ClubUBT prize pool now less than $20000 a month

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by zweeky, May 27, 2008.

  1. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    ClubUBT prize pool now less than $20,000 a month

    With the removal of the $5,000 tournament and many other smaller tournaments, the blackjack prize pool at ClubUBT went down from $40,000 in May to less than $20,000 in June. The remainder of the promised $100,000 is all on the poker side.

    I've been very fortunate with ClubUBT, I've won thousands in prize and I had a wonderful cruise. I signed with ClubUBT because I love blackjack tournaments. I thought it was a great idea to have both poker and blackjack on the same site because it would allow poker players to discover blackjack tournaments. But if the offer is much higher on the poker side, the result is what it did to me instead: blackjack players are spending more time on the poker side. I do enjoy poker too, but much less than blackjack tournaments.

    Wasn't the UBT created to promote their blackjack tournament format? I think it is an excellent and exciting format and I don't understand this move by ClubUBT. I don't understand using "demand" as a justification. There already are dozens of poker sites offering a shot at WSOP seats for a few bucks. There will be no demand for EBJ is there is no offer, and ClubUBT has the power to stimulate a demand for EBJ by creating an exciting offer, but now it's the opposite.

    I'm still hoping that despite this June schedule, there are plans for promoting EBJ in the future. I will wait while playing the poker promotions.
    Last edited: May 27, 2008
  2. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Zweek, look at it this way. If they dont get more players thats it the end no mas. It is of the utmost importance to get players and funds flowing to ClubUBT. This emphasis on poker could save the game of EBJ. Personally I wish they would add Holdem Blackjack which was developed by ClubWPT president of online gaming- his name is something like Any Geostch.
  3. Archie

    Archie New Member

    The interest is gone

    In my case, I joined the Club to play EBJ, not poker. I'm just waiting for my last check before seriously considering cancelling my membership (I claimed the last week of April, more than a month ago) . There's no fun playing for points or $20 games...none whatsoever. I have a quarterly membership ending in july. If things stay the same on the EBJ side, I will not renew.

    If I want to play poker tournaments, I know where to go ... and it's not ClubUbt.
    Last edited: May 28, 2008
  4. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Why am I not surprised?

    What I have heard from friends (who live in other states and have tried The Club) is that the EBJ games there are a pain in the azz to play. While a round is going on, if you get a phone call or some other interruption, you can't "sit out" for any reasonable length of time without getting booted off the table. Plus, there's all that downtime between rounds while waiting for every other table to conclude. None of that is the case with the poker games. When the always present and now increasing prize fund disparity is added in, it's no wonder they're apparently getting much bigger entry counts for poker than EBJ. If one were to merely look at those differences in entry counts without ascertaining the root causes, one could easily come to the erroneous conclusion that there is little interest in the blackjack tournaments.

    Such a shame, too. There's plenty of poker sites out there, but damn few TBJ sites. :(
  5. pinklady

    pinklady New Member

    I wish there were more prizes like laptops cruises and etc. Oh well... I am not going anywhere I ll continue play. But wish they put a wsop seat at bj clububt so bj can have some exciting prizes like that. But its always in Poker..

    I am trying to win WSOP or WPT seat.... I want to go to VEGAS!!!!! Never been there.:(

    Good luck yall,

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