Congrat's on such BIG turnouts!

Discussion in 'Ultimate Blackjack Tour' started by TXtourplayer, Aug 31, 2006.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I'm glad to see UB having such big turnouts for the UBT style tournaments and thanks UB for all the freerolls you have been offering.

    I do have a few questions and suggestions:

    1) Are the players winning cash or bouns cash? I mean can the win's be withdrawn in full for cash?

    2) On the players totals, can they change the total to show their correct total + bet. Now it shows the total before their bet and then their current bet. Just a suggestion some players may like it like that.

    3) Can someone for UB write a brief outline of how everything works for the players that didn't get to do the beta testing? I have had several players calling me for help, I had to call someone once myself for one situation.
    I think this would really help the newer players.

    4) When taking insurance, do you have to click yes, you want insurance and then the bet button both? Places such as Global only hitting the insuramce button is required, I just trying to avoid any problems.

    5) Will all the UBT style formats online only advance one play from the first round? How about in the land based events in Aruba? Last year (of course a smaller group) we always advanced 2 min. from each round.

    6) Will these online tournaments mirror what will be seen in Aruba?

    7) I've had 20 players asking me this one, when are you going to hold the Aruba seat give-a-way satellite and what will the entry be for that one?

    8) On the online seat give-a-way satellite event, will that included Air, hotel, and transfers? What about entries in some of the other UBT events in Aruba?

    Best of luck in Aruba and hope the turnouts and prize money only goes higher.
    Last edited: Sep 1, 2006
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Freerolls good

    Just a few comments

    2) I like the way that the BR and bet are displayed at the moment (for those of you who don't know when you place a bet your BR doesn't go down by the bet amount, it stays the same, and your bet amount is displayed). It takes getting used to after Global and BJ21 where your BR does go down but I think it's better and makes it easier to calculate things, for me anyway

    4) Yes. I took insurance once and that's how I remember it worked.


  3. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member


    2) I'm with Reachy on this one, I think I like seeing the person's bankroll without decreasing it for the bet. You then have to do the math in your head to figure your bet to keep the low, but that is part of the game. As long as you know how it works it doesn't make much difference how it is displayed.

    4) The answer is yes, you have to place an insurance bet since you can insure for whatever amount you want. Global and others don't allow the insure for less option, so this is a nice feature.

    My only "complaint" is that if you finish early at your table, the table disappears, but you might wait a long time before your next table seat shows up because other tables are going much longer. I thought I got disconnected or something once when I advanced because of the delay. It would be nice to go ahead and be seated at your next table while you wait instead of being in limbo.

    I don't like the one advance from first round, but I can live with it. It would be nice to have at least two per round, but I can understand that they want to cut the field down quickly, but it definately changes the strategy in round one.

    Great job UBT!!


    PS: Has anyone tried the autobet button? What does it do?
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    My reasoning why...

    My main concern is when you change from online to land base events. Once players play (Any) land based events they will have to learn to count both the other players bet and their back chips + fiqure in their possible win to know what their correct bet should be.

    This is the reason I am not crazy about their chip totals showing what you have (total even after you bet). My concern would just be as a learning tool for the newer players (after all these are the players who your trying to draw), the regular blackjack tournament players will be here no matter what.
  5. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member



    I would not worry about how the chip count is displayed. Regular BJT players will have a huge advantage at real tables when the poker players figure out that there isn't some little display that shows what everyone's chip count and bets are!


  6. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    I disagree

    I disagree Tex. I always count the total amount of chips of the players I am concerrned about have - usually before they make their bets - right after the previous hand is settled. Then it is quite easy to count the relatively small amount they have "in the circle" when they bet and make my bet amount decision. If you think about this, you have to do this for anyone who bets after you anyway. It is best to "count chips" at the first possible opportunity to give the the maximum amount of time to assess what your bet should be.

  7. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    As I originally posted, "some players may like it this way", I just prefer the other way. It just comes down to personal preference.

  8. chipsmccoy

    chipsmccoy New Member

    My reply

    Yes, I read your original post and didn't have a problem with it. I was replying to your subsequent post that I quoted which was an absolute statement.

  9. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Correct, but as I stated in my second post even though I am not crazy about it, it is just my concern for the newer players.

    Season tournament players such as yourself and others know how to count down others chips.

    I just though this could cause problems down the road (for newer players only), maybe not. I just posted it as a suggestion from my observation, if everybody is fine with it I have no problem with it.
  10. London Colin

    London Colin Top Member

    I thought about asking for this too. My only other experience being at Global, I've got used to looking at the two figures - the bet and the remaining chips - and doing various bits of mental arithmetic based on that.

