Congratulations Leftnut, two for two

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Jun 6, 2009.

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  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Wow, Leftnut has come down to play tournaments in Oklahoma twice the within the past 13 months. The first was for the May 08' Winstar "Split" qualifier in which he won for $50,000 dollars and qualified to come back and play in the August main event.

    Now this week he came down to play in yet another Oklahoma qualifying tournament at the Choctaw Casino in Durant, OK and once again won the qualifier for 50,000.

    Unfortunately it was only 50,000 pennies ($500), however he did qualify for their $30,000 finals on June 27th.

    Along with Leftnut's 1st place finish was Monkeysystem coming in 3rd place. The guys came down to visit me and check on my health and I took them up to the casino and they kicked butt Thursday.
    Last edited: Jun 6, 2009
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Pretty impressive showing for you guys. Yeah, it was a 1000 mile drive each way, but taking home a first and a third is nice work.
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Thanks, guys! Obviously, the trip was not about the BJT's because the money certainly didn't make the enormous drive worthwhile. This was just a chance to get together with the guys for a weekend of B.S.-ing and a little BJT action. Picking off a win is just a small bonus. :D
  4. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Way to go guys! it just so happens your combined winnings is about what Tex needs to complete 20 hrs, mathematically speaking, at WinStar! Put that guy to work! :)

    Seriously, nice going AGAIN....
  5. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    How about 3 for 3!

    I just got the call from Monkeysystem, Leftnut won 1st place again tonight and Monkeysystem came in 2nd. So now both of them are qualified and will be coming back down for the June 27th $30,000 finals.

    I was planning on going up there with them, but was feeling a little under the weather today. I'm glad they still went up there and kicked butt.

    The bi-weekly events don't pay alot, but they do qualify you for their bigger event and both Leftnut and Monkeysystem got as much as possible from the two events they played in (1st & 3rd and then came back with a 1st and 2nd).

    Way to go guy's, guess I'll have to put up with you two again at the end of the

    Congratulations and hope you have a safe trip back home, wish I could have been there to see y'all win today.
  6. ptaylorcpa

    ptaylorcpa Member

    The tide turns

    And to think that this guy last year was ready to quit playing bjt. Shows you what a difference a year makes!

    Congrats guys.
  7. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User

    Lefty and MS

    Congrats to both,

    I know both deserve the wins as they for sure are in the top 5 of *highly skilled* tourney players in the world. They are also very fine gents with integrity and honor.

    At the upcoming "BJ BASH" I will poll the members of the MMOA as to inducting Left Nut and Monkey System into the association as honorary members.

    For those who do not know the "MMOA" is an organization of Highly Skilled and Blood Thirsty AP's from around the world and of which the primary objective is to Bleed the casino's in real world play.:yikes:

    Congrats again to Lefty and MS.

  8. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Thanks Tx For Having Us!

    Doooooooooooooooooooooooooode!!!!!!! :cool:
  9. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member

    So Much for Qualifying

    It doesn't help to qualify for an event like Leftnut and Monkeysystem did at Durant, and then take time off work and spend the money to fly down to the main event only to have txtourplayer get you there too late to play. Kicked out before it even started. :flame:

    On a good note - congrats to Bjbeauty who, arrived in time to play and took third place! At least that's one for the good guys. :3rd:
  10. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    A Little Upset??

    Sounds like LeftNut's little angelrun5 might be a little upset from the sound of things.... LOL. Player might have to consider getting a little more sleep so you he can get up earlier in the future, or he might consider doing some serious "prior planning" in the future in order to insure something like this doesn't happen again. When one is late for the "formation" he ultimately misses the "war". Poor Rick! I have a "Flak Jacket" from my Marine Corps days if you feel the need to borrow it for awhile....

    Congratulations BJBeauty on a nice finish in another BJ Event.

    Skipper :cheers:
  11. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Several issues

    Angelrun5, Leftnut called me two weeks before he went to Las Vegas and asked me to check if he needed his confirmation letter to play. I told him we didn't need them, but I called to double check and that is when I asked what time we needed to be there. Here is a list of things that didn't help us being there on time and not getting to play.

    1) The casino tournament staff telling me we needed to be there by 11:00 a.m. to check-in and arriving at 10:34 only to find it was 10:30 we needed to be there by.

    2) Staff not allowing us to put our wild cards in once we arrived and missing out on 16 wild card chances, yet we could put them in for the later drawings? WHY?

    3) The casino not sending out the confirmation letter they were suppose too with the times to any of the three of us.

