Curt's Revenge?

Discussion in 'Blackjack Tournament Strategy' started by LeftNut, Jan 6, 2007.

  1. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    "Newbie Corner" seemed like a good location for this one.

    Exactly what is "Curt's Revenge", a.k.a. "Kurt's Revenge"? I've seen it mentioned a few times here, did quite a lot of searching old posts for a definition, only found a hint that it involves splitting/doubling/BOTH in a desperate situation. Help?
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    On the money

    You've summed it up pretty well I think. I take it you don't have "Casino Tournament Strategy" by Stanford Wong? He's the guy that came up with the term, named after Anthony Curtis, and the book has a couple of tables to guide you on its use.

    You can buy the book here -


    Last edited by a moderator: May 22, 2011
  3. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Reachy, you're right, I don't have Wong's book. Yet. Got Ken E.'s but not that one. Don't think I can get Wong's book here before next Friday, though. Thanks for the reply!
  4. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    Curts Revenge

    Here's the five minute university for aggressive doubling when you're chasing a leader on the last hand:

    If you have the low, and your bet is enough so that your double down covers the opponent's single high you can use the strong variation. You play out your hand except you don't double or split if you think your opponent has a losing hand. If you think your opponent has a winning hand you double aggressively.

    A rule of thumb is you double down if your chance of winning that is better than your opponent's chance of losing his single bet.

    I've used it in freerolls a few times with success.

    The normal variation is if your opponent has your bet matched so you lose both ways. Double on everything up to 17. Double on 18 or 19 only if the opponent's hand is higher than yours. Double all soft hands. Split if your chance of winning both bets is better than if you double.

    Use common sense. For example if your opponent already busted you don't need the extra money by doubling.
    Last edited: Jan 6, 2007
  5. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Thank you, Monkeysystem (and Reachy, too). That's just about what I'd surmised, and I've gotten away with a similar sort of thing in freerolls myself. Having some specifics is a big help, although hopefully I won't have to resort to such skullduggery on the show!
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    Interesting thing

    in live games mostly what a skilled move Curts Revenge is. Most of the time players just go down losing with no chance of catching that miracle 18-21 draw for the win. Many times in EBJ when the secret bet, which I see as a tool of luck, is used you dont see CR because the calculations isnt there to see.

    BLACKJACK4U New Member

    good luck leftnut

    I see YOU won first place at UBT. I took 2nd, that was the Nov4th tourny.
    Good Luck, when do you go? You beat me out, but good luck.
    My name on UBT is imabjwiz.
    see ya
  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    You deserved to win it!

    IMABJWIZ! I was truly hoping to run into you again sometime. You have no idea how hard I tried to find you at a table on the UBT site after that game. If you thought I was being rude by ignoring any congrat comments you might have made in the chat window, rest assured that's not the case. When I received the BJ on the last hand, I was immediately out of my chair and my ladyfriend and I were jumping & screaming & running around in her living room like a couple of total idiots. Anything you wrote simply wasn't seen.

    Since then, I have learned a lot about EBJ, much of it from the fine folks on this forum. I now know that I played the last few hands like Ploppy Extraordinaire. Lady Luck smiled on me bigtime, and snarled at you. I did not beat you, the cards did. Congratulations on a simply outstanding effort. You deserved to win.

    Thanks for the good luck wishes. The table plays out this Sunday.

    BLACKJACK4U New Member

    New Winner

    I Know You Had To Be Excited When You Won, I Was Excited Taking 2nd Place. I Hope Everything Works Out For You There, Truely. I Played Alot Of Bj And Yes The Cards Went Your Way But That's The Way It Goes, That's Not The Dealer's Fault. I See You Are From Michigan, Pa Here. Have Some Relatives In Michigan, Cousins. I Love Blackjack, Go All The Time To Casino's And They Sure Know Me There! Went Into Texas Hold'em Tourny In Ac And Play Alot Of That Here Back Home. Good Luck Again And Post Me When You Are Back!!!:) :)

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