CP Article

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (Online Casinos)' started by KevinBlackwood, Feb 23, 2005.

  1. I have an article in this month's issue of Casino Player Magazine about the World Series of Blackjack. However, one point of clarification--the headline states that I am a tournament pro, which is far from the case. But otherwise I hope you enjoy the article.
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  3. Joey G 703

    Joey G 703 New Member

    Confuse Us More

    Mr Blackwwod how does one write an article about himself and not see it before it goes to print.Or did you leave it there for the general public to see and put out a disclaimer for those who know better that you are not a "Tournament Expert".Just curious
  4. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I can tell you how that happens

    Editors exercise virtually complete control over title and subheadings on articles they publish. I know I've never been asked to approve the title of anything I've written it before it comes out in print. Instead, when the issue shows up in the mail, I see the title when everyone else does. Sounds like Kevin had the same experience here.
  5. Headline

    Ken is right. The first time I saw the "tournament pro" tagged onto my name was when I got the magazine in the mail. If you read the article, it is pretty clear that I don't purport to be an expert in that complex field. But I am learning to love tournaments and I have another article coming out in the May issue of Casino Player. There is also a chapter in my upcoming book PLAY BLACKJACK LIKE THE PROS that has tournament tips. Since I am not an expert, I leaned heavily on Ken Smith and Stanford Wong for those tips.
  6. Ebony Princess

    Ebony Princess New Member

    Might I add…

    I really liked your article Kevin. It was very coherent and informative. You did a good job.

    Now, on to the trivial stuff. For several years now, I have written a variety of stories for an area-based newspaper and also submitted articles for publication in different magazines. I do not claim to be an authority on editing, since my job dictates "writer only". However, I do know that the process of editing and copy-editing can be more complex than many think. Without getting technical, basically upon finishing his/her article, the writer -- if permitted -- can suggest (at least from my experiences) a title for their article/story; but 90% of the time I would say, it won’t make it to the final cut.

    I’ve been asked on a number of occasions by people I’ve done stories on, if they could add their own title or even see the story before it goes to press. This is an editor’s no-no for the most part. I have no idea why. Editors are editors just for this very reason. They almost always have the final say as to what goes in or comes out of an article and what title is published that they believe will catch the reader’s attention. It doesn’t always convey the truth though.

    From what I’ve seen from watching the GSN's World Series of Blackjack, I think you’re a great player. You’re humble too, which is a great quality to have and nothing to be ashamed about. O.k., so that’s my story and I’m stickin’ to it. Peace out ya’ll!
  7. Wow

    Thanks for the kind words! I actually thought most female readers would have bought the magazine only for the pictures of Dave and Joe. I'm glad you enjoyed the article and I appreciate the positive feedback.
  8. Joep

    Joep Active Member

    Humble ?????????????

    Kevin Blackwood and "HUMBLE" why am I having trouble seeing that go together :laugh:

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