
Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by TXtourplayer, Jan 10, 2007.

  1. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member

    BigFun21 won the Ceasars Indiana BJ tournament Sunday for $11,900 and then for good measure he won a poker tournament there on Tuesday as well.

    Nice double hit!
  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I was there watching the final hand. I was particularly glad to see him beat the ploppy that beat me at my semi-final table. Did my heart good.

    Congrats to BigFun on both wins. Looks like we have another potential poker champion in the making. :)
  3. noman

    noman Top Member

    BigFun Win:

    Very interesting!

    I too congratulate Big. On both.

    But if he's the "cook" who stole my Karma whilst we discussed and shared opportunities and I gave him "good" poker spots for his visit to Vegas, then I am ambivalent. I refuse to be the bridesmaid anymore. I'll just buy my way to the altar. I could have joined him at the final table if my second in a row (600-1200) 8 double down against the dealer 3 would have won instead of the dealer making 21.

    And now Tool: Again. We cross paths at a tourney and never say nary a word. I put my BJT cap on for the semi's and strutted around for a while, hoping you'd recognize a fellow playa. if you were there. Alas and alack. We remain two ships in the night.

    Now. Interesting comments re that tourney. Set up/sign in was disorganized, but the event was very well run. The dealers were some of the best at explaining rules to all at the table and adhering to them.

    Many a Diamond member got two to three rebuys comped, inspite of the protests from the "girls" They were overruled by the floor.

    However, "floor" especially Dan, the floor man, were outstanding as the following will show:

    Blackjack paid 2-1.

    In the first round hand two, I went to insure a BJ. The dealer and supervisor said I couldn't insure a BJ. But could take even money. I politely asked for them to check that and Dan agreed I could. Math wizards figure that one out.

    Thanks Tool for not only posting it on events calander, but for listing it in one of your posts. Long Day. Long Drive. But as bigFun will attest, the payout was worth it.

    Don't know how Blue Chip can claim to be largest "boat" when from appearances Cesear's three decks with all games on each seemed bigger.
  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    Didn't know you would be there. I would have looked for your "hat" had I known.

    Agree with your comments about the tournament but I'd like to add one more:
    First round - 1 advance
    Second round - 3 advance
    Third round - 1 advance

    I think they need some tweaking on this. On the positive side, seems like they did away with "accumulation" method for advancing.​

    Dealers were indeed very good and casino policy was to allow as much time as need to made decisions. NO CLOCKS.

    NOTE: Caesars Indiana has 4 decks not 3. The bad news is that BJ tables are disappearing on a somewhat regular basis. Compared to 2 years ago, about 25 BJ tables have given way to poker and slots. What's next??? :rolleyes:

    PS: Now aren't you glad you got out of the house to play a real tournament instead of being naked in front of a computer screen playing on-line? ;)
    Last edited: Jan 10, 2007
  5. noman

    noman Top Member


    I'm always glad for(for me) a good equity live tourney.

    If Ceasar's would've been accumulation, I wouldn't have done it.

    One advance sucks. Three is fortuitous. Two is Goldilocks.

    We'll have to keep an eye on Horseshoe and Harrah ha has in Joliet.
  6. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    I heard the Horseshoe had one some time ago. Harrah's Joliet never had a tournament. So these 2 are basically out. Oh well, just have to keep our eyes open.
  7. noman

    noman Top Member


    Tool: Now you can throw that into the mix of head scratchers. Rio has tourneys, Harrah ha has has tourneys: Ceasar's LV has tourneys. IP has tourneys. Ceasar's IN has tourneys. But not Harraha has up North. Go figure.

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