Counting Program

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by Data_life, Jan 27, 2005.

  1. Data_life

    Data_life New Member

    Hi all,

    anyone of you know where I can get a Counting-Ptogramm. I play Online and want to clik the coming cards. Then I see the count an can play so !

    Anyone can help

    Greets D_L
  2. catch 27

    catch 27 New Member

    Not sure where you are going here. Casino's online shuffle after every hand, The count serves no purpose. If you want to learn to count go to there is a 19 step program that will help you.
  3. Scorcho

    Scorcho New Member

    they have a tutor program that deals out a 3 hand set, and the dealer, and keeps track of running and true counts, you can hide the info and bring it up when you want to check your accuracy
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    Counting online

    From the initial post in this thread, I think Data_life is actually looking for real-time analysis software, where he can click the cards as they are dealt, and have the software tell him how best to play the hand.

    At the online casinos that offer multi-player blackjack, this can help a little if you're seated at third base, even if they shuffle after every hand.

    I'm only personally familiar with one program of this type, which can be found at
    I sold it for a while at my site, years ago, but I became concerned that it's advice wasn't 100% accurate and I stopped promoting it.

    There are also a few online casinos that do not shuffle after every hand. The penetration is very poor by land-based standards, but hey, whadya expect? Here's a list:

    First, the Cryptologic casinos. In the multi-player blackjack game ONLY, they deal 2 decks out of 8 before shuffling:

    Sands of the Caribbean
    VIP Casino
    Omni Casino
    49er Casino
    3 Diamonds Casino

    Hint: At Cryptologic, when you're the only player at the multi-player table, you can force a shuffle by leaving the table and returning. Not bad eh? No negative counts!

    Some of the games at Global-Player also deal several rounds before shuffling. (Watch the discard tray to detect when a shuffle has occurred. If there are no cards in the discard tray, it's a fresh shuffle.)
  5. Data_life

    Data_life New Member


    Thank You for the Replies !

    My english is not so good I will explain what i´m looking for.
    I want to count in the Online-Casino. It´s not so easy to count very fast.
    The program which I want must can be these thinks.

    You type in how much decks. You have ten buttons 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10 or Picture ans AS.
    The cards are coming you click on the cards an can see the exactly true count for the next round an bet.
    I will make next time a proogram which this can, I don´t think there is anyone like this.
    Is this good to play so ?
    Any tips for the program ??? :confused:


  6. Jackaroo

    Jackaroo New Member

    It would be an academic exercise

    I believe writing and using a program just to run a typical count system for online play would be a complete waste of time. Any competent programmer can write such a program but it in my opinion it would not be worth it (which is why you don’t see a ton of them out there available for purchase).

    First, I’m sure any AP would consider it ridiculous to navigate a computer mouse across a series of 10 buttons and click on one for every card dealt. The human eye and mind can net out the card values many times faster.

    Second, Ken says very few online casinos have even as much as 25% penetration. I don’t think that’s enough for a playable game. The only reason an online casino would not deal from a new deck/shoe for every hand is for marketing purposes. After all a computer chip can “shuffle” and start fresh in an instant so there’s no downside for the casino with respect to hands per hour. Video poker machines are the proof of this.

    Now a true blackjack computer which can determine the exact composition of the cards remaining to be played, such as “George” described by Ken Uston in his book Million Dollar Blackjack is a whole ‘nother story. Again, writing the program to track the cards played is no problem. The tricky part is coming up with an algorithm for the betting and playing strategy. It would be a formidable task for Henry T, Yama, Tirle and KenSmith all rolled into one. :band:

    But even with the perfect computer program and a single-deck game dealt to the bottom (perhaps in some parallel universe as those days are long gone in this one) you would not be able to play it. An online casino can (and will) track your play with 100% accuracy and you would be 86’d before you could say "Shuffle up and deal". :violin:

  7. Drbass

    Drbass Member

    One caveat

    With Cryptologic the dealer's hole card is not shown when the player busts first - so it makes the count difficult if not impossible
  8. tgun

    tgun Member

    these programs exist

    Hi Data,
    I know that some players are using programs similar to what you are seeking. Most are written by the players using them. There was one sold on-line called Card Counter, but I don't think it's still available.
    Good Luck,
  9. Data_life

    Data_life New Member

    @ Thx for the replies

    But when you all not counting, how are you playing BJ to win ?
    What strategies are good ? Can anyone help me ?

    I play like my feeling, but the feeling is sometimes very bad.
    First I win and win then it goes very fast down like a newbie.
    In the tournaments I played some in the GPC its good to look what the other do what is the feeling an so.
    But when I play alone it goes sometimes very fast down ! :confused:

    Thx for some hepl

    Greets D_L
  10. tgun

    tgun Member

    most are not winning

    Hi Data,

    In my opinion, the casino games are designed not to be beaten, even when counting. Even when they only have a 0.05% edge. With 50% on less penetration it is very hard to beat them because of the huge swings inherent with the game. It can be done at an honest casino if you have the bankroll and the guts to stick it out.

    Good luck,

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