DDSS Ratings Louisiana Downs Sunday

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by traynor, Jan 21, 2007.

  1. traynor

    traynor New Member

    Jan21 LaD Race 1 #6 GoodbyeSign

    Jan21 LaD Race 2 #1 TomCatDash

    Jan21 LaD Race 3 #3 CajunPatriot

    Jan21 LaD Race 4 #7 FlyOntheOpener

    Jan21 LaD Race 5 #5 Soreino

    Jan21 LaD Race 6 #8 MrJerryMac

    Jan21 LaD Race 7 #1 ValentinosJewel

    Jan21 LaD Race 8 #2 CashtoCharlie

    Jan21 LaD Race 9 #3 AngelasToast

    Jan21 LaD Race 10 #10 JewelsSignature

    Good Luck
  2. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Just curious, if I'd taken a punt on all these horses and those from all of your previous posts would I be up or down? I realise it's an oversimplified question but say I'd put $10 on each....


  3. traynor

    traynor New Member


    Jan21 LaD Race 1 #6 GoodbyeSign-----------PLACED $3.60

    Jan21 LaD Race 2 #1 TomCatDash------------OUT

    Jan21 LaD Race 3 #3 CajunPatriot----------WON $5.00 - $3.40

    Jan21 LaD Race 4 #7 FlyOntheOpener--------SHOW

    Jan21 LaD Race 5 #5 Soreino---------------SCRATCHED

    Jan21 LaD Race 6 #8 MrJerryMac------------WON $5.20 - $3.00

    Jan21 LaD Race 7 #1 ValentinosJewel-------WON $6.00 - $3.20

    Jan21 LaD Race 8 #2 CashtoCharlie---------OUT

    Jan21 LaD Race 9 #3 AngelasToast----------WON $5.80 - $2.80

    Jan21 LaD Race 10 #10 JewelsSignature-----OUT

    9 bettable races, WON 4 (44.44%) at win mutuels of
    $5.00, $5.20, $6.00, and $5.80.
    Returned $22.00 for $18 bet, NET +$4.00 (22% positive ROI)
    No big winners, no dramatic results, nothing exciting, just profit.

    Good Luck
  4. traynor

    traynor New Member

    I don't always post ratings on this forum, and I don't keep track of which days I post ratings. The short answer would be, "You would probably be ahead by 15-20% or more."

    The reason is that every rating we generate is based on multiple regression analysis that is track, distance, surface, and class specific. The data models created using that information extract "positive expectation selections."

    Similar to blackjack, there are both positive and negative expectations. If you wager primarily in positive expectation situations, you stand the best chance of coming out ahead.

    The problem, just as in blackjack, is that a short series may not replicate the distribution of the total population of events. That is a bit longer answer to your question; because our ratings are based on "all" races (just as blackjack strategies are based on very large samples), selected groups (sub-samples) of that data may be more or less profitable than the data models indicate.

    Overall, we focus on positive expectation (profitable) selections, rather than high-frequency winners. And, overall, because of the way we create the ratings (multiple regression analysis corrected for outliers), they are profitable.
    Good Luck
  5. traynor

    traynor New Member


    <quote>"Though all his life the fool associates with the wise man, he may no more comprehend the truth than a spoon taste the flavour of the soup."
    From "Zen Mind, Beginners Mind" by Shunryu Suzuki <end quote>

    An interesting saying. Others might say that because all is maya, labels such as fool and wise man are irrelevant; both are simply descriptions by one part of the illusion of another part of the illusion.

    As an associate once remarked. "I know all this is illusion. But what the (bleep) are we standing on?"
    Good Luck
  6. Reachy

    Reachy New Member


    Emptiness is form, form is emptiness.



    BTW it's turtles, all the way down ;) !
  7. noman

    noman Top Member

    Sir Reachy No!

    Say it ain't so. With the limited opportunities for Blackjack play to you, you're not thinking of turning into a degenerate Horse Better?

    Go back to poker. (poker? I hardly know her.)
  8. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    I know nothing!

    Not considering it at all, I simply don't have a clue about it. I was just curious really, since Traynor posts here regularly with these tips how much money I would make if I followed them. Does anybody follow them? If so how successful have you been?

    I am learning how to play craps though...


  9. noman

    noman Top Member

    Sir Reachy!

    Craps! You haven't invested in the Wong secret holding, throwing technique, have you? Craps still is a better percentage house cutter than BJ, especially in the new BJ age. Just no hard ways. Hear! And if you get good enough to play a craps tourney, give me your strategy for that.

    And.......I've hesitated, but since you broke the ice on this subject, I can no longer hold back. With no disrespect to Traynor, I've wondered for a long, long time, why his posts are allowed, even in "Free for All," when we've all been admonished forever that this is particularly a BJ TOURNAMENT site.

    You know, no politics, no movies, no crud, no criticism of icons. Just a FREE(part of the freedom word, see another post) exchange of ideas.
  10. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Did you colaberate with RKuzcek for this post? :laugh:

    Now if you ever get a positive correlation for a horese named "Blackjack" would you go "all in?" :joker:
  11. traynor

    traynor New Member

    I play blackjack professionally. I am part of an enterprise that creates some of the slickest multimedia blackjack tutorials ever made for private distribution. The tutorials on based on state-of-the-art learning theory, not video games.

    I spend at least one weekend a month in either Vegas or AC, with an occasional slumming trip to London to play there.

    Of the dozen or so "members" of the group I am associated with, more than half are full-time professional counters. The rest are mixed (some say confused) and divide their time between poker and blackjack.

    Like every other member of the group, and like nearly every one of the real professionals I have encountered along the way, either playing poker or playing blackjack, they ALL bet on horse races. Most consider, given the laziness and stupidity of the average bettor, that horse race wagering is as close to free money as it is possible to get.

    If you are a professional, you already know all this. If you are an amateur, a wannabe, or a "blackjack scholar" who may or may not actually ever bet a significant amount in their lifetime, you probably think that information on other ways of earning an income from wagering is somehow corrupting or a digression.

    In reality, it is precisely the gambling equivalent of portfolio diversification (another field in which we are all involved, enthusiastically and successfully).
    It smooths out the highs and lows. All that "pure blackjack, unsullied by the thought of any other activity" mindset is about as far from the way real professionals think as anything I have ever heard.

    I post selections on this forum occasionally for one purpose only; as an advantage to those who may want to capitalize on the opportunity to make some easy money if they are close to a race book or OTB. Nothing else.

    The solution, of course, is simply to stop posting selections. I have no problem with that whatsoever.
    Good Luck
  12. Reachy

    Reachy New Member

    Wrong way

    Please don't misinterpret my posts, I was genuinely interested in your outcomes and to find out more about your approach. I guess I should visit your website. Horse racing fascinates me, as does the dogs, but I know so little about it that I would never wager. Unless I could figure out an edge that is...

    I have no problem personally with you posting here (not that it is anything to do with me anyway :) ) so keep it up, other maybe benefiting and I'd hate to take that away from them.



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