it seems there is one) I'll pay $240 a year for week long entertainment at my convenience in the confort of my home.

    The software already proved it's worth. I can't see any negatives.

    It's such an interesting concept. As Joe says, you can pick your spot, schedule the games you want to play, etc.. All for a measly 20 bucks a month.

    A few months ago, I played a freeroll main event with 1270 entries where I finished 8th. It took more than four hours before being eliminated. Grueling. I would not repeat that experience everyday, but once in a while I would. When I'll do, I'll try to be mentally prepared to enjoy the experience even if it takes that long.

    Can't wait.

    By the way Joe, will the electronic financial institutions get back in the picture now that this concept is considered legal:confused:
    Last edited: Jun 1, 2007
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    That's not what I've found out.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  9. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    All In


    Any idea if the All In subscription will be available to those of us overseas? (at no extra cost)

    When I looked into it, I found that the cost of a subscription to the magazine would work out at around $12 per issue. After any discounts that probably equates to about 1/3 of the Club UBT fees! (i.e. $6 per month).

    It's slightly flawed logic to tell myself I'd be getting $6-worth of monthly savings, since I was never going to subscribe to the magazine at that price. But still, if I were trying to convince myself that signing up to Club UBT is a good idea, that might help do the trick. :)
  10. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Added $100 Freeroll

    Looks to me like UBT has added a daily 2pm freeroll to the already announced 6PM, 8PM, 10PM, and midnight events.

    I'll be interested to see if the current 400 - 600+ entry counts for each of these continues at that pace.

    It'll also be interesting to know (although we probably never will) if clubUBT gets enough "subscribers" to make this a profitable proposition. If they're ponying up $100K per month in prizes, it'll take over 5,000 players just to break even on the prize money alone - not counting operating expenses and the magazine subscriptions. :eek:

    I hope it works for them!!!
  11. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    London I have a meeting with Anthony Curtis on Monday and I will address this concern of yours with him. I would think that the shipping might take longer to get to you but it should not affect the promotion. But I will get you a definitive answer to you question.


  12. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Thanks Joe. In case I gave the wrong impression, it's not so much that I'm concerned that we may miss out on the magazine offer over here, but rather that if we do get it it constitutes a much more valuable freebie than it does to those in N. America and may make the economics of signing up seem that little bit more attractive.


    The flip side of the profitability question, from the players' perspective, is what level of vig will this 'all you can eat' format equate to?

    If the prizes are fixed at $100K per month, then less than 5000 subscribers would constitute an overlay, but you would have to have enough free time to play in a sufficient number of the tourneys in order to get your share of that overlay.

    On the other hand, if it is a roaring success, but still with a fixed prize pool, then I suppose you could reach the stage where even if you played in every single tourney you could not expect your winnings to average more than the monthly fee.

    Actually Joe, is the $100K going to be a fixed amount, or will it be revised each month, based on the current number of subscribers? (E.g., Hold 10% of the monthly subscriptions and give back the rest in prizes.)

    EV isn't everything though; the idea of a fixed cost offering unlimited opportunities to hone your skills and at the same time the possibility that you might win one or two big prizes has its attractions.
  13. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    My concern was with the current $100 winner-take-all events, they seem like a lot of time burned up vs. the expected return. Granted, they are freerolls with no financial downside, but let's take a look from a video poker player's method of analysis. For example, yesterday's events were all at least 400 entrants, ranging to a bit over 600. If you assume an average of 500 entrants, the EV is 20 cents - divided by about 2 1/2 hours to complete. From the limited info that Joe can divulge at this point, the real clubUBT events will be a better play than this. Let's hope so! :)

    The $100 freeroll entry counts are a good sign for clubUBT, although we'll have to wait and see how many are willing to pony up $$$ instead of firing away for free. I plan to give it a shot and see how it shakes out, but on a month-by-month basis at the beginning.
  14. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    Understood, Leftnut. But you also mentioned the question of whether Club UBT can get enough subscribers to make a profit. I just wanted to flip that around and point out that if they get too many subscribers then, if the prize pool is fixed at $100K, it may not be possible for any player to make a profit.

    Suppose someone is playing with a 30% edge. By my reckoning, 6500 subscribers would then be the break-even point for that player, assuming they play as often as the average player does.
  15. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Just A Thought
    When Ubt Starts Charging The 20 Dollars A Month I Would Believe That A Lot Of The Ploppies And Teens Will Not Be Present And So The Amount Of Players Will Be Tolerable (cover Charge If You Will)
    And Of Course The Payoffs Will Be Better :d :d
  16. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Colin -
    Good points. We could probably give ourselves a huge case of Analysis Paralysis trying to figure out all the variables - some of which are not known yet and can only be surmised. For $20, I'll take a whack at it and see how it shakes out.

    Maxwell -
    Of course, you're absolutely right that many of the Ploppies and Bombers will be a non-issue. Personally, I think these $100 freerolls are hurting the eventual pay site. The freerolls are all running from a bit under 2 1/2 hours to over 3. That's a pretty discouraging amount of time to fritter away for $100 (winner take all). IF there was something telling what actual prizes were going to be available upon launch, then folks would know what they're practicing for. :confused:

    The practice of keeping secrets, A.K.A. lack of disclosure, tends to annoy the crap out of people. The WWF-style free-for-all going on in other threads right now is a perfect example of that. UBT needs to let loose with some details of clubUBT, even if the whole thing isn't totally ironed out. Posting those here is nice, but only a handful of regulars will see it. They gotta toss some teasers out on the website before people get frustrated at these $100 freerolls and leave without seeing details of the future.
  17. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I may well be joining you. Although there are some additional considerations for we Europeans -

    Will the daily schedule be round the clock or, as seems likely, will it be compressed into the hours that best suit the majority American audience. Not much point having access to lots of free games if they all take place when I should be getting my beauty sleep! :)

    Making payments and (hopefully) receiving prizes in dollars might be a bit more complicated. With a normal online casino I just have to make an initial deposit and maintain an account balance. Currency conversion is only a minor issue therefore - the occasonal deposit and the occasional withdrawal. But in this instance, I would most likely have to set up regular payments and maybe have to cash dollar cheques if I'm lucky enough to win something.
  18. zweeky

    zweeky Member


    I just saw that fees are announced.

    19.95 for a month
    89.70 for six months
    155.50 for twelve months

    Sounds like a good deal. I hope the choice of tournaments will be attractive!
  19. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    With an expected $100K in prizes per month, at least for the first few months, this is bound to be a nice overlay.
  20. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member


    Isnt the site going to be offering poker and ebj? If they are offering poker the registration could be huge....

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