
Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by tgun, Dec 5, 2005.

  1. tgun

    tgun Member

    Congrats to Lou Congemi, winner of the Tunica Grand Casino's BJ Tournament held this past weekend. I am glad such a fine guy won the Tournament. The first thing Lou did with his $60k was to donate $1k to the "Gulf Coast Relief Effort". Those who play on GPC will recognize him as LHENRYC.

  2. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member


    Congrats Lou on winning one for the St. Louis Mafia. I know it took a lot of skill to get to the final table and win it. All that practice on global and the casinos there in St Louis brought the money home. It was good to see everyone again in Tunica. Have a great time in Vegas. Just don't leave the winnings there, parlay it into bigger things!

  3. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    St. Louis Mafia hits Tunica Grand Casino for $60,000!

    That should be the front page headlines in St. Louis today...LOL.

    Congratulations to one of the nice guys in blackjack tournament play. Then you donated $1,000 to the hurricane relief fund just shows what a class act you really are.

    I am very happy for you Lou and hope to see you at some of the WSOB qualifiers prior to the Feb. Vegas trip.

    I'll try to catch you on Global later today so I can congratulate you as well. I want to hear the details of your big win.

    Last edited: Dec 5, 2005
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member


    BJT was well represented at the Grand. We had a lot of members present, and 3 of the finalists were BJT members.
    LHENRYC took home the big money, while JimP finished 5th and Barry C finished 6th.

    I didn't know any of the other four finalists, so if you guys are here, chime in and let us know.

    Congrats to all who made some money, especially Lou!
  5. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    Well Done Lou!

    Adding my congrats. Well done Lou . Looiking forward to the SF Maffia reunion in Vegas in Feb.

    LHENRYC New Member

    Thank You

    I am the person that gives thanks to all of the st. louis mafia and global family, for giveing myself the knowledge and courage to enter and play bj tournaments this past year,

    With the help I have received from all friends from here and abroad I can enjoy bj tournaments.

    I have made many friends and looking to meet more in vegas for the Feb. party.

    Thank you all for your support

    Lou (lhenryc)
  7. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Win One More

    If you win another Major Tournament Lou we might just have to have you on the radio show as one of our guest.Great job and best of luck, good things happen to good people.See you in Feburary .:D
  8. Counselorlee

    Counselorlee Member

    KUDOS to Lou

    GOOD Job, Lou!!

    It was a real pleasure to watch you win the BIG ONE at the Grand. Frank and I are so pleased for you.

    BTW, Ken.....the third place was won by Hollis Shipp from Hope, AR. He and his wife, Helen, are excellent BJ players and are regular tournament players at Shreveport's El Dorado (formally Hollywood) on Tuesdays. He was a Vegas tournament player many years ago....probably before most of you BJT players were born ! He is now retired....and makes and sells the BEST bar-b-q sauce you've ever put on a rib! ......and Helen makes and sells porcelain dolls. They are super deserving and nice as Lou....
    Enjoyed meeting you again and playing Hold 'Em with your better half. Good luck to you both.
  9. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    St. Louis Mafia

    Who are the St Louis Mafia?
    While I was waiting for a sit and go game I got chatting to a player who gave me a run down on the St. Louis Mafia.
    I thought that I knew most of them via Global but was amazed at how many other players were tied to them via family or friends.
    Can we have a definitive list of the St Louis Mafia players on Global and what are their connections and relationships with each other.
    Well done LHENRY.C
    Its over to you Tom (tgun).
    P.S. Joep. You have got to get them on the radio show when they are in L.V. in February.
    Andy 956
  10. DancingBear

    DancingBear New Member

    Congratulations Lou!

    I am so pleased that this really good guy got this win. I recently learned of tournament blackjack and Lou especially, along with Tom and Jay (tgun and Jaybird) have shown me the ropes and welcomed me to the St Louis "family".

    Dave aka vpplayer
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2005
  11. Congratulations Lou. All the Saint Louis Mafia guys I met last year at the Gold Strike were great guys. They are a fun bunch. Sorry I couldn't make this event.
  12. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    St. Louis Mafia

    Andy, I gave the guys the nickname "St. Louis Mafia" because there were so many playing from the St. Louis area and it seemed like everytime I played in one of Global-Players Sit & Go tournaments that there was 2 - 4 of them on the table with me.

    I was kidding them about ganging up and mugging me so, I called them the "St. Louis Mafia" and it stuck.

    Members are:


    They have others, but these are the ones I am most familar with.
    Last edited: Dec 6, 2005

    LHENRYC New Member


    tbird is not from st louis

    soozziec/ is lhenryc wife :D
    Alee/ is lhenryc motherin law :eek:

    Now you will know all our secrets!!!!:laugh:
  14. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Forgot jaybird!

    Sorry jaybird, the others I didn't know were from St. Louis. I thought Tbird was, sorry about that.

    You don't want the "Mafia" mad at you...LOL.
  15. ANDY 956

    ANDY 956 Member

    TX tourplayer

    I am not surprised that Rick got mixed up with tbird and jaybird regarding the St. Louis Mafia. Given that he could not remember his own contact details on the radio a few months ago I think he got pretty close. LoL :laugh:
  16. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    I got Andy accross the pond giving me hell. I may have to start calling him Little Joep...LOL.
  17. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member

    Congrats from the sole mafia player from Northern CA
  18. rookie789

    rookie789 Active Member


    Sidekick thats not quite true, there's another adopted Mafia player about 120 miles north of you. Congratulations Lou, a great win for a great guy.
  19. Sidekick

    Sidekick New Member


    and we will be conducting our first mtg next saturday in reno:p
  20. noman

    noman Top Member

    Tunica Win

    Well done LHenryC

    Way to put the St. Louie Mafia out front of the TX and Vegas families.

    There's more than corn grown in the midwest.

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