    I've been caught out on UB a few times, half way through the 25s of thinking time, realising that my brain is on auto-pilot and doing Global-style calculations.

    However, I think the UB format is probably necessary to accomodate the secret bet, since when a player makes a secret bet, the total has to remain unchanged.
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Very good point Colin, I didn't think about the screct bet. That maybe why they do it the way they do.
  12. Rando21

    Rando21 New Member

    Played a few times at Ultimate Bet.

    First its a good start....

    But is anyone else getting this problem....almost every game I get one or two hands where I time out and am listed as absent when in fact I dont get the betting table to make a move. I cant bet, stand, hit, surrender ...nothing...several times I got stuck with a min bet and then stood on 10 once and 11 once....I see this happen to others at the game so its not an isolated problem but it certainly scares me away from ever bbetting much real money.

    I think the bettting method could be geatly improved...

    First keep the betting tools open all the time.
    The current slider and buttons are cumbersome and most important dont allow true double down (often) for example if you have 530 dollars left and want to bet cant do it...this is a big problem I think.

    The second round wait in limbo situation is not good...someone suggested to be sat at the next table ...I agree....also a countdown timer would be nice...

    Its new and fun....sometimes the game seems slow ....I hear complaints about the length but I dont mind seems about right....I think the poker players are a less patient bunch....

    I hear questions about higher stakes but Im sure that is coming...:)

    Overall its seems like a good start....I hope they keep tweaking the program to improve user friendliness....little things like in my old age I find it harder to read the dollars amounts that are shown in white on a white to greyish backround...just make the numbers black...keep the tool bar open all the time.

    Let me win more often...:)

    Its a whole new game in some cases with the wild betting etc...

    Overrall ...great job! Good start....
  13. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Each to their own!

    At Global I always try to remember what the players pre-bet BR is because I always do my calculations based on that BR figure. I think I'd do the same in meatspace ;-)


  14. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Not yet had a problem with being absented when I am there.

    You can type in your bet rather than use the slider or buttons. I type every time. I agree that theyshould ahve the bet options available at all time though. And they need a rebet button.

    UB have decided to make the bet increments $500. From what I understand this not unusual and is no different from having a min bet increment of $50 with a BR 0f $2500 or $20 with a BR of $1000. In effect Global's min bet increment is $5. BJ21 do have $1 min increments though.

    I don't think the game is slow. Have you played at Global recently! Some of their games can take an interminable length of time. I grew a full beard during one game a week or so ago. Also they don't take any longer than a poker S&G. The difference maybe that in poker each player gets to act multiple times during a hand whereas in BJ you act only twice; once when you bet and once when you play. Just a thought.

    I have to reiterate that I like the games. It's something new and different and that's certainly part of the appeal. I also think that it suits internet play. I know that some people don't like the multi-elimination format and I can see why in meatspace (i.e. the casinos) this could be a problem. If you've gone to a tourney and get eliminated after hand 8 you have to twiddle your thumbs or give the casinos some cash play. However UB is showing us what TBJ will be/is like online. Hundreds of players waiting to play, if you're eliminated you can start in another tourney within minutes. Being eliminated by hand 8 is not a problem, just register for the next one.

    One final thought. Where the hell did all these players come from? How can UB attract 600+ player to a freeroll when Global struggles to get 50? I know a lot of them are poker refugees but those numbers are almost ridiculous. You don't think they are using bots do you?


  15. noman

    noman Top Member

    Snooze u lose.

    Missed the 600 plus free roll. Connections.

    Pat: While waiting for others to bet, you can slide your bet amount to what you want and hit the pre bet button and that's what will be "circled" for you.

    You can rehit the pre-bet to un pre-bet before it goes in the circle too, if you want to change your mind based on others bet, as long as you make all your decisions before you time out. But just as in real life, once the money is in the circle honey. Dat's Dat.
  16. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member

    Did I read the news flash right?

    Did anyone else see a news flash when they logged in about an Aruba satellite tonight at 9:30? $200 +15?
  17. swog

    swog Elite Member Staff Member

    Those are for poker events, not BJ
  18. bahoozle

    bahoozle Member


    I spilled me drink about the same time that was rolling up. I knew surely somebody would have mentioned if that was tonight.
  19. betbrett

    betbrett New Member

    The way UB handles the BR figures mirrors the way I do it live. I think most players do it this way live. I certainly hope they don't change it.

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