Count Those Chips!!

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by gronbog, Jul 29, 2013.

  1. gronbog

    gronbog Top Member

    And then count them again, and then again, if you have time. You get the point.

    Failure to do so proved very costly for me at the Great Blue Heron this past weekend.

    It was the last 5 hands of the "Final Round" table, 2 players remaining with 1 advancing to the "Championship" table. An official chip count was done and, noting that I would bet and act first on the final hand, I bet for the lead. Over the next 4 hands, my opponent and I took turns betting for the lead and winning our hands as we did so.

    Sounds good, so far. But when the chip count was done before the final hand, I was dismayed to discover that I did not have the lead as I had expected. I had won the previous hand, betting what I thought was enough to take the lead, but I had been sloppy in keeping my opponent's chip count in my head and I neglected to take the time to verify that my mental chip count was correct. It was not, and I had under bet.

    This is where it became costly for me.

    Betting first with a bankroll of $6,000 vs my opponent's $6,075, I bet $400, which he matched. The cards were dealt and it appeared that the blackjack gods might be willing to forgive me for my transgression, as I was dealt 11 vs my opponents hard 19 and the dealer's face. I doubled (face down in this event) and my opponent stood. At this time, the gods changed their mind as the dealer revealed a pat 20 and my double down card was revealed to be a 4. If I had had the lead, as I expected, I would have bet for the low, and I would have advanced, as my opponent lost his pat 19 vs the dealer's pat 20.

    A hard lesson learned. Don't get cocky. Take the time to double check your information and your decisions when time is given. It will be worth money to you someday.

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