CVBJ Tournament Edition - Looking for Requests

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by DanMayo, Mar 17, 2005.

  1. DanMayo

    DanMayo New Member

    To All,

    I had posted this also as a reponse in another thread but felt this was a unique opportunity worth repeating in it's own thread.

    Norm Wattenberger, who to my understanding is the author of the highly respected Blackjack Software package Casino Verite is looking for items that should be programmed into an updated version of his software. Specifically he is looking for tournament functionality, enhancements and additions.

    Here is your chance to make suggestions as to what would make this software better for the tournament player, directly to the person that either writes the code or has influence to its content.

    Dan Way to go Norm! :cheers:

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