Dealer tokes

Discussion in 'Blackjack Events (USA)' started by maxwell, Aug 10, 2009.

  1. maxwell

    maxwell Member

    We have not talked about dealer tokes for final table winners.
    What is the proper dealer toke for final table winners (small or large tournaments)
    I am a little confused on what is proper in this area.
    Should this be a flat toke or a percentage and if a percentage how much?:confused::confused:
  2. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

  3. maxwell

    maxwell Member


    What do you all think about this forumla
    example only

    total win 100000
    minus probable taxes 30%
    5% toke of net

    taxes - 30000.00
    total 70000.00
    5% toke 3500.00

    I think this is fair but maybe that is too much but ok with me on 100k win

    Need feedback

    thanks ken for looking in the archives

    i toked 500.00 with the 15k win i just did not know what to do
  4. acemachine

    acemachine New Member

    I have used the 2-3% rule on large events, >$20,000.
    Example 1) In 2 Stardust $100,000 events I took $2000
    out of my wallet and also left the cashable table chips. I forgot
    the table chip amounts but one was about $1300, the other was about $900.
    I agree with K.S. on the smaller events generally $400-500 on $10,000,
    also up to 10% on weekly events paying 1-$2,000. I saw the same dealers
    week after week, so I thought the higher % was justified.

    If I'm in an invite only event, I tend to shade the tips upward and spread
    them around (i.e. , not just the dealers).
  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Lots of factors

    I usually tip but there are several things that determine how much. It might be nothing if the final table dealer is a jerk.
    I think the norm is for all tournament dealers to share in the "pooled" tip total (final table dealer may get a higher percentage).
    Residency is even a consideration because if you live in a state like I do your NET win is less than several other states because of tax liabilities.
    Therefore, all tips should be based on net profit. After that it all comes down to your personal feelings about gratuities.
    First event I won (20k) I gave $1300 which in hindsight was a little exorbitant. Now go from 0 to 5% depending on the variables.

    Billy C
  6. Fredguy

    Fredguy New Member

    Whenever I make a final table (which by the way isn't that often) I slip the dealer a black chip before the table is played.

    $100.00 for a 1/2 hours work ain't bad. I don't feel obligated to toke anymore after that.
  7. ee4life66

    ee4life66 Member

    Gratuity Opinion

    I am no expert on this one but I am very opinionated today.
    If there is a dealer drop from the buy-in then depending on the service
    0 to 10% on a win of $1K or less
    2.5% to 7.5% on a win of $1K to $10K
    If there is no dealer drop from the buy-in then
    5 to 10% on a win of $1K or less
    2.5% to 7.5% on a win of $1K to $10K
    I have not had to worry about a win greater than $10K but I figure 2.5% to 5%.
    If the first place is an object like a Hawg or a Mustang the dealer needs to hope I did well at the cash table. The other thing is if I cannot tip with promo chips then they don’t count towards the gratuity.

    I want to stress that since this is a service industry, so to receive a gratuity I would like to see good service not just a win.

  8. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Maxwell, you've got a pretty decent handle on it, plus there's some good advice
    from guys who've been doing this for centuries... oops, I meant for decades.

    Just about the only place I've never tipped BJT dealers is St. Ignace.
    Of course, I might if I ever won a freakin' dime there! :D

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