Democrats win control of House

Discussion in 'News & Announcements' started by Hollywood, Nov 7, 2006.

  1. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    Even down here in St Maarten, the news is in:

    CNN just predicted that Democrats have officially captured the 15+ seats needed to win back control of the House of Representatives.

    In the Senate race, they still need 3+ of the remaining 7 contested seats, a distinct possibility.

    Looks like payback's a bitch after all... ;)

  2. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member


    Now is the time for all Americans to watch their pocketbook. Payback? Ya, we'll be doing the "payback".
  3. Hollywood

    Hollywood New Member

    oh, please. the stereotype of a tax-and-spend Democrat is pretty dated, especially when the only alternative is the countless and rampant abuses of power we've been subjected to over the last few years. if raising an archaic minimum wage and lowering education and medicare costs is considered 'spending' then maybe you need to re-evaluate your values. Plus we don't get any of that pesky 'legislate morality' fascism we've all been struggling with in the gambling world the past month or so.

    i'll take it.

  4. toolman1

    toolman1 Active Member

    Sometime the truth hurts

    But true, oh so true.
  5. KenSmith

    KenSmith Administrator Staff Member

    I think the real truth these days is we get to choose between:
    • The "tax-and-spend" Democrats
    • The "cut taxes-and-spend even more" Republicans
    Either way, we'll have to pay the piper eventually.
  6. Barney Stone

    Barney Stone New Member

    The interesting thing is G Dubya has increased taxes. He lowered the tax rate which in turn raised tax revenue. We have just finished a quarter where tax income, for US government, was an all time record. The spending problem is not only pork barrel, but much of it is necessary to rebuild military after Bush 1 and Clinton decimated the hard structure. The cure for the debt problem is a balanced budget, possibly John McCain will be the one hardline enough to bring a balanced budget amendment. As it stands now for the next two years the top level government will be gridlocked. The takeover by dems was on nothing more than disdain for the failure in Iraq not only the problems with backing forces from Iran and Syria but no WMD. The dems ran on no platform but using G Dubya in the adds. Min wage increase and college tuition is just golden carrot bs to bring very low income voters. Taxes will not increase over the next two years. Any tax increase will be vetoed. Read his daddys lips, NO NEW TAXES. Its true this time. At the rate of tax income we are seeing now it will be interesting to see how much the debt gets cut into. At this time wages have increased at a rat near 2% above inflation which is very good. With the unemployment rate near full employment the job market could experience a wage rally. Which in turn will force the fed to raise rates. and so on...
  7. Count de McArds

    Count de McArds New Member

    Well articulated and presented

    Well articulated and presented.

    The Count
  8. fgk42

    fgk42 New Member

    Oversimplified View

    There is no reason for the Fed to raise rates Barney. Look at the TIC data - foreign investment still oils the wheels of Consumerism. There is soooooo much more but suffice it to say this: THE SKY IS NOT FALLING (at least not yet)
  9. noman

    noman Top Member

    K-41 and one half:

    I'm going to do what I'm accused of most often and ignore most of your post except for the point about:

    "Presidents don't initiate legislation"

    Scuse me, but Strong Presidents and Strong Leaders DO initiate legislation and have their conduits in the congress introduce it to the pipeline and massage it through to passage.
  10. instagator

    instagator New Member

    Texans Miss Their Chance

    Finally there emerged a political candidate who put together a platform based on true political reform, and delivering government back to the people, but the voters in Texas dropped the ball when it came to electing Kinky Governor. How can you not vote for a guy with the almost politically correct campaign song, "They're Not Making Jews Like Jesus Anymore"? He also conducted medical research proving that you CAN contract Aids from toilet seats, "If you sit down before the other guy gets up".

    Dave's political prowess was impressive, I am emptying the pool and building a bomb shelter. It won't be long until were importing mushroom clouds courtesy of the demented, perverted midget from North Korea, once the Dems' foreign policy of negotiating peace with the terrorists is adopted. Now the slate is set for the Dems in '08: Hillary and Pelosi ( Bill asked if he could watch).
    The Republicans' timing was uncanny. Bush fires Rumsfield AFTER the elections. Had it happened a month earlier it might have saved a lot of Republicans' jobs. Why wasn't George talking to Jim Baker three years ago?

    Congrats to Dave on his win at St. Kitts and a nice job of reporting by JoeP.
    I'm really enjoying playing the UBT freebies on line since I can't afford to play the real ones.

    And now its time for some serious drinkin' cause good god almighty - hurricane season is over!

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