counting convert !

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by harrybull, Mar 17, 2009.

  1. harrybull

    harrybull New Member

    I think that I FINALLY get counting, IT ACTUALLY WORKS ! OK I am only counting the tens and aces but it's a start. No more progressive betting for me. You were all right and I am not only wrong but humbled! God bless you.
    I have (thanks to the reply to my last post) really looked into simpler systems, and I really want learn REKO. Is there a post anywhere that will actually teach me the system online ?
    My difficulties have always been converting the R/C to the T/c due to my appaling maths. But as I understand it, the REKO system will just extend my own so called 'harrybull 10/ace traker' and give me a greater degree of acuracy. I'm very very keen to learn. I now belive that I am only half almed and want to get fully 'tooled' up.
    Had dinner with a friend who played in the Blackjack tourny at Aspinalls, he loved it and I'll be up there for the next one.:joker:
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Get a copy of the book Knock Out Blackjack. From there, REKO is just a simplification of the indexes. The main KO ideas are best learned direct from the book.

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