Conflicting schedule

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by Archie, Apr 1, 2007.

  1. Archie

    Archie New Member

    What would you do if you are in the 4th or fifth round of the UBT freeroll main event and you suddenly find yourself having to play another top event, the 25k, at the same time, especially if you paid 200+15 to get in?

    Last night, the UBT freeroll main event started at 5 p.m EST and lasted 4 hours 18 minutes, well into the 25k (8 p.m start).

    I don't know about you, but it would bother me and probably influence negatively my play at the table.

    Last night, Zweeky may have found himself in that situation (eliminated in the 4th round of the freeroll and the first round of the 25k). I would like to hear from him about that.

    Reschedule one or the other might be a solution:confused:

    In January, I almost found myself in that position, being eliminated in the fifth round of the freeroll, close to the beginning of the 25k (it was scheduled at 9 p.m EST at that time)
    Last edited: Apr 1, 2007
  2. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    Yes, there was a possible conflict... but it was approximately 7:40 PM when I was eliminated in round 4 of the UBT main freeroll. Then I decided to pay the 215$ to play in the 25000$ event.

    If I had survived until round 5 of the freeroll, I would not have played in the 25000$ event.

    But if I had both survived until round 5 AND if I had succeeded in a satellite for the $25000 (which I did in January and February but not in March), then I would have played both tournaments together, although I don't like it cause I know it increase odds of a dumb mistake.

    I can enjoy playing 2 tournaments silmutaneoulsly only when both of them are for very small stakes.

    So yes, I would prefer if they would not conflict but ... good news! They do not conflict in April: the 25000$ event is April 28th and Main UBT Freeroll is April 30th.
  3. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    I practice playing two EBJ plus one poker game at the same time...LOL

    Thats why Im always complaining about slow play...It takes some guys 30 full seconds to decide a 500 min bet every single hand...

    I personally wish they would half the allowed decision time...they programed the insurance bet to give MORE time....a mistake that delays play even more.

    Recently there was a newbie here that admitted he was using a spreadsheet and entering each players hand. He claimed this freed him from the mundane math when trying to decide an optimal No kidding!

    He felt there was no moral or ethical reason or rule for that matter that forbids this....not sure about the rules but I have a problem with it. 15 seconds is plenty of time to decide a play...and that would avoid the cheaters using programs to make optimal plays and bets...

    As for the conflicting schedule...well supposedly these events were held by seperate completely different companies.

    Personally I played both button seats for hand 8 in both games and was trounced and out on hand 8 in

    It wouldnt have bothered me playing both at the same time though....I do it successfully every day.....but if I could just figure out how to get away from these incredible turns during the key hands....
  4. zweeky

    zweeky Member

    about the timer

    Although 15 seconds is enough more than often, I do appreciate once in a while to have 30 seconds on a critical hand. I would like one of these 2 solutions to eliminate the possibility of taking a long time on each and every hand:

    1- Timer is 15 seconds. After the 15 seconds, an extra 15 seconds is awarded BUT each player is allowed an extra 15 seconds only 3 times in a round.

    2- Like in chess, each player has a cumulative timer for the complete round. I would try 3 minutes. There is still a 30 second max per hand. If a player has his 3 minutes expired, he is eliminated (or allow 5 seconds per hand until the hand of the round).

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