CLUBUBT Lauched Today

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by bjmace, Jun 14, 2007.

  1. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    I happened to be in Clububt's office today when it was launched from the amount of sign ups in first ten minutes (overheard Russ H. say they had more sign ups in first 10 minutes today then ultimate had in its first 3 months when lauched!) am sure is going to be a massive sucess, Have had a bit of a preview of whats to come on it and all i can say is is a lot more exciting then anything I or most of you would have hoped for, Prizes etc that are coming are very exciting and i would like to thank everyone On the Ultimate Blackjack Tour for making this trip From London to Vegas and Barona such a great experience. Am sure this is just the start of great things to come for UBT.
  2. Pot Stirrer

    Pot Stirrer New Member


    First everyone was told to go sign up because there'd be an overlay. Now the UBT shills are sent here to tout the number of sign ups. Which is it?
  3. bjmace

    bjmace Member


    Not sure what overlays have to do with clububt maybe your getting confused with something else, Clububt is $19.95 per month or half price for first 6 months if you take the promo offered, you then do not pay anything else for entering any of the tournaments which in weeks to come are going to have some great prizes so i guess you could call that the biggest overlay ever!
  4. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member


    Leaving aside the name-calling, what he's refering to is the lengthy discussion we've been having about the prospects for Club UBT -

    There's no confusion about the meaning of overlay with respect to Club UBT. We've done the math, as our American cousins would say.
    Last edited by a moderator: Oct 5, 2013
  5. Pot Stirrer

    Pot Stirrer New Member

    Perhaps the confusion is with the other UBT shills who were sent here to tout the launch of Club UBT. They used the term overlay, not me. And none other than Ken Smith used the term in a post. And I need to make it clear that I am in no way accusing Ken Smith of being a UBT shill. He has always been an independent voice.

    Why can't an official UBT spokesperson step up and answer questions instead of sending mercenaries to do it for them?
  6. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    why no voice

    As you know Joe pane (Joep) was the official voice of Clububt, Unfortunately Ken Has currently banned him from posting at the Moment due to an argument between himself and Rick (txtourplayer).
  7. Pot Stirrer

    Pot Stirrer New Member

    Not True!

    Joe denied over and over that he was officially connected to UBT. He dodged questions and refused to disclose what his real relationship with UBT was. He was barred from this site because he violated the rules repeatedly. This site has been a much more pleasant place since that happened, IMO.
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member


    Thank you for taking the time to inform the BJ community about the launch of ClubUBT. As someone living in the UK you have the ability to play in more markets than us here in the US. For example you played and won the Monte Carlo event that was sponsored by Get21 correct? How did that work for you? How would you compare Get 21 to ClubUBT?

    On a different note has anyone noticed any “drop off” at Are the tournaments still going strong? Do you believe that Club UBT will siphon off patrons from or is the target audience from Club UBT different and separate from that of

    To pot stirrer: While you may feel that BJMace is a “shill”, I for one, appreciate his contribution and information regarding the “launch” of another venue for those interested in playing TBJ. Your question about an official UBT “voice” is a valid point and I would suggest that maybe you could contact UBT customer service and ask UBT that question. If and when they respond to a direct question could you post their response?

    Lets work together to disseminate information to all who are interested and work together to get the most and the best BJ tournaments for all who are interested.
  9. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member


    As far as I was aware Ken only banned Joep and Hollywood Dave for 3 days so they are now eligible to post on here if they wanted too.

    Maybe I missed something, so I could be wrong.

  10. bjmace

    bjmace Member


    thanks FGK, it is annoying when people jump on you calling 'shill' etc when you are trying to inform people of stuff that is going on in the BJ Tournament world and lets face it thats what this site is for.
    When I won the Monte carlo Tournament, Valentines Tournament and King Of Europe Championship and posted on here thanking get21 etc was funny but was immediately accused of working for GET21,
    Now I'm in The U.S for a couple of weeks make a post that i thought most people have been waiting for and guess what lol :rolleyes: .

    I came to U.S to play Barona and have also played sit n Go's at Venetian, I say as i find, And when i first said i was coming out and since i have been here Joe P has been nothing but helpful to me bearing in mind this was my first UBT land event, Whilst at Barona as well as being introduced to some of BJ's Legends like Vera, Joe also introduced me to the people who run CLUBUBT, as i have had a few ideas for a while which he felt i should discuss.

    It was therefore that i found myself at CLUbUBT's office in Vegas yesterday which happened to be launch day. Although as I'm sure your appreciate i can not go entirely into what the discussions where about, One part that Joe and Myself had thought important was someone in Europe who can cordinate with CLUBUBT to make sure European members are kept informed and are involved in all aspects of clububt, From small things like the magazine to Massive prizes which are to come, Of course if this does happen i will be more then happy to post on here and keep everyone informed regardless of where they are in the world of new happenings etc.

