Deb on the Radio - Veteran's Day

Discussion in 'Sidewalk Cafe' started by LeftNut, Nov 11, 2009.

  1. LeftNut

    LeftNut Top Member

    Oh My God! This is just too cool.... A local radio station (W4 Country) invited Deb into their studio this morning to talk about her Navy son Matthew. She mentioned how she usually goes to California to visit him and cook an entire Turkey Day feast for him and all of his Navy brethren who cannot go home for the holiday. This year we can't afford it, Matt had to choose between Mom being there for Christmas or for Thanksgiving. He chose Christmas. When they heard that, they gave her $200 in Meijer's gift cards to buy supplies, AND a round-trip airline ticket to L.A. so that she could go make dinner for the Navy men and women! I was in tears listening to the whole thing happen, because I know how heartbroken she was about not being able to continue her tradition of cooking for the Navy men and women who can't go home or simply have no family. She called me after she left the station, so broken up and emotional that she could barely speak.

    One thing is certain - she will be going with a positively enormous batch of my infamous chocolate chip cookies.
    Matt says that his friends just love those and it's the least I can do to help.

    P.S. Please don't post anything on Facebook (or similar) about this. Matt will see it and she wants to call him on the phone to give him the news first. He never checks this site so that doesn't worry us.

    Happy Veteran's Day, everyone! :)
  2. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member

    Very proud of her!

    What Deb does for the military is extremely commendable. Another sign of the good person she is!

    Billy C
  3. angelrun5

    angelrun5 Member

    I just want everyone to know that I don't do this for recognition, I do it for the Navy friends of Matt's.
    noman likes this.
  4. TXtourplayer

    TXtourplayer Executive Member


    Very cool!
  5. Billy C

    Billy C Top Member


    That's even more commendable.
    Although I don't come in contact with many of our military people, I try to make it a point to thank the few that I see. They deserve at least that from ALL of us!
    My Dad (who passed away at 91 in May) was in the Battle of the Bulge (tank driver with Patton) and never got his deserved thanks because of his modesty and that most folks didn't know about it. I'm convinced that he encountered worse things there than even the immediate family knew.
    For this reason and the fact that the military puts their lives on the line for us and our liberty, I will always have a place in my heart for them.

    Billy C
    Last edited: Nov 11, 2009
  6. MrPill

    MrPill Active Member

    Way To Go!

    Way to go Deb! Glad it's working out for you this year and the guys (& gals) will be getting your visit.

    I was surprised today when we went to lunch at Applebee's. When our group (from work) enter they greeted us with, "any Veteran's in the group? Turns out that they give a free meal to Veteran's today, on Veteran's Day, of which I am.

    Thanks to all those that have served this great country!
  7. Monkeysystem

    Monkeysystem Top Member Staff Member

    WTG Angelrun!

    Yay, Angel and Lefty for doing great things for our troops!

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