    4) The TD telling me that "ALL" the letters were mailed out and addressed to the addresses we listed on the weekly qualifiers forms and when I asked him why they had an old address on mine from two years ago he just walked away and didn't want to discuss their mistake.

    5) How about the fact that "All" contestants pick up their wild cards and got to put theirs in the hopper themselves, yet of the 80 or so players Leftnut, Monkeysystem, and I were the ONLY players NOT given our wild cards and told they put them in for us?

    6) Why wasn't one of the players there allowed to pick our starting time once the mistake was found? We were told that the players had to be there in person, yet the staff member who said that let one player pick her start time and was letting her pick for another player who wasn't there just minutes earlier, (can you say LOCAL'S EVENT).

    Were we late? Yes, but was it my fault, NO! I went by what I was told. Even BJ Beauty called me to find out what time we needed to be there and I told her the same thing (we had to be there by 11:00 a.m. and we'd probably get there around 10:30). BJBeauty arrived in the casino around 10:25).

    Remember I had a seat and several wild cards that I got screwed out of as well, plus it was an hour and half drive to get there. Trust me I am PISSED about the situation. I intend to call the casino manager today to find out what can be done (if anything).

    I think it was a case of two things, (1) they didn't want the two non-regulars to have a chance to win the money and (2) the TD was probably upset that when I tried to get them to host a bigger tournament and I presented the proposal to his bosses instead of him.

    Regardless it was a screwed up weekend with several questionable things that occured, all of which were against us three.
    Last edited: Jun 30, 2009
  12. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Do it yourself

    Happenings like this can make enemies out of friends. For that reason, I always do MY own confirming and reconfirming of places and times.
    Was Monkey caught up in this also?

    Billy C
  13. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    All three of us...

    Yea Billy it was a bad situation, I felt horrible about it. It cost all of us a guaranteed seat although Monkeysystem was wild carded into the semifinals (he was the only one of the three of us to get to play in the tournament).
  14. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member

    First to Dreamer.... As usual you come off spouting when you don't know what really I pissed off? Hell no, I feel bad that 2 good people got screwed by the actions of one other. I would have said the same thing if I heard it was you and anyone else who got screwed.

    But since you brought up poor planning, I guess that would be for the one driving since he was the only one not ready to leave a half hour earlier than they did, and the one who knew it was an hour and a half drive but didn't bother to fill up his gas tank before hand. And didn't listen when the others wanted to get moving, yeah I would say poor planning but only by 1 person. Txtourplayer.

    1. If it is the fact that they told only you the wrong time,and told everyone the correct time which seems to be the case since everyone else seemed to know what time to be there, then there is something funny going on. You say locals only but since it wasn't in the rules that its a locals only tournament, sounds to me like the National Indian Gaming Commission needs to be informed. Especially if what you say is true that they let another late player draw for a seat.

    2. If only the 3 of you didn't receive your confirmation letter why would anyone else be calling you to find out what time to play? Wouldn't their letter have told them that?

    3. If you didn't get your letter how would you know they had an old address from 2 years ago on yours?

    If what you say has happened then why have you waited 2 days to call the manager? Why haven't you contacted the others to make a group call to National Indian Gaming Commission, because from where I sit something funny is sure going on here. And it really puts a black eye on the tournament blackjack community.
  15. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    I called the casino and gaming commission first thing today (Monday) not over the weekend and not sure how this gives anyone but Durant a blackeye. How would it give the tournament blackjack community a blackeye?

    The gaming commission said they had concerns over the wrong address and wild card issues. I never received a call back from the casino manager.

    You made a comment earlier about me being the last one ready to leave that morning, you are correct. I have one bath and I let Monkeysystem and Leftnut shower first so you are correct I was the last one ready to go. As far as getting gas we did stop and I filled up, Monkeysystem went in and got something to drink and eat and I bought some wiper fuild and fill it as well as cleaning my windows, why because we had plenty of time base on what time I was told to be there. You seem to forget that I lost my seat as well.

  16. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    I finally figured this out after hours of reflection. Tex is the "Manchurian Tourney Player" designed to keep the certain winner of the tournament. Even at the expense of Tex not playing the game he loves. What a great plot. I smell an Oscar.
  17. dreamer

    dreamer New Member

    Personal Responsibility Still Reigns....


    I have to agree with both Barney Stone and Billy C....

