Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by sabrejack, May 2, 2007.

  1. sabrejack

    sabrejack New Member

    Anyone know if the new "subscription style" ClubUBT is really going to happen this month? An ad has appeared in this month's "All In" and this page is up:

    I'm surprised that there has been no talk about this on this site, actually. At $19.95/mo. it sounds pretty good, assuming that prize pools are large enough and tourneys plentiful.

    Info/thoughts anyone?
    Last edited: May 2, 2007
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Wow. I think you are the only one actually getting the magazine. Maybe that's why there's no talk on this site.
  3. eliburk

    eliburk New Member

    club ubt

    OK, I am new at this and do not know all these different groups but doesn't this look exactly like ub - is it all the same ?
    Anyway, looks like it is June now for the membership.
  4. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    I guess it depends what you mean by "all the same".

    It is the same elimination blackjack software used on different web sites.

    UB = Ultimate Bet = (tournaments and accounts on are the same)

    UBT = Ultimate Blackjack Tour = = (but I don't know if the "current style" of will still go on when the club starts. If yes, then these 2 sites could become different)
  5. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    100 Free

    I just noticed that tomorrow, Friday June 1, 2007 will be having not 1 but 2 freerolls 6 & 8 pm EST

    The registration for these events begins 1 hour before the event. For details they want you to log onto

    So for all those TEC games that we had to endure now you can do it again - for $100 cash this time.

    Good luck all
  6. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Fred, I think you're close but a bit off the mark this time. They're running 4 freerolls every evening, at 6 - 8 - 10 - & midnight Eastern time. No charge to enter (could this finally be the end of those horrible TEC games?), and it's winner take all for $100.

    Looks to me like they're trying to give everyone a free taste of the clubUBT concept. Personally, I'd rather they simply posted some information other than the redundant COMING SOON! :confused:

  7. eliburk

    eliburk New Member

    club ubt

    i got an e-mail from them this morning announcing the arrival in two weeks and the free rolls to give you a sample.
  8. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    Launched Today

    I happened to be in Clububt's office today when it was launched from the amount of sign ups in first ten minutes am sure is going to be a massive sucess and a great opportunity for all players around the world, so yes you can now subscribe software updates when you log in ;)
  9. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    When Does It Start?

    As of 7:59 p.m. CST they're not ready yet. There are no tournaments scheduled, nor is there any place to click on to sign up for the club. I got the software update but nothing else has changed except there are no tournaments except play money sit and go's. I got an email a couple days ago that said UBT customers who have downloaded the game like myself get some kind of special invitation.
    Last edited: Jun 14, 2007
  10. Sooeygun

    Sooeygun New Member

    We've been playing since 4 pm EST. Haven't won any money yet, but several places in each tourney pay the tournament points.
  11. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    What Tourneys?

    The only thing I've found is the play money sit and go's.
  12. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member


    That is also all I have played & seen is the sit n go's
  13. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Easy Pickin's

    If the quality of play I've seen so far is any indicator of things to come when things get more serious, this is going to be fun.

    3 sit 'n go's
    2 1st place
    1 2nd place

    Sooeygun, is there something we need to click on to get into the tournaments you're talking about?
  14. bjmace

    bjmace Member

    to subscribe

    Click on Manage Account then under membership info click on become a member you will then have the option of taking the half price for 6 months option, The tournaments at the moment are just a taster as the site launches, I have seen the schedule of Money and Prizes that are coming up very shortly and to say you will be amazed is an understatement. Enjoy it's been a long time coming :p
  15. Bi-Kemba

    Bi-Kemba Member

    Don't want to pay

    I don't want to pay at this time bjmace. Been to every option you can imagine and I want to just do the same thing I did when the software was different: Just play in sit-n-go's and add up the points. The software is not letting me even click on the icon to go have a seat. This is a problem that many people are having. So, you mean to tell me that I can't play blackjack unless I pay $19.95 per month or pay more via the other payment plans? Something is wrong here and needs to be notified of this software glitch. :mad:
  16. jmbelders

    jmbelders Member

    No trouble Here

    I have had no trouble the past couple of days playing with the free points they have given us. System has worked fine for me.
  17. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    At least you've got a choice. Some of us weren't given that - OR an explanation, either.

    I can't get into the free games either (or, obviously, the subscription-only ones), but at this point I really don't care.
  18. Freeloader

    Freeloader New Member

    Well, I got into the Club no problems, and was actually slightly surprised to see my state on the good list. So far, I've loaded up on the TP's and even won $20 in one of the tourneys. So far, I'd say this thing looks pretty darn good. But that's just one opinion from a nobody like me.

    (And, this might be an incredibly stupid question, but I can trust ClubUBT to not steal my identity or anything if I give them a copy of my driver's license to claim prizes, right?)
  19. RKuczek

    RKuczek Member


    Freeloader -

    I would blank out my driver's license number - they don't need that - and some sites actually tell you to do that I have done so - and had the ID accepted

    I would definitely do this - if -as I believe some states are doing - your social security number, or a portion of it, is part of your driver's license number

    they should be just verifying that your name matches up with your address - and your of legal age (not that they care about any of that when you deposit funds)
  20. Freeloader

    Freeloader New Member

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