Congradulations Chipsmccoy

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Nov 12, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Chipsmccoy won the Paris blackjack tournament on Sunday and pulled down the $10,000 first prize.

    Way to go Chips!
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Well done Chips! Nice payday.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    WooHoo! Good job, Chips, good job and enjoy your loot!
  4. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    Congrats Chips I Have Been Waiting For Your Win For A While Glad To See You Win:d :d
  5. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Congrats to Chips and TX

    What a win Chips! Well deserved.... and the way you won it shows real class.

    Congrats also to TX, who made the final table at the Paris BJ tournament this week. Maybe the beginning of a new streak?
  6. Congratulations Chips. It nice to see good things happen to good folks.
  7. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    WTG Chips!

    I love seeing good players win.

  8. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member


    Way to go, Chips and Tex! :D

    le and feiii
  9. Phil Dunaway

    Phil Dunaway Member

    Big Win for Chips

    Way to go Chips,a truly excellent player has a victory.
  10. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    Thanks to all

    Many thanks to all who have congratulated me both publicly and privately - I apolgize for not responding sooner, but have had limited internet access while traveling around and about since. It wasn't a "cake-walk", but I didn't have to do anything wild in any of the rounds either - just fundemental tournament strategy. My thanks again to all who have contributed to my (as well as to the community's as a whole) knowledge of tournament strategy. My advice to all is to know where the button is at all times!


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