    After your unfair, unwarranted and inappropriate display of publicly "airing your dirty laundry" for ALL to see on this Forum regarding this unfortunate turn of events, in my opinion you owe Rick a PUBLIC apology for personally accusing him of "screwing two good people". He has done so much for both you AND your LeftNut in the past, which I'm sure you will agree. For you to publicly chastize and discredit him for something that could have obviously been prevented by LeftNut if he had personally confirmed and reconfirmed his show time, is just plain uncalled for. Personal "Attention to Detail" my dear little angel....

    What's next? I suppose that you will now expect someone to personnally confirm your show time for your J O B tomorrow, without any personal responsibility on your part? Give me a break.

    If LeftNut in fact prompted you to make your Post, then he too owes Rick an apology. I realize that this was/is a bitter pill to swallow, but hopefully all parties learned a very valuable lesson as a result....

    I gotta run, as I have a show time for a very important event which I previously confirmed and reconfirmed yesterday!! LOL

    I have the utmost of confidence in knowing that you and your LeftNut will do the right thing by Rick, show some common sense, which isn't so common nowadays, and personally apologize for stirring up a little hornet's nest.

  18. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Angelrun's postings were all her own. I did not write them. Matter of fact, I held her back as long as I could - until it became obvious that it was going to happen whether I wanted to see it or not. So I did not prompt her to do a damn thing, nor did I suggest what to say. She's her own woman with her own opinions and I like it that way. (Mostly :laugh:)

    I was determined to stay out of this, just let the court of public opinion find its own path, but I am NOT going to sit here and be told that I owe an apology to the person who caused the whole mess. Apparently, silence is generally accepted as implied guilt.

    What a huge, steaming crock of something a dog leaves in the backyard, from someone who doesn't have a clue what really happened. Perhaps you forget that I spent two and a half decades "on the road" in another competitive sport. No rookie to this sort of activity at all. Even after all those years, I've never seen anything like this before - being shut out due to simple screwing around (as opposed to unforeseen trouble on the way there). Monkeysystem and I were ready to roll in plenty of time. Plenty of time! Our only means of transport was in another's hands, we were depending on him, and he let us down. And that's all you get to see here - I am not going to air the dirty little details of everything that transpired.

    In my previous travels for competition, we always had a "leader" who took care of the little details, like getting pre-entries in on time if necessary, making sure that rooms were booked, that squad times were obtained and known, and that in-area transportation was set up as needed. Having one person handle these details prevented a mass duplication of effort. We took turns with the responsibility and there was never a problem like this. This time, the "leader" dropped the ball in a big way and people got screwed.

    I will agree wholeheartedly that I owe Tx a tremendous debt of gratitude for pulling me out of quitting this game completely. I will never forget that he took a chance on a Pig in a Poke at Winstar last year, and it came through for both of us better than we'd ever imagined it could. I will remember that, and his role in it, fondly for the rest of my life. But things have happened since that time which have not (and will not) be detailed here. This latest episode was just the biggest boom in the whole fireworks show.
    A Grand Finale, if you will.................... :bomb:
    Billy, you're right. I will be doing my own checking on everything in this game from now on. Even if you're involved! :D
  19. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Friends and like to stay friends

    I guess I'm going to be blamed regardless of the facts. What an ass, I not only screwed two of my best friends Leftnut and Monkeysystem, but managed to screw myself and tried to screw BJBeauty as well. Because I was told the wrong time, forget the fact we never got any literature or a mail out about the event with little details like times so all I could go by was what time the staff told me to be there by.

    So blame away, I'm guilty I was the one who said we needed to be there by 11:00 since that was when I was told. I only planned on getting there about 30 minutes before hand guilty again.

    I'm also the guilty one that has been busting his ass to try and get this matter resolved for the three of us by talking with the casino management and gaming control.

    I had a long talk with management today and things are looking good, but now I'm worried about handling the situation for all of us should anything go wrong. Maybe I should just let the others handle their own so I can't get blamed should anything go wrong. I'm not trying to be nasty but I just don't want anymore blame put on me.

    After being out of pocket for both personal reasons and medical injuries for as long as I have been and needing money, the last thing I'd plan on doing is waste all the time I had invested in getting my seat and wild cards, but if that is what they think so be it.


    Both Leftnut and Monkeysystem's tournament information letters were at home waiting for them when they got back in. Funny thing Leftnut e-mailed me and told me NOTHING was listed in the letter about having to be there by 10:30 or your seat would be forfeited, only that the wild cards drawing would begin at 10:30, nothing about any qualification, interesting information isn't it.
    Last edited: Jul 1, 2009
  20. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    As I was reflecting on this school yard blame game thing I heard a new song on the country station

    God is great
    Beer is good
    and people are crazy
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