    I can say the meeting was Positive an idea i put forward, they had thought of before and are now putting into action, If to plan will be on a much grander scale then Aruba, But hope to be able to tell more next week.

    There also seems to be confusion between bet21/Ultimate and UBT, Joe stated always that he had no connections with BET21 and Ultimate this is because they are completely seperate to UBT, If my understanding is right they bought the Rights to use the software and Elimination style tournamnets from Russ so they are not under UBT's control although the software from all 3 companies is Based on the same scripts etc, UBT on the other hand organises the TV shows, and Now the site, Joe has of course never denied his connection with UBT as he has been on Team!

    Tonight if anyone fancies a game i am at Venetain before flying home tomorrow, but am back Next Month for the Venetian event which is 13th-15th July if memory serves me right.

    In the past i too have been frustrated about lack of support or replies to queries but more so directed at Bet21/Ultimate then anything to do with clubUBT, It is early days for the launch of this there looks like great things to come so why not give them a chance guys, I for one am always happy to find new places to play, Yes there are other sites in Europe that U.S players can't go on but guess what there is a lack of good/any players on them :laugh:

    Am also aware of the post about some states not being able o play money games on clubUBT, At a guess they are having to keep to U.S laws for all states as the Owners are based in the U.S, As has already been discussed Owners of BET21/Ultimate are not and was said that they can't eneter the U.S because of it, If i'm wrong this is just an educated guess so don't jump on me ;)
  11. bjmace

    bjmace Member


    Appears Hollywood Dave was told for 3 days Joe was not told a period and looking at his icon still shows as banned so he beliveves is forever, As i said in previous post I say as I find, and before and since I arrived in U.S last week, Joe has been a true Gent in every sense of the word, There are not too many in the BJ or Poker community who go out of there way as much to help as he has, and from what others have said i have met he is like this with everone and is a shame whatever arguments were had it came to this.
  12. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    True Gents (take as you find)

    Thanks for the reply bjmace (still not sure about that ban but I will defer to your inside knowledge).

    Say hello to my BJ Internet mate Joe Pane (Joep) from me.

    My other BJ Internet mate on here is Rick Jensen (Txtourplayer).

    I will let you and others on here work out the irony of the above statement!

    Both these players have been nice and helpful to me in the past so I have never taken any side.

    Enjoy yourself in the USA and I hope you win.

    Andy :)
  13. Sooeygun

    Sooeygun New Member

    I think have noticed the scheduled tourneys are not filling up as often and being cancelled more often. Also people that I used to see a lot, not there anymore.

    I was wondering if US patrons were having trouble putting more money in their accounts when the balance ran down. I'm in Canada. Could someone answer that question for me?
  14. noman

    noman Top Member

    Club UBT SIGN-UP

    Well, there ya go. With a Hi dee Hi dee HI and a Hi dee Hi dee Ho. Ha. ha ha.
    Just received this response from Club UBT:

    "Thank you for contacting us.
    Currently your state does not allow participation in the subscription based portion of ClubUBT, however, you can still enjoy our play chip games, free rolls, sit-n-go tournaments, limited prizes and the opportunity to "win your way on to TV.
    Please be advised that if anything changes with regard to your state’s rules, we will notify you. Stay tuned for exciting special events coming soon. "

    Strange since I can participate in AOL's Club Pogo with it's yearly fee.
    (Maybe that's been illegal.)

    In spite of the Internet Gaming Law I still fund and withdraw by credit card from regular UBT. (Yes, I do know that IS illegal.) As one sage member said, "What? Is that considered like a speeding ticket?"

    I LEGALLY can participate in all the fun activities at Seven boats/barges(there is an interesting distinction) in the State.
    Or two of its Horse tracks with soon to come 3,000 slots at each. I can purchase a State lottery ticket or multi state Powerball or go to two ajoining states to do likewise. (AND some of these tickets, scratch off, at that, go for $20 a pop.) All this for the State(Sorry Mississippi) rated as the third highest gambling rake location after Vegas and Atlantic City.

    If I wanted I could play bingo for money. I could play in licensed "Hold-Em Tournaments" off boat/barge every night of the week. (Talk about VIG) I can go to "Vegas Night" events with no fear and no brain.

    I could illegally buy a tip, pull tab, roll the cup, get on a sports board at any bar or club in the state, as long as excise is in another part of the state that day. There are even machines, some mostly in the open, many in a hidden cubicle to avoid the "surprise" excise visit, that I could try my skill.

    And sadly, I could bet on a rooster or a pit bull too. (of course illegally) Since I don't live in Louisiana.

