Congratulations Ms. Nut

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by TXtourplayer, Apr 5, 2009.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    Congratulations to Leftnuts better half Deb, who took 4th place at the Meskwaki tournament today for $5,500.

    Deb may had won it or at least been BR1 going into the last hand after her 2 for 1 BJ with a big bet on the next to the last hand, but as luck had it, the dealer hit a BJ as well.

    Way to go Deb, bet Leftnut wishes he would have split with you in Las Vegas now. (sorry lefty, had to throw a little
  2. creeping panther

    creeping panther Banned User


    Deb was also named the Bronze Award Winner for the Ignace BJ Tournament player of the year at the annual Awards Banquet. She won hundreds of dollars and a beautiful trophy.:cool:

  3. doug olson

    doug olson New Member

    congratulations Deb

    Congratulations Deb on your victory too bad you did not get paid for your black jack on hand 34 you were doo.the black jack prayer did not come through for you may be next time for shure. for it it was very nice to meet you and left nut and see billy C had a great time, see you back in october some time at meskwaki or may be sooner if i can get in at st ignace
  4. pasman21

    pasman21 Member

    This was my biggest tournament to date and it was a blast. I got to play against both Leftnut and Deb and maybe some other members I didn't know about at the time.

    I made it through til the 5th round, which was the semi-finals. Everyone in the semi's made $300.

    I was up against Deb in the semi's where it was 4 players with 1 advance. She was the leader in chips and got to bet last on the last hand. I was in 2nd and was next to last to bet. I had a soft 18 and drew to a 20. Deb had a hard 18. Dealer was showing a 3. I needed the dealer to draw to a 18, 19, or 20. She busted. Oh, well, I learned a lot and made a few dollars.

    I'll let Leftnut tell you about our round.

  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    Would like to add my congratulations to Deb. A well deserved cashing in by yet another good player and good person. Maybe LeftNut doesn't have to look far to see his equal.

    Billy C
  6. doug olson

    doug olson New Member

    passman21 I was watching your last hand bet on round 4 you went all in and caught a black jack great out come except you knocked out my new friend leftnut he had every one covered it was a lot of fun I did not go anywhere in the turnament I was beat out in the rebuy by the newbie which which won the $18,000 he had never played a tournment before we were going to go all in on the first hand but the other 2 player's did not want to do it, newbie and the man on first base made a deal after word's hope to see you and every one else in october was told by the director there will be no more all in bets thank god: Doug
  7. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member

    Thank you

    Thank you all so much for all the kind words. I am still in shock over the final table and BJ trophy from St. Ignace (that is one I never expected in a million years). It was great meeting all of you at the tournament. I can say I was up against some very great players there, it was a tough crowd and I just got lucky. Thank you again.
    Last edited: Apr 7, 2009
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    I'l post more when I have time, but wanted to say how button-busting proud I am of her performance in this Meskwaki (Iowa) BJT. This was her first final table accomplishment totally on her own and she played like a champion. I knew she could do it, but she didn't!

    Y'all better watch out, because she not only has the skills but now she's got the confidence. :D
  9. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Gee, thanks, Pasman21, nothing like a little pressure! :laugh:

    Yes, Pasman21 took me out in the 2nd round. His all-in 2:1 BJ on the semifinal hand essentially gave him the free pass to round 3. Gutsy move that paid off handsomely - good job. The final hand became 3 of us battling for the one remaining spot. I was BR1 with a comfortable lead of a bit over 2/3 of either of my opponents. They both pushed all-in, my bet was structured so that I had it with a win-win, lose-lose, and my loss to their push. Even had the DD against their BJ! One guy hit up to 21, I had 20, only thing that could derail me was the dealer making exactly 20...... oh, well.

    Pasman21's last hand in the one-advance semifinal with Deb was quite interesting. Four left, looked something like this although I can't remember chip counts:

    BR4 goes all-in
    BR3 goes all-in
    BR2 (Pasman21) goes all in but saves one chip, has BR3 & BR4 covered by a bunch
    BR1 (Deb) covers Pasman21

    I think the two low BR's busted. Pasman21 has soft 18, Deb has hard 18. Dealer had a 6 up. I was impressed as Pasman correctly started hitting, obviously realizing that he was dead meat if he did the usual move of standing on that 18 since Deb had the same total. He made a stiff with the first card & then 20 with the second hit. Deb stood on her hard 18 and the dealer busted to advance her to the final table.

    I think there's a good teaser question relating to Pasman21's last bet. If he can remember the actual chip totals, or something close to it, maybe I can construct one. His bet was excellent considering what the 2 low BR's did in front of him, but there might have been a better bet in there somewhere.
  10. pasman21

    pasman21 Member

    There probably was a better option.

    I had $2,350 and Deb had $2,625. BR4 went all-in with $2,200 and BR3 went all-in with about $1,300 although I'm not sure about her exact amount. Pretty sure about the others, though. Dealer had a 3 up, not a 6. Ace down. Drew a 10, then a 2, then busted.

    I think in the round with Leftnut, up to that 29th hand, I'd won maybe 6 or 7 hands max. I was way behind and just got lucky. It was a lot of fun and a great value considering the $150 covered two nights room plus 3 meals.
  11. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Photographic memory!

    Wow! Your ability to recall chip counts to such detail makes me wary of ever getting into a trivia contest with you! :yikes: :laugh:

    Yes, you got lucky on that 29th hand of our mutual table - but you knew that you had to do something radical.
    A mark of a good BJT player. Darn it!
    Last edited: Apr 11, 2009
  12. sweetteabird

    sweetteabird New Member

    hiya Deb!

    Nice job girlie! CONGRATS! =)

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