    But I can't join a prize CLUB for a fee, cause by state LAW that is an ILLEGAL LOTTERY, under the definition of LOTTERY as contrasted to Sweepstakes, Contests, or Drawings.

    I'd like to say "Go Figure."

    But: So it goes.
  15. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    Thanks Will definately say hi for you, will be Fun tonight i beat Joe last week at a sit n Go at Venetian so am sure he will be looking for revenge tonight lol, as far as you being piggy in the middle i nominate you to negotiate a cease fire and start peace talks GL :flame: .
  16. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Awesome post, Noman

    The whole post was a thing of beauty.

    One question, though - how did you find out WHICH law it was in your state that's screwing you? I can't get anything out of anybody as far as specifics, other than a post on the LVA boards that says UBT was advised by legal counsel in regards to eligibility from all states. It's like pulling teeth from an enraged pit bull. They've obviously done the research already, it baffles me why there's been no disclosure to those of us ineligible residents as to exactly why we can't participate. :flame:
  17. Pot Stirrer

    Pot Stirrer New Member

    Not True! Again!

    There's no confusion. How can you people possibly be so naive? If you can't see the direct connection between UBT and you really need to open your eyes. And I'm sorry if calling you a shill offended you, but that's how you were being used, whether you like it or not. Note how often a semi-official-I-was-given-inside-information post about UBT or occurs and when the inevitable questions follow they're responded to with personal attacks, obfuscation, contradictions, or "I don't know, why don't you ask someone officially connected to the place." And Joe hasn't been on Team UBT. That honor is apparently limited to poker players, two blackjack players who overstate their accomplishments, and Anthony Curtis.
  18. noman

    noman Top Member

    Specific Law: Left Nut:

    I didn't do the research for the current situation. It's just something that has been in effect for well over 30 years in many states as to the definition of a "Lottery" National Marketing firms and consumer products companies forever have had to structure their drawings, giveaways, sweepstakes so that they didn't violate state laws. That's why of all places you always see void in Deleware. They don't want the usurous Credit Card companies incorporated there to lose their vig to some game of chance.

    It along with all the other Schtuff is what convolutes the internet gaming law, wherein so many previously stated that it wasn't illegal in the US, but forgot about states rights to be able to tax their own approved actions and games of "sin."
  19. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Specific Law

    Thanks, Noman, that helps a little bit. I just need UBT to cough up the exact Michigan law that caused them to add us to the list. Then, perhaps I can shake the tree here a bit and see what falls out. There's plenty of websites that charge a membership fee and have games of skill (think "video games") for prizes. At this point, I guess that I just don't understand the difference between those and clubUBT. :confused:

  20. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    "There also seems to be confusion between bet21/Ultimate and UBT, Joe stated always that he had no connections with BET21 and Ultimate this is because they are completely seperate to UBT, If my understanding is right they bought the Rights to use the software and Elimination style tournamnets from Russ so they are not under UBT's control although the software from all 3 companies is Based on the same scripts etc, UBT on the other hand organises the TV shows, and Now the site, Joe has of course never denied his connection with UBT as he has been on Team!"

    Bet21/UB are seperate from UBT as McDonalds Corp is seperate from the individual franchised owners of each McDonalds???

    I would think the owner(s) of UBT who sold the rights to the format to these sites would have certainly retained the right to revoke those sites right to use the format if it was found that those licensed sites were abusing the customers by lying about promotoions and or deposit bonus. To allow these sites to tarnish your games good name by cheating and lying to the customer and ignoring it and not using your rights to pull the game or influence to make good on said promise places the seller of the game directly "in bed" with the cheaters.

    I personally wont play at UB,Bet21, or Club UBT until I am paid my deposit bonus...the longer they delay making good on that promise only confirms the feeling that they have no intention of operating a fair and honest game. I included Club UBT because the owner of said club profited by selling rights to the design to these sites that refuse to honor promises made. Refusing to intercede to protect your customer and your games good name seems foolish but this certainly seems like the case here ...that puts this game in every varity and at every site and in every form in bed together.

    My feeling is that Bet21 player participation has gone down not because of compitition from Club UBT but rather from broken promises and a useless Customer Service attitude.

    For the likes of me I cant understand why any "PRO" would associate his good name with any of these sites that intentionally deceive the customer.

    For me its "Fool me once"! Russ Hamilton may well brag about enrollment rates at Club UBT offices but until he fixes the mess at Bet21 I cant trust any game offered with this format. He certainly can pull rights to his game if he chose to do so...

    Would McDonalds continue to license a franchise owner that was serving rat??? I dont think so.

    Why is this different? You are known not only by your deeds but by the company that you keep.